1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 21, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

I can definitely understand about the carport and stupid HOA's! Having a garage is nice, but it still gets kinda cold out there. Like I said, if I can get the heater to heat it up a bit, maybe I'll press on, but it's not just the cold holding me back. With it being the Christmas season, my time will be minimal and cash flow will also be funneled in to Christmas (like spending over $400 today on a massive 10' tree, another 8' tree, and a smaller 4' tree, and tons of lights/ornaments to fill them all up. I don't know why the wife is so insistent upon having THREE Christmas trees...:facepalm: ). I don't want the project to grind to a halt over the next couple of months and then lose my drive to start it back up. I have a bad habit of losing all motivation when projects stall. Besides, I like following your shadow! ;)

I wish I could find a cheap perm tank to use in my boat, BTW. Having to fill up a 6 gallon tank on each side of the boat each day I go out gets quite old. I wish I could just pump into a single filler on the cap maybe once a week and be done with it. I am green with envy!!!


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

yeah, I hear ya on the tank, I really made out I think. Considering comparable tanks cost 300+. Craigs list is fun to browse, ya never know what ya might find. Christmas time is a tight time of year, but a little birdie told me that everyone is buying me gift cards to places I buy materials for the boat lol...shhh I am not supposed to know that


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

ok, so earlier I showed ya how I cut that fiberglass from donor hull and made the mud guards for my trailer...


today I riveted them on, and think it looks perty good overall, and will keep that mud from slinging onto my boat

threw a little color on the inside, but wont stay like that very long so wasn't super particular about it


used 5 reevits to tie them to fender...being fiberglass they will never rot, and are pretty stout




and yes i realize that one of my bunks is loose...was told to leave one loose until the boat is on it, then tighten it down so its set perfectly...ten loosen and re-tighten second one to set it...we shall see one day lol


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 22, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

Looking great judge. Sorry I missed the last few days.. was home for break and away from the puter. Hay belated thanksgiving to you and the family :D


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

That looks absolutely stupendous...well really good anyways...I like it!

By the way, a fairly cheap and effective way to get a nice finished look under the fenders is to use some undercoating, yeah, I know its black, but it will stand up to the flinging mud and you can just hose it off and spray a little armorall on it and keep it looking fresh for years...just a thought...if you do decide to do it though, make sure you protect everything from any overspray, it only comes of with laquer thinner or acetone...


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Ok. so working out how to position tank, to get maximum use of my space, and keep weight balanced. What I have come up with and I want opinions, since cap prep is next, and this will require extensive modification to cap.

My idea is to remove the prefab bench seat base. Place tank in center between 2 Jump seats 18 inches wide each. The tank will be covered by a "doghouse" with cup-holders and such built in. By doing this I still leave myself plenty of room for my 2 batteries, and some other storage space in my rear storage hatches.

It leaves me approximately 14 inches of accessible bilge area for bilge pump and general maintenance (cleaning drains, access to plumbing connections etc)

This area will have lowered stringers, and bulkheads built to compensate. Here is my general layout drawing, and some pictures of tank roughly placed


think this will be sufficient access to bilge?


Placed some 3/4 ply there just to represent bringing tank off the hull with stringers (or is it ok to have tank touching hull?) Will this be enough bilge clearance? NOTE: the ply crossing side to side in front of the tank is "deck level" its bowed slightly up but roughly the right spot


Side shot of how far it will sit forward...since I am going with jump seats instead of the pre-determined bench seat distance, I could probably get away with moving it forward 2-3 more inches (jump seats are only 14" deep, and the beach is designed for 16" deep seat cushion)


Any opinions greatly appreciate, Since cutting the cap to modify it scares me a little, any reassurances that it should be sound appreciated too. I will be closing in the wall behind the seats so cap is still going back to the deck, other than where the tank comes through.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 22, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Plenty of bilge clearance... more than my factory tank...
I'd honestly be on the lookout for a tank that's slimmer so it fits below deck... that thing takes up A LOT of space...


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

below deck isnt really an option...at the bilges deepest point I only have 7.5" and that rapidly decreases. Not to mention the odds of finding another tank as cheap as I found this one is pretty slim. and I think it would be nice to have a center area for cupholders/armrests.


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

And the top of tank sits roughly 2" above the seats I plan to install, so add 3 more inches, for hose clearance, and its the perfect height for arm rest and such


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 22, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

True true... My 22 gal below deck tank is 7" at its largest just FYI, but I like your idea better. I would probably make like 1-2" stingers, slap a "floor" for the tank to sit on with a few drain holes and basically build a box around it...

The tank should NOT touch the hull directly.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 21, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Yup, I like that idea! Does that mean you are going to lose your rear seat post between the storage as well? And when you cut the cap, do you only have to cut bench support (seat and back) and slide the tank in or are you also going to have to cut a bit of the rear storage boxes as well? Just make sure you re-support anything you cut from the cap to maintain structural integrity. You wouldn't want to step somewhere and have the cap fold in on ya!


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Judge, long-time follower; first time poster. I thought I would chime in. Forgive me (or other posters) if this has been addressed already, or would be clear from prior posts (pages), but your thread is popular and thus a bit lengthy to recall everything. I was just looking at your diagram and thinking you might have a lot of weight in the back of the boat particular if that big ol tank is full. I'm not sure of gasoline's weight, but I seem to recall its about six pounds per gallon, so factor that in along with the weight of the tank, the motor, the batteries and the fact that your passenger seating appears slightly aft of COG as well. So, long story short, I know the bilge clearance is low/shallow, but it feasible with your layout to throw it under your bow/casting deck, in front of or adjacent to the livewell (you could have a hatch or kick-plates to access it?). That is where the gas tank sits in my runabout which gets it out of the way and also adds some weight to the nose to keep the boat from getting ***-heavy and porpoising. You could put a filler cap and vent up there and simply run a fuel line to the back.

Also, I know people (including me) put their engines in dog houses next to jump seats, which have their own set of fire hazards, fumes, etc... However, I would certainly want to make sure your "dog house" has a vent fan or good ventilation built it. The gas tank vapors might get pretty strong sitting right beside them, and having that big tank that close to the O/B might be something to consider in the event you had some sparks or flame-ups (especially if you are sitting right beside it). Just my little 10 minute work break thoughts... Love your boat and your dedication and I know you will have something to be proud of when its all said and done.


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

I will only remove the seat...and plan to build a new bulkhead to support the rear casting deck still...I have about 15" to work with between deck and top of casting deck, the way I have tank sitting now, will be 8" above deck + 3-4" for hose clearance, so my "dog house/center console" will be 12" or so tall. leaving a 3" space above dog house to the casting deck.
I will support dog house to allow stepping up on it. When I build the console, I plan to have a bulkhead coming from the casting deck to the boat deck to support everything except the 19" that the tank passes thru. I will not lose my rear casting seat, and the tank only encroaches on the storage door opening by about 2" X 5" so really dont lose much access.

I have also been considering just cutting the area I need for tank and leaving the current seat bases there...but I like the Idea of the jump seat base storage areas...current seat base is 5" tall, and shortest jump seat base I can find so far is 8" which will put me uncomfortably high..as I dont know how they are constructed I am wondering if i can cut the bases down to 5" from 8" I would think I could


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

PM, you definitely make a valid point on the weight, So i think I might relocate batteries forward...at todays gas prices, I doubt I will fill it completely but I am figuring around 200lbs full including the tank weight. My forward casting deck has my livewell there so minimal room for that option...I might play with the layout some more...lol...just when I thought i had my puzzle solved...PO used to carry 2 6 gallon tanks and 1 battery back there, this is twice as much, so would make a substantial difference...might offset it with moving batteries up front.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 22, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

well, one caveat to moving the batts up front is 1) it's easier to short with longer cables 2) 0 gauge wire is big $$$....


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

At first glance, that tank looks like a giant elephant sitting in the hull. But it took me a while to realize that the cap is not on the hull, it's a "skeeter" bass boat type thingy right? - so I'm not looking at 30" bulwark. Then realizing the tank is 10 gallons. Okay - this all seems reasonable.

As far as the potential for loosing the back deck fishing post/seat - you could install a surface mount base that does not recess into the deck, such as I am employing on my project - no prob.

I do not know your intended primary use of your craft - totin' chicks or fishing. In the case of fishing - you might have a completely flat back deck (with you surface mount base, pedestal, and seat), with maybe a couple of storage hatches in the deck. In the case of totin' chicks - a couple of seats snugged in beside both sides of the tank?

According to my experience, the seating level within the hull would typically be about 15" above the finished deck. I couldn't find the dimensions of the tank that you have. ?? I imagine that when you consider the elevation of the finished deck in consideration of your endeavor to minimize the tank elevation - that the tank is not going to be as imposing as it seems in the naked hull with no cap on. What is the height of the cap? 6" - 8"?



Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

to give you a reference, the current rear casting deck would be 7" above the top of the tank as it sits right now. The current seating configuration is 5" base, plus 4" cushion so 9" from deck. its kinda like a low-rider lol....my primary purposing of this craft will be fishing, but as I have a wife and son, it will also be used on some weekends as a pleasure/ski boat. This particular model is the fish and ski, and has the power to ski with. As far as toting chicks goes...not likely...and having an armrest/cup holder between us will suit my wife just fine lol...we don't cuddle when I drive my truck, why get close in the boat lol


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

I think you've got a good plan.



Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Couple more pictures, so you can see more what I see here....

The top of tank sits 7.5" above finished deck height...
elbow and level are pushing the slight bow out of the deck height board i have across there...in next pic measurement is showing 7" so it was about 1/2" of bow


So if I make my doghouse 11" off deck, it will leave MORE than enough room for hose travel paths...and the only one that will not be accessible from the storage area will be fill line, which I may reverse since fill is so much more expensive, but its only another 2 feet (15 bucks) or so, so may just leave as is.
A buddy of mine is a welder and said he could turn my fill line around for me! si I do not need any clearance on the sides of tank, just 1/2" or so each side


So this is basically how much my tank will encroach on the access hatches...almost nothing so will have plenty of room to get to anything I need to


And this is roughly the area I will remove from seating area, it will still be well below existing cap height . Cutout marked with a sharpie


And another side view to roughly see where it will lay into the cap/hull at


So that is basically it...being as my boat is not that long, I think moving batteries forward will not be as bad as some. like 8' from motor, but closer to where I planned to mount my fuse/bus box. More input always welcome, still have not cut anything so I can still change my mind lol


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration....Hull question

Got the cap ready to rewire, when I first looked at rewiring this it scared me a little, because there were so many poorly done additions I wasn't sure I would be able to make heads or tails of it all. After removing it all and sorting it into groups, and finding the original factory stuff all had tags on them, it made it all seem a whole lot simpler. Removed steering wheel and gauges as well, so the cap is ready to start cutting and prepping then rewiring and refinishing.

Oh, and 500 posts in my thread...never thought it would grow this big with the original lack of interest but seems to be growing. Thanks everyone for all you have done so far for me