Re: 1977 Chrysler Sport Fury Good day more pictures
Re: 1977 Chrysler Sport Fury Good day more pictures

HI All!
Today was a good day - got alot of things accomplished- a day off, no
rain or snow - a friend to help here is what was done today
1. Built support out of 4x4 posts and removed engine using the
raising and lowering of the bow to lift the engine.
2. removed a lot of inside trim
3. using blow dryer heated the rubber in the rub rail so that
it could be removed.
4. drilled out rivets so that cap could be removed
5. lifted up the cap so that we could slide a ladder between cap and
hull found the center of gravity for the cap and used the ladder like
a yoke we walked the cap off forward and set it on lawn.
6. Transom is in pretty ruff shape . Transom was only double thickness
for about 6 inches high the total width of top. Was pretty well rotted
and as you can see by the pictures was quite bowed out at top.
So far have use circular saw, roto zip, dremel tool and trusty
hammer and screw driver for destruction.
Thanks for everyones information that has been shared so far.