60 Minutes


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: 60 Minutes

The worn-out addage, "I support the troops, but not the war", is as old as warfare itself, I'm sure. But it sickens me nonetheless,every time someone states it in it's miriad of syntax.<br /> Such oximorons are truely the propaganda of morons , and I'll speak-out every time I see it, and expose it for the BarbaraStriesand it is.
Good on you, 12footer. If there was ever a case of liberal symbolism over substance, this one takes the cake. An oxymoron to the max.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: 60 Minutes

Ok, so now I am curious. What constitutes a victory in this war with Iraq?
Lets see if we lemmings can put it into perspective. The removal of Sadam, his sons, and the power structure that made capital punishment for misdemeanors the rule and not the exception would be a good start. How about the installation of more schools and hospitals than prior to the war. How about reallocation of the countries natural resourses to the people for the benefit of all of them. How about scareing the crap out of Libia so they surrender without a fight. How about exposing a corrupt UN, and identifying France for the two faced, self serving, pathetic little bast@rds that they have been since the end of WWII. How about keeping the terrorist threat on the doorstep of every civilized country and creating policies to defeat them. How about being a role model for the world unlike the liberals in Spain that folded their tent and caved into fear. How about the fact that as long as we are in their back yard kicking a$$, they have a harder time mustering resourses and attacking us here at home. How about the elimination of a despot who killed more people than Hitler. How about the fact that a freely elected government will be established in short order. How about the elimination of the torture chambers, How about the total defeat of the third largest standing army in the world in just over a month.<br /><br />Why is it ok to serve up American soldiers in the name of the UN, but not when our President identifies what was a clear and present danger?<br /><br />I smell victory and victory has been achieved on many fronts and in many ways. If you choose not to see it then who is really the lemming?


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: 60 Minutes

Originally posted by POINTER94:<br />
Ok, so now I am curious. What constitutes a victory in this war with Iraq?
Lets see if we lemmings can put it into perspective. The removal of Sadam, his sons, and the power structure that made capital punishment for misdemeanors the rule and not the exception would be a good start. How about the installation of more schools and hospitals than prior to the war. How about reallocation of the countries natural resourses to the people for the benefit of all of them. How about scareing the crap out of Libia so they surrender without a fight. How about exposing a corrupt UN, and identifying France for the two faced, self serving, pathetic little bast@rds that they have been since the end of WWII. How about keeping the terrorist threat on the doorstep of every civilized country and creating policies to defeat them. How about being a role model for the world unlike the liberals in Spain that folded their tent and caved into fear. How about the fact that as long as we are in their back yard kicking a$$, they have a harder time mustering resourses and attacking us here at home. How about the elimination of a despot who killed more people than Hitler. How about the fact that a freely elected government will be established in short order. How about the elimination of the torture chambers, How about the total defeat of the third largest standing army in the world in just over a month.<br /><br />Why is it ok to serve up American soldiers in the name of the UN, but not when our President identifies what was a clear and present danger?<br /><br />I smell victory and victory has been achieved on many fronts and in many ways. If you choose not to see it then who is really the lemming?
2 things wrong with the above. First, Saddam didn't kill more people than Hitler. I've tried to find proof of him killing more than hitler, but it's just not there. Second, Iraq didn't have the third largest standing army in the world. They had the 4th largest Army up until 1990 when we invaded and blew them to hell, after we told them we wouldn't. They never fully recovered.<br /><br />Another thing that most people believe is that Saddam gassed his own people. The fact is that the Iranians gassed the Kurds.<br /><br />“The condition of the dead Kurds’ bodies, however, indicated that they had been killed with a blood agent---that is, a cyanide-based gas---which Iran was known to have. The Iraqis, who are thought to have used mustard gas in the battle, are not known to have possessed blood agents at the time.”<br /><br /> Saddam didn't do it


Apr 21, 2004
Re: 60 Minutes

What happened with the Kurds, and who did it, at this point in time is irrelevant. It happened over a decade ago.<br /><br />No one to my knowledge argues that it was not a good thing to get rid of Saddam. the problem comes when you try to figure out how to replace him, and how to stabilize the region.<br /><br />Which of course is what Zinni was saying, in that we did not have the force in place to secure the country in the vacuum when Saddam was pushed out. We did not have the force to secure the borders, and we still don't. We did not have the force to secure all the various weapons caches, and we still don't. We don't have the force to even secure the new government, as evidenced by the multiple recent assassinations.<br /><br />And we obviously do not have the force to secure the contractors to rebuild the country.<br /><br />And we trashed the UN as irrelevant going into this thing, and now we are trying to gain their help and support--even as many continue to trash them as irrelevant.<br /><br />As I said long before we got into this war, we are taking a baseball bat to a hornet's nest, and we cannot act surprised now that we are getting stung.<br /><br />And I have, as I have repeatedly said, no answer to where we go from here. This is not something we are going to accomplish with military might alone.<br /><br />My guess, however, is that getting the press to only report the good news is not going to do it, I am afraid, nor is blaming the French for our troubles.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: 60 Minutes

Will the real lemmings please stand up! If 911 wasn't enough to make everyone see that we were running toward the cliff, then what act against us will? It is black and white. In this situation you either think it is time to stand your ground or continue running to the cliffs. The sides that have been drawn are the same as when we all started posting on the subject, regardless of the developments since 911. Could it be that we are all choosing our sides by our own individual reaction to fight or flight? This is a time when we need to retain our morale because cohesive intent and determination gives us the power we need to win the fight. I dont think the enemy has a snowballs chance to defeat us, but we do have to fight them now or later. Lets defeat them now instead of letting them continue to build like they did unabated at the time leading up to 911. Are we going to make mistakes that cost lives? Will some plans end in failure? Answer is yes by definition. We gotta look at the big picture, and before a flurry of response, yes we are all trying to look at the big picture, and our own fear is an obstacle that we all, regardless of our politics, must consider.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 8, 2003
Re: 60 Minutes

Wow! <br />This thread has gotten larger than I had anticipated. <br /><br />Anyway, 60 minutes used to be my favorite TV program, but lately I can't help but notice an obvious political bias in their reporting. Last week I heard that Dan Rather commented on the ceremonies related to the death of President Reagan. He said that it was "overdone" indicating he felt that too much attention was being paid to the late ex-president. About the same time, CBS indicated that on 6/20, they would devote the entire 60 minutes program to Bill Clinton's yet to be released autobiography. <br /><br />There is no doubt in my mind that Ronald Reagan has left a positive legacy for this nation that cannot help but bode well for the Republicans in the next election. Could Bill Clinton's autobiography really be worth a full 60 minutes of coverage, or could it be that 60 minutes is trying to create the impression of a democratic legacy where none exists? <br /><br />I guess we'll have to watch and see.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 60 Minutes

It's the nature of the beast, Joe, and is why this thread will not die. You opened a can of worms with two opposing ideologies. On one battle-line, you have those who believe what they are being spoon-fed by thier master of puppets, the TV ---along with a long-established liberal press.<br />On the other side, there are those who have been fooled way too many times to be sucked-into the vortex of BS, as it is dished-out by Dan Blather.<br /> PW asked for an example of the media lying to us lemmings. The only question is , am I amoung them, or is he?<br />Speaking of syntax, I need to be more carefull. I opened another sore wound from my era, in stating the the media lies. They followed the hippies closely back then!<br />The media does and at the same time, does not lie, PW. For example, durring the viewing at the Rotunda, a reporter interviewed some of the people in the long line,who had been waiting since the night before. Number eight in the line was a gentleman who later, (cell call, still standing in this long line) called-into a popular talk show (not Rush, but on the same network), and said he was interviwed, and not asked about his reasons for being in the line so early, or what he thought of the late president, rather this, amoung other irrelevant tribble chow; "So, what are you views of Iran/Contra?"<br />in less words, Plywoody, it's not lies...It's pure deceit! You ask for expamples, and yet you believe the deceit. So what would be the point?<br />Now, that is what I call a "lemming"! As for me, I'll sometimes just change the channel,and watch Green Acres or something. The liberals are not the only ones who slant thier "reporting". Fox, for instance, has found a niche' (sorry about the french word there), in spoon-feeding the rest of us, who have grown weary of the deceit long-ago, and just seek an unbiased report of the day's events --- only to have to endure the commentary from one talking head after another!<br />Lemmings? I aint buying it, and I don't think many literate people are. The left's only hope is in the uneducated masses. And don't turn your backs, because they have been sucessfully "dumbing-down" the last three generations of Amercians,using the public schools,TV,radio,internet,newpapers and any place else they can hold the masses captive.<br />Lemmings indeed. 60 minutes, O'Riely Factor,O'Franken factor, and Mrs Cranston's 5th grade class have really taken thier toll on "informed opinions". <br />We (me included) will find out if it is too late for America in November. In the meantime, read. read everything! Change the channel! And don't take my (or PW's) word as gospel.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: 60 Minutes

I heard some comment during the recent DDay anniversary about a study of the press reports during that time. We are all pretty much one mind with regard to the correctness of that action now, but they were saying the same kinds of press disapprovals and negativism were occurring at that time too.<br />Update: I found a posting of a Life Magazine article post DDay on the Rush Limbaugh site. I didn't hear about it from him, but , he did post the article. <br /> http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/eibessential2/life.guest.html <br /><br />a better post of the article here:<br /> http://www.kultursmog.com/Life-Page01.htm


Mar 7, 2002
Re: 60 Minutes

What constitutes a victory in this war with Iraq?
In the case of Alsadr and his militia, a victory is a complete and certain death. Or a complete and certain surrender. All on our terms, guidelines and timeline.<br /><br />A victory in Iraq is when the mission we were prompted to go there has been accomplished. <br /><br /><br />
And the only time it was ever "black and white" was just after Bush landed on the aircraft carrier under the mission accomplished banner. It has always been gray. That fact was not very well recognized, I am afraid, nor planned for, by the civilian leadership in the military, or the administration.
Major, major disagreement here.<br />The President, Powell, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest of the entire administration. Testified to the UN several times. They held several news conferences. Almost daily they looked the citizens in the eye and sold this action in Iraq to the people.<br />It consisted of regime change, which was a weak reason for national security. The meat of the arguement, which strongly involved national security was the WMD's.<br /> "We have strong, reliable and convincing evidence that Saddam has mobile bio/chem weapons labs."<br /> "We have strong, reliable and convincing evidence that Saddam has been buying weapons grade aluminum tubes, plutonium and is months away from developing nuculear weapons."<br /> This is black and white language.<br /><br />That language is a far cry from one or two 30 year old mortar shells that we sold him in the first place. <br /><br />
And what has the press reported in error?
Ply, that's surely selective denial. The media is clearly involved in its own agenda.<br />Truth involves not only what you say, but also what you choose not to say. The media chooses to accentuate the negative and chooses to ignore the positive.<br />Spec.5 Gilpen, my future son-in-law's brother. His was the first CEV (Combat Engineer Vehicle) to breach the burm at the Kuwait/Iraqi border on the first night of the invasion. He spent 8 months "in country" all the way to Bagdhad airport and beyond, said to me.<br />"Never have I been as scared, the entire time I was in Iraq, as when I came back and listened to and read the news. The media has blown all aspects of this war out of context and purpose. The media is more dangerous then Saddam and is no supporter of the troops."<br /><br />Anyway Ply, I embrace my individualism to proudly to run with the Lemming crowd. <br />I still see myself as a Shark, leaving scraps for my Ramoras. :)


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 60 Minutes

Thanks, Skinny..Sometimes i can't express my opinions as short and sweet as you express yours,but you seemed to have nailed it, and expresed mine in the same post!<br />I especially like the quote in your signature.<br />As a MOF, it would appear that there are so many of us "lemmmings" out here, that the media must be loosing thier grip on the "great unwashed"...Speakin of that, I best head for the shower, and get ready for werk.<br />Have a great day (You too, PW).


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: 60 Minutes

12'er and the rest of you, you all are wasting your time.<br />They refuse to remove the blinders and see it for what it really is.<br />I'm done with this one.


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: 60 Minutes

not going to get into a full debate on this subject<br />for the umpteenth time, but I would like to add that<br />we are MAKING history in the region. this country<br />has never before faced a threat from people who<br />did not have an actual country and an army that <br />didn't wear uniforms... this is completely new ground<br />for all of us and we kinda have to learn on the run IMO.


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: 60 Minutes

for all the "Saddam was connected to Al Qaeda" people on here, go read the bottom part of the attached story. According to the commission, there never were any real ties between Saddam and Al Qaeda. They did have a meeting or 2, but nothing ever evolved from it. OBL even sponsored anti-Saddam islamists at one time because he didn't like his secular regime.<br /><br /> 9/11 Commission <br /><br />Also, here is another article that I thought was pretty interesting. Seems the Bush Admin has something to hide. I wonder how all the major media outlets have missed this.<br /><br /> Whistleblower being silenced


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 60 Minutes

Only one minor problem with the report...It was from the "9/11 commission". This fine organization is brought to you by the same ones who sponsor the same program worldwide, and the same ones blowing-up cival utility crews in Iraq.<br />Of course, I'm talking aboput Alqueda.<br />The commish may not want to admit that, but those who have been "inbedded" with our forces, allong with the Al Jizeeeeeeera reporters, and freelance, have shown us all the full buss loads of militants UNLOADING in the war-torn country, who's stated goals are to (and I qoute the sign-carrying mutant translated by CNN), "kill as many Americans as possible, and to destroy the infrastucture faster than coalition and civilians utility crews can restore it".<br />I could care less of thier "homeland", because #1, they aint home. #2, Because they are allied with my enemy.<br />Finally,in closing, WMD, Alqueda/Iraq connection and movements ememy operational intel, is not the duties of the "{9/11 commysion", but the duties of our military, who aint talkin. The only intel they have to base thier "findings" on is that which our intel ALLOWS them, and that which Al ****zzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeera force-feeds them.<br />I guess you can belive this "getbush commission" if you want, but as for me, I'll withold judgement until such matters can be declassified.<br />I may never know the full extent of thier actual involvemnet, but such knowlege surely wont come from these clowns on parade.


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: 60 Minutes

Are you suggesting the commission is out to smear bush? What makes you think that? Can you give me an example or is it because they reached a different conclusion than our all knowing, talks to god president? Thats a pretty weak arguement. And just so you know, alot of classified material was used in forming the report. Thats why the government has already had about 1/3 of the report removed from public viewing, as not to breach intelligence sources. The commission interviewed anyone and everyone that was in the know, from 2 presidencies, but they rely on Al Jazeera for info, yeah right.<br /><br />I won't argue that bus loads of insurgents wanna kill us, but what does that have to do with Saddam not having ties to Al Qaeda? Absolutely nothing. The commission was formed to find the truth, and thats what they're finding.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 60 Minutes

Originally posted by mrbscott19:<br /> Are you suggesting the commission is out to smear bush? What makes you think that?
More like impeach Bush. if they can only find a weakness, and exploit it somehow!<br />If you were to read the entire 12th and final addition report instead of one sentence taken totally out of context, you'd know why....if you can find it. It would seem all media is disecting it,and regurgitating the bytes that promote thier ends, regardless of what ends they may be!<br /><br />
Originally posted by mrbscott19:<br /> <br />Can you give me an example or is it because they reached a different conclusion than our all knowing, talks to god president?
Again, had you read the report, you'd know that there IS no different conclusion reached.
Originally posted by mrbscott19:<br /> Thats a pretty weak arguement. And just so you know, alot of classified material was used in forming the report. Thats why the government has already had about 1/3 of the report removed from public viewing, as not to breach intelligence sources. The commission interviewed anyone and everyone that was in the know, from 2 presidencies, but they rely on Al Jazeera for info, yeah right.<br /><br />I won't argue that bus loads of insurgents wanna kill us, but what does that have to do with Saddam not having ties to Al Qaeda? Absolutely nothing. The commission was formed to find the truth, and thats what they're finding.
But then, what's new about that? Alqueda attacks, blame Bush.. Abu Grieb abuses--blame Bush. adnuaseum! And BTW, it's "God", not 'god'.<br /><br />I cannot help it being a weak argument. It's a totaly lame and thinly-vieled attempt at attacking the American administration using our own intel as well as global sources to do so!<br />Sad.Really shameless. You claim "this commission was formed to find the truth", when those of us over the age of three LIVED this truth! I for one, know without a doubt that a group of muslim baboons calling themselves "Alqueda", commandeered our civilian aircraft loaded with innocent souls from around the world, and used them as weapons against my country, and now America is at war with these pukes. END OF STORY.<br />And I could care less what angered them to the level they thought it nesecarry to do so! It's not human. <br />You seem to believe the President was supposed to stop it?!<br />VERY Weak.<br /><br />You expected a commission which conducted itself like a flock of migratory birds following one or two leaders, all in formation, to go in one direction----tear-down Bush at any cost, and call it "fact-finding....Only to take the one sentence the media is reporting like another Abu Grieb today, as thier montra.<br />Not all of us are that gulable. Read it. Try this---Plug "9/11+commission+fianl+report" into yer favorite search engine, and read-up. But try to avoid the traps set by allmost EVERY source, regardless of the 'political bend' of the site.<br />Take what you will from them. I have, and will no longer debate my beliefs in my country's leadership regarding these attacks by my ememy, in this "60minutes" thread. It begins to drift-off the original subject when we drag canidates into the frey.<br />I think I'll read some more, on how you guys plan to tear-down our own government. Alqueda appauds your efforts! I don't, and wont be part of it.


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: 60 Minutes

I cannot help it being a weak argument. It's a totaly lame and thinly-vieled attempt at attacking the American administration using our own intel as well as global sources to do so!<br />Sad.Really shameless. You claim "this commission was formed to find the truth", when those of us over the age of three LIVED this truth! I for one, know without a doubt that a group of muslim baboons calling themselves "Alqueda", commandeered our civilian aircraft loaded with innocent souls from around the world, and used them as weapons against my country, and now America is at war with these pukes. END OF STORY.<br />And I could care less what angered them to the level they thought it nesecarry to do so! It's not human. <br />You seem to believe the President was supposed to stop it?!<br />VERY Weak.
You make it sound like we went to Iraq to fight Al Qaeda. That is wrong. We are fighting Iraqi's, and now that Saddam is gone, Al Qaeda AND Iraqi's. Iraqi's are not terrorists, they did not have anything to do with those "muslim baboons" that flew the planes into the two towers. But since we're there, we must be there for terrorism, since thats what the Pres. says. :rolleyes: Although almost every other country saw that Iraq was not terrorist related and did not help.<br /><br />And since you don't believe a word the commission says, even though they got their info from everyone involved, and nobody has stuck their neck out to say that they're wrong, is there anyone you believe when it comes to 9/11 besides the Persident?


Aug 16, 2002
Re: 60 Minutes

Can anyone name the country that the majority of Al Qaeda's financial paper trail leads back to?<br /><br />Would you support action against them?


Mar 7, 2002
Re: 60 Minutes

The commission was formed to find the truth, and thats what they're finding.
:D Yeah, and the fox is in the hen house to get out of the weather.<br /><br />The commission consists of politicians and was formed by politicians for political purposes.<br />If truth, fairness, sincerity or genuine positive results are the goal, the LAST person you want is a politician. <br /><br />Sitting on the commission are partys that are partly to blame for some of the problems leading up to 9/11. <br /><br />You are proving blinders are standard equipment.