Today I made a lot of head way. Well at least it seemed that way to me. The temps have once again dropped, but it is dry. So you can have rain and warm temps or dry and cold temps, but not both at the same time. But I managed to get some progress in the cold temps.
I installed the live well drain in the transom and even plumbed the live well with the hoses and clamps. But making those hoses fit on the different fittings while they are cold is very hard to do. So I got out the heat gun and warmed the hoses and fittings a little to get them on the fittings. And even with that, it was still a fight. But I did get them in place.
I am using nylon reinforced clear hose (bought it at Lowe's) and it was really flexible in the warm days. Not so much today. But with a little heat gun work, I fit them on and tightened them with the new hose clamps I just received. I ordered all new stainless steel hose clamps for everything I needed them for. Way cheaper then buying a few locally by a LOT! And they shipped them free and quick as well.
I also fit the trolling motor battery box in place in the front driver's seat storage box. And before you think that was just setting the box in place, let me explain.The battery box I bought was for a group 29 battery. And seems I built the seat storage box about an inch too small at the lip seal at the top, to get the battery box to fit in. So I band-sawed the plastic end handles off. Now it fits, but absolutely tight.
I also installed the auto bilge sensor in place too. I like where it sits and how easy it would be to get to if ever needed. :high5:
I was planning to continue wiring up the panels, but after a few hours fighting the plumbing, I decided to make it a day and stopped. Tomorrow's another day and I can say I am getting excited now as I can see everything planned coming together...finally.