1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Hi Everyone,
I'm new to the forum and have been going over the plethora of information on this site. I am going to be starting a rebuild of my dad's severely neglected Lund Tyee 5.3. Last I saw it, I know it is in dire need of new floors and consoles. I figure I'll have to check the transom. And the trailer probably needs new tires and an axle. So I plan to strip it down to almost nothing and rebuild it, and customize it to my liking.
So here's my plan for the floor. I was thinking of 1/2" plywood as looking at a previous thread it seems there is plenty of support in the Tyee. The brand I had in mind was the Arauco 1/2" Premium ACX Plywood from Menards.
I would then cover both sides with 635 Thin Epoxy Resin System with the Medium Epoxy Hardener.
On top of that I would prime it with Cabela's Ultra Tuff Primer.
On top of the primer I would roll on Cabela's Tuff Coat Non-Skid coating.

For the consoles, I plan to rebuild them out of 1/2" plywood and fiberglass the entire console with a gray gel-coat. Keep in mind I have never fiberglassed ANYTHING in my life so I'm hoping you guys can give me some friendly advice. I would also like to make the passenger console removable, as my dad likes dual consoles, I like a side console. So if anybody has some grand ideas on how to safely lock it into place and yet make it easy enough to remove, your advice would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

Ayuh,.... Welcome Aboard,.... Let's see some pictures of the boat....


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

The boat is currently stored about 1.5 hours from my place. When I get down there I'll snap some pics and post the sad condition of the once mighty Tyee.


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

I'll be looking forward to it. Just do not see enough Lund projects on here.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

I got down to the farm to take pictures and she needs some work! A lot of elbow grease in my future.

In two weeks I'm going to start ripping it apart, starting from the bow and working my way back to the stern.

All the wood is rotten and the sides of the consoles don't even feel like there's anything there except vinyl. I think the wood got so rotten it vaporized! So basically every inch of wood needs to be replaced. The transom I don't know about yet. I jumped on the motor and it seems to be fine, I'll drill into it to see what the wood is like.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

She's looking pretty haggard right now... but with enough time and hard work you can make her a Playboy centerfold again!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

She's looking pretty haggard right now... but with enough time and hard work you can make her a Playboy centerfold again!

I'm hoping to get her to the point of a Lane Bryant model, not sure Playboy is within my skill set :D

Notice the light colored flooring? That's rotten plywood on top of rotten plywood :facepalm:

I'm thinking of creating jump seats in the back with a pedestal / storage compartment in between them, and have the seats fold down to create a small casting deck in the back. That always frustrated me as I'm a lefty and casting from the back always caused me to hook the windshield when I did side-arm casts. I would like to marry these two concepts (see pics below).


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

Your set up looks great!
Having that little bit of raised deck space is more important to me than the seating. I think I can use the jumper style approach by disassembling a standard boat seat, bolting the seat back to the plywood and get some cabinet style hinges and mount the plywood/seat back to the casting deck. Then put stoppers to keep the seat from squashing against the seat butt when it's being stepped on. I guess it's a little hard to explain in words, I'll have to work on a diagram. But from the condition of the boat, that's the last of my worries :eek:

When it comes to demolition mode, what end would you suggest starting at? Or doesn't it matter? My thought process is:
1. Start tearing down the floor from the bow and work my way back
2. Tear out wood and carpeting from the sides
3. Use torn out wood as a template to cut new pieces
4. Sand edges and face of new wood
5. Drill holes for screws
6. Epoxy new wood (not sure if the Cabelas primer for the Tuff coat is adequate for sealing the wood or not?)
7. Put two coats of Tuff coat on to equal 30 mil thickness.
8. Reinstall floor.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

What you describe is exactly what I wanted to do. Most of the available folding seats though were much thicker than the flip seats you see on OEM boats. I'd love to see you successfully do it. Your process sounds great although you may have to deal with some soaked flotation foam somewhere along there.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

EZ - I read through your entire 76 Starcraft build thread...on my phone. What a process! But you did a bang up professional job. I like the hinges that you used, those should work out alright for the casting deck and the battery compartment.

Question for you, given the horrible condition of the floor, what do you think the chances are of a rotten transom? If I have to remove it, how do you go about it?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 26, 2009
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

The consensus here on iboats is if you are doing a full restore its not too much more effort to replace the transom, that way for future sake u have nothing to worry about. If the floatation foam and floor is soft its pretty much guaranteed that the transom has some rot to it. There are MANY MANY threads on transom replacement; Most are for Starcrafts but my Sea Nymph and your Lund have basically same hull design. Just do a search and u'll find plenty. Ill be following!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

well the nice thing about a tinnie is that the floor and transom aren't really related so they're completely separate projects. On a Starcraft it's a really easy one but on some other brands, they can be encapsulated in aluminum pretty good and tough to get out. Thanks for checking out my build. I'm real happy with it an d use the heck out of it!


Jan 25, 2008
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

I'm hoping to get her to the point of a Lane Bryant model, not sure Playboy is within my skill set :D

Oh, you'll be fine with your skill set... Rip out all the soaked foam to reduce weight, then "bolt-on" some accessories..... :D Though, I wouldn't make it look to good or it could end up being a very high maintenance ;)

In the first pic, do the seats flip down to form a casting deck? Or, does the "seat board" flip over (seat would be upside-down) and then slide back to form the casting deck? That seems like a cool idea and not too hard to build. The second pic, I bet those seats would be pretty uncomfortable, thin and too upright.

If you build it, keep the weight down as much as possible. On my old boat, the sides of the furniture was 3/8 plywood with 1 1/2" redwood gussets in the corners, it was plenty strong. The lids (seat tops) were thicker, 1/2" 5 ply exterior.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

Here's some more pics of the Tyee:
http://s1071.photobucket.com/albums/u517/TyeeMcGee/1988 Tyee Restoration/

In the first pic of the jump seats, taken from the Lowe website, the whole thing flips down to make a casting deck. I don't want to use up all the regular deck space and it's kind of a PITA to flip and entire wooden console over for one person to sit down. I think by taking apart a regular seat and bolting it to the 'lid', I can then adjust the height of the bottom of the seat so the lid can fold flat. That will make the back of the seat sit a little higher but if I get a low back seat it would work out ok...in my head at least.
I plan to use 1/2" plywood, but I guess 3/8 would be lighter.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 26, 2010
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

I look forward to seeing her shine again. They start out life so pretty and shiny and then their aloud to just delapidate.... Thank goodness!! Thats when we get them for a great price... and get the privilege of restoring them put our own twist on the finished product... And aren't you just a little proud when you look at a boat you have worked over and its a thing of beauty once again.

I will watch you bring her back.....


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

I hear ya WZ. In my case this is my dad's boat and I spent a lot of my childhood in this boat. But since then I guess other things became more important than the boat. So I made a deal with him: I restore it and he makes me part owner. Since he has a cabin and a boat at Lake of the Woods, I highly doubt I'll have to share that often :)
I love seeing all the restores on this site. Total inspiration! Hopefully I can start tearing her apart this weekend.


Jan 25, 2008
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

I think by taking apart a regular seat and bolting it to the 'lid', I can then adjust the height of the bottom of the seat so the lid can fold flat. That will make the back of the seat sit a little higher but if I get a low back seat it would work out ok...in my head at least.

That sounds good to me. (I was actually thinking along those same lines, but it wasn't in the pics you had posted.) Ditch the seat hinges and just screw the seat halves to your own box with hinged lid.

I've seen people use 3/4 plywood for this type of project, the reason for my heads-up on keeping it light. 1/2 ply would be fine and easier to work with than 3/8" ply, see if you can find 5-ply exterior 1/2 plywood, it's nice wood to work with.

If you do use 3/8 ply, you have to use corner gussets to keep it strong. I ripped down redwood 2x4's into 45* corner gussets, lightweight, yet strong due to the large gluing surface. I built 5 pieces (doghouse and seats) for my old 16'er and probably shaved off 100# using the 3/8 plywood and redwood gussets


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

Based on the pics, your transom LOOKS like it would be a fairly straightforward (and similar to a Starcrafts) to swap out. Could be wrong but hopefully not.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 27, 2012
Re: 1987 Lund Tyee 5.3 Rebuilt

I'm thinking about shortening the splash well (maybe 4 inches), not sure if this is a good idea or not. For one, I don't think in 1988 Lund ever thought about Wave Wackers, so they made these giant splash wells. Second, if I shorten it, I would have more room for the casting deck. I also want to shorten the height of the top of the splash well (maybe 2 inches) so the casting deck would be flush with the top of splash well. No idea how to fabricate this though.

Here are some images:
Shorten this 4"

Shorten this 2"