1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

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Bomber Goober

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 28, 2012
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

I should of pointed out that my weekend doesn't end until tomorrow. I don't wanna give to much away, but I was walking on something today and it was made of wood :D


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

I don't wanna give to much away, but I was walking on something today and it was made of wood

You built a deck in your backyard this weekend? :D Excellent, fire up the BBQ & throw some steaks on the fire. We'll be down directly.

Looking forward to seeing the update after work tomorrow ;)


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 24, 2011
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

I should of pointed out that my weekend doesn't end until tomorrow. I don't wanna give to much away, but I was walking on something today and it was made of wood :D

a tease like that and I'd be lynched for the next 34 posts. :eek:

can't wait to see what you're walking on, lol

Bomber Goober

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 28, 2012
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

Alright well I guess I'll start this update with a quick summary of the bad news. Technology and me don't get along to well, but needless to say I have had this brand new Nikon camera that my wife bought me just sitting in the box since I got back. So I decided that I would start using that for all my boat pictures instead of my phone.I "had" about 20 pictures of all the progress I have been making and just hadn't found time to put them on the computer. This morning I decided to attempt uploading them myself without the assistance of my wife on the phone to instruct me.That proved to be a huge mistake. So i pulled out the little memory card and put it into the slot of my brand new windows 8 HP (still not sure i know how to use this thing) and automatically this window popped up saying "New media found. Would you like to format?" or something to that extent. Well little did I know that "format" means erase the entire memory card. So naturally I clicked yes and then to find out that the folder where the pictures should be they are not. Lesson learned I guess.

On to boat stuff.

Approx 1 month ago:
I bonded the transom to the outer skin using PL glue and clamped with WOG clamps (looking back I wish I used PB)

Approx 3 weeks ago:
Used Pb to touch up some of the shortcomings of the PL then tabbed and skinned the transom with CSM and 1708.
Got the stringers and bulkhead bedded in PB and filleted

Approx 2 weeks ago:
up and over the stringers with 2X 1708 1 piece 7in and the other 13in.

Last week:
put down some 1708 to cover any area that hadn't yet got any on the inside just to toughen everything up. She is solid as a rock.

This Weekend:
Cut all my deck pieces and dry fitted
sealed the bottom side with CSM
Layed the deck screwed and filleted
Did one 6in tabbing all the way around and then one 10 in
still have 2 little pieces to do around the bilge but i so tired i just couldn't work up the energy to get it done.

Sorry it's a pretty boring update due to lack of pictures but I did manage to get pictures of all of todays work.
(I even lost the gag picture of me standing in the kazebo giving thumbs up) It took me like 15 mns to figue out how to work the self timer

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The little one of transom is the one my brother took on his phone, I can't seem to make it any larger


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

All in All BG...I'd say you're movin along Right Good!!!!


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 24, 2011
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

That's a right nice looking deck there Bomber! you're moving right along on this project.... keep up the great work!


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

Awesome Bomber, you've been busy alright. All that hard work that nobody will ever see it but you will know and remember how tough it was. Like has been said, 100's of hours of work and the only thing people will actually notice about your boat is that that 4 mil paint layer. Nice strong looking repairs to your lower decking and I'm sure your transom is top notch as well. Too bad about your pics, it could happen to anyone. Oh BTW, I don't much like Windows 8 either.

Bomber Goober

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 28, 2012
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

All in All BG...I'd say you're movin along Right Good!!!!

That's a right nice looking deck there Bomber! you're moving right along on this project.... keep up the great work!

Awesome Bomber, you've been busy alright. All that hard work that nobody will ever see it but you will know and remember how tough it was. Like has been said, 100's of hours of work and the only thing people will actually notice about your boat is that that 4 mil paint layer. Nice strong looking repairs to your lower decking and I'm sure your transom is top notch as well. Too bad about your pics, it could happen to anyone. Oh BTW, I don't much like Windows 8 either.

You guys are to kind. None of this would of possible without this site and all the great minds on it. It's funny to look back and realize that just a few months ago I was searching "transom and deck replacement" on google without a clue of what or how I was going to accomplish it. It's still a long road to the finish line and I'm still learning more and more with every thread I search.

Weather should be in the 70's this weekend, so I'm hoping to get the deck foamed and CSM'd this weekend. If all goes well I should have stands built and hull flipped as well. Should go rather quick on the underside prep. Just a few gouges from the PO's beachings. Once all the fairing is done on the hull I can finish smoothing out the cap. Still got some ideas running through my head about getting a larger fuel tank and moving it up under casting deck.(More to follow on that)

Questions on the foam? The way I have it figured is that I will only use just over half of the foam I have. Understanding that I have to also account for not getting the full expansion due to temps, I still don't see myself needing more than I have. Now for the actual question.

Are their any negative effects from the foam not fully expanding?
Does say "1 cu ft." of 2lb foam become denser from not fully expanding? This almost sounds silly to type but I'm not sure I understand this foam fully and just concerned about screwing this up.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

If the temps are going to be in the mid 70's you'll be pretty close to optimum temps and you shouldn't lose that much expansion. Do the work outside in the sun and start pouring at about 2 p.m and you should be fine.

Bomber Goober

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 28, 2012
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

Well I have been busy today. Yesterday after work I got the holes drilled for the foam. Today it was 70 by noon so I got right on the foaming. I have to say it went alot smoother than I thought. I was expecting to be running around like a maniac trying to work by myself, but i was able to get a good mix and get it poured without making to much of a mess. PB'd my plugs back in and after that kicked off, I got a layer of CSM down over everything. Still debating if I'm going to do another layer. I think I used about a gallon of resin to wet that all out and not looking foward to doing it again. Also most of deck is going to be covered by the cap so I'm thinking it wont be needed.

While I was waiting for the CSM layer to kick off I started building the stand so I could flip the hull. Its not pretty but it'll do. After I got her flipped and into the sun I could actually see what I was up against. It's amazing what bondo and primer spray paint can hide when your looking upside and in the shade. I took the best pictures I could but the sun was already down. I'm not sure how to go about fixing this and the inside only got one layer of 1708 and I'm not sure its enough.I would of got some roving and layed that down if I knew it was that bad. I will take better pictures tomorrow with better light. Any advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.
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Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

Sounds like your glassing is like me and my foaming, I don't want to do it again. Looks like she's strong inside but your worried about the bottom now. Since you have gone past the point of no return inside, I would get some of the 3m marine filler or similar and build it up like it was already on the bottom areas, sand, prime, paint and flip it back over.

Keep up the good work Bomber!

Bomber Goober

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 28, 2012
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

Alright, where to begin. Well after much sanding, cussing and beer I think I finally have the hull faired to my liking. It's not perfect but It's good enough that I can live with it and I don't think the fish will mind.

Put a call into US Composites today as well. 2 gallons of white and 2 gallons of neutral gel coat w/ Indigo blue pigment are soon to be on the way.

Had to break down and buy a new compressor to. My old one just didn't want to do it anymore, so I went out and got a bigger and better one. Husky 60-Gal. Stationary Electric Air Compressor-C601H at The Home Depot

Stopped by harbor freight as well. Picked up the 2qt pressure pot and some more sand paper.
I added the extra regulator at the gun (As recommended by Yacht Dr. I believe)See Picture.

Realized the gun body on my sand blaster is busted so it looks like when I go to TSC to get media I'll have to pick up a new one.
Once I get that all straightened out I can finish up the hard to get spots on the motor and hopefully get that painted as well.
The trailer will follow.

I apologize for being a light on the pictures this week. I keep forgetting to pull out the camera before it gets dark.
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Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

Wow! monster compressor and what sort of spray gun do you have there? Gel coat I hear is a tough one to master and isn't like shooting paint on. 4 gallons of it too? I take it your going to shoot the top with the blue and bottom will be white. Can't wait to see how she turns out. Did you order some re-pop decals for your motor?

Bomber Goober

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 28, 2012
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

Wow! monster compressor and what sort of spray gun do you have there? Gel coat I hear is a tough one to master and isn't like shooting paint on. 4 gallons of it too? I take it your going to shoot the top with the blue and bottom will be white. Can't wait to see how she turns out. Did you order some re-pop decals for your motor?

Yea that compressor is a monster:D I love it so far though. fills up in about 7 minutes. I will have use for it for quite some time and the price isn't bad either, not to mention 10% off.

Its a 2qt pressure pot from HF. Professional Spray Gun Kit Yacht Dr. recommends it for spraying gel coat. His info has been my guiding light as how to tackle this respray, I know its not gonna be easy or fun but I would much rather this over paint.

As far as the 4 gallons, It was figured I'm gonna need about a gal to do the hull(and 1gal for cap) so I ordered extra so as not to run out and account for waste. If i have enough left over I might gelcoat the section of the deck that isn't going to be covered by cap.

And yes hull will be white and cap blue. If I can figure out how to do it I would like to do a blue stripe on the hull the same size as the glitter one that was previously there.

I havent sourced the decals yet but would like to get some. Yours look great, Where did you order them from?


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

I used these guys, Johnson/Evinrude Outboard Motor Decals, OMC era and the set didn't come with the "Looper" decal my motor had so I emailed them and they included it free of charge. It is a bit tough to find the exact set but knowing what yours look like it should be no problem matching them up.

Bomber Goober

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 28, 2012
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

So here we go, another weekend gone and more progress to update. I remembered to grab the camera this week to.

This weekend was gel coat weekend. And overall I think it went great. I had intended on doing the white and blue stripe in all one shoot but it didn't work out that way. I got the white sprayed and I felt like I was going to miss my window to spray the PVA so not wanting to risk an issue I scrathed the blue stripe for the day. I PVA'd over the white and let it sit overnight.

I read somewhere that if PVA is applied correctly that you can lift it off in one piece. I gave it a shot and it worked out pretty well. I still washed it down with warm water real good to make sure it was all off.

Since I am using the "(insert correct term)" to hide the hard edge on the bottom of stripe, I taped off that section to avoid overspray. The top edge of the stripe i oversprayed right onto the white as recommended to me in the other thread I started about that specifically. It will be sanded down to make a sharp line.

I sprayed the stripe and waited a few and then PVA'd that as well. I really like the blue color and think it is going to look awesome once it is all done and back together.

I hope to start sanding next weekend and hopefully have it done and ready to buff on sunday. On to the pics.

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Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

Very nice work Bomber, I can't wait to see the hull and cap put back together all sanded and buffed out. Your little bomber scout is gonna be a knock out!

Bomber Goober

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 28, 2012
Re: 1984 Bomber Scout Rebuild

Very nice work Bomber, I can't wait to see the hull and cap put back together all sanded and buffed out. Your little bomber scout is gonna be a knock out!

Thanks man, I'm starting to think your the only one watching this thing come together anymore lol ;)
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