Back at it again!
following the advice from woodonglass, I am further grinding the old tabbing. I'm only using a belt sander for this. I have some deep gouges (none penetrating through the hull, or even coming close) that will need filled in with PB. I'm not going to make more. Essentially, what I'm looking for is high spots that need more attention and light spots that indicate air pockets. I'm halfway done, so tonight I'll be measuring and cutting new wood!
Unfortunately my phone doesn't like water as much as I do, and long story short my camera no longer works. I'll have to get my tablet out tonight to get some pictures, but they will be coming.
I know we've been over this before, but I still don't have a definite answer. Do I need to grind all the way down to the hull, or just until I get good, solid, smooth glass?