Discovered a fuel leak here when I filled it and tipped boat back. Think this might affect fuel delivery?
No this leak will allow water to get to the gas.
3 plugs two look normal the shiny one, check for fire/spark.
A clean plug usually means it not firing.
91 octane no need to spend the extra cash.
In the long run 91 can actually damage your motor, it's designed for 87 octane. Look on Google and find the test results for 87 and 91 and what the difference is??
You do the compression and now a spark check?
Is the snout on the lower unit????
Reeds: any fuel coming from the front of the carb as it runs?? Some fuel will be normal, a little is OK a lot no. Reeds will not affect the compression
You do the starting fluid test?
I watched the video, there's nothing wrong with the fuel your burning.
A couple of things stop it from revving up: low comp on a cylinder, no spark on a cylinder, sucking air(do the starting fluid test), timing off(take a movie of the procedures used in setting the timing???) Flywheel key off a little.
Piece of paper, make a list of the suggestions from the last 15 posts and as you complete them mark it done.
One more time is the snout on the drive?? If not the exhaust is blowing straight into the prop and it's getting bubbles and not hard water.
One last thing pics of the prop including inside the hub.