I obviously didn't get as far as I planned in the last post. We had friend walleye for memorial day and I spent the remainder of the day sprawled out on the couch.
I did go down later that night and I tried something new. I'm using West system 406 silica as my filler, and I mixed up some thick PB with no chopped strands in it, only using silica. I used it on the top only because I wasn't sure on the strength of this and the top of my old transom literally wasn't even tabbed from the factory anyway. The fillets turned out much more smooth and it was much easier. With the strands, it was kind of like pulling hair out of a shower drain. They all came out as slender, hairy slabs when I went over with my filleting tool. It was actually a little difficult to do. However, with no fibers it was fantastic. I posted a picture below (along with my laminated bulkheads!)
So, is there another way to make some strong PB without using chopped strands, and what are the benefits/drawbacks?
Also, this is a gradual project and with the money flowing in and out of my bank account for other things (mortgage, etc) this is a very small project for me costwise when it's spread out over a year. That being said, I know I'm using A LOT of resin and hardener and this stuff isn't cheap, but I want to do the best job I can do and I'm ok with wasting some resin to overdo things rather than cutting corners to save money. In my opinion, with the exception of pro builders, everyone should get into the mindset of using extra resin to ensure the job is quality.