Well moving along with other things I had to do as well. I think I made reference to re-ring my Kohler 15 HP lawn mower engine. Well that is now all put back together with rings, seals, and mounted on the lawn mower again .However, I couldn't start it yet because I am presently working on the carb. It is a very expensive Walbro LMK series carb that for some reason cost more then I ever wanted to pay for a new one.
The actual throttle shaft was so waddled out that it had an amazing amount of side play in the shaft to carb body. So brainiac me figured I would just buy a new throttle shaft. Well you can't! Walbro stopped supporting this series carb and there are no parts available for this thing. Well at least throttle shafts available even with the part number and trying to find even a NOS anywhere.
SOOOoooooo I decided to make a new one my self. I made others before so I thought I would make one for this carb. Problem was the shaft wasn't the only part worn. The case was as well, problem solved. I drill the carb body, squared up on my drill press, to the next size up to remove all the waddled out area and then turned down a long brass bolt on the lathe that was in my parts draws and cut it to the correct length and filed down a flat section to hold the butterfly. Then drilled and tapped the holes for the butterfly screws and it fits nicely. Actually a very nice solid but smooth fit. Carb is near about finished now. Some times you just have to make your own parts. :smiles:
With everything getting finished up now, maybe the boat can be back on the work schedule again. Hope so!