1976 Tom Boy Boat, 1976 40 HP Johnson Outboard and who knows what Trailer


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I did some more sanding today. I used my electric DeWalt DA sander with 320 grit paper. And it was doing exactly what I was wanting it to do. Basically knocking down the primer to a very smooth finish and then I could do some touch up with hand sanding and spot filling. However, after sanding for an hour or two, my sander was making some funny sounds. I kept sanding and then decided to stop and see what was going on inside the sander. Glad I did. The random orbit section has a ball bearing in it. And it was almost seized up. Very rough and hard to turn. So I disassembled the entire sander and clean everything. The armature was in perfect condition as were the brushes and support ball bearings. I did polish up the armature to bright copper and luckily I had a few replacement bearings in my bearing drawer and after reassembling everything, it is back to working like new again. But I didn't go back to sanding anymore because it was getting late in the day. I did get about two thirds of the hull sanded though. :eyebrows:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
My old RO sander is starting to sound like a diesel engine .. Maybe I should box it up and send it to ya for a make over ... :lol:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
My old RO sander is starting to sound like a diesel engine .. Maybe I should box it up and send it to ya for a make over ... :lol:

There really isn't much to them. But the DeWalt one I have did have three ball bearings in it. That kind of surprised me. I knew something was wrong when it starting make unusual sounds. You know how you get use to the sound of a power tool, and when it changes from that sound, something is wrong. The bearing that was gone was the RO bearing, not the armature ones. But I can't really complain since that little RO sander did the hull sanding the dead fiberglass out and a car doing tons of bodywork and so many wood projects as well. So a bearing going bad, wasn't a huge deal.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Sam if you want to send your RO sander, I'll look at it and try to fix it. Just let me know. I always enjoy helping others, just ask my neighbors.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Nah , just joking with ya ! You don't need any other distraction ... You got a boat to paint !!! ;)
It was an el cheapo ryobi any way so an upgrade is in order ....


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2012
I bought an electronic cheapo Hitachi that has been through heck and back and still going strong. amazing how long they last. I have had to change the velcro pad a few times but it did my whole boat and many jobs at work for the last 5 yes and runs like new. the one thing I would look for in a new one is a round exhaust so you can attach a vacuum to it. my dust bag flies off in less than a minute and I just leave it off...unless at work. then I just have to keep pushing it back on and run the vacuum next to it.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I bought an electronic cheapo Hitachi that has been through heck and back and still going strong. amazing how long they last. I have had to change the velcro pad a few times but it did my whole boat and many jobs at work for the last 5 yes and runs like new. the one thing I would look for in a new one is a round exhaust so you can attach a vacuum to it. my dust bag flies off in less than a minute and I just leave it off...unless at work. then I just have to keep pushing it back on and run the vacuum next to it.

The Dewalt RO sander I have has an oval outlet port for dust collection. But it comes with an adapter to allow a vacuum to connect up. But since I am sanding this outside, I forgo the vacuum and simply point the outlet away from my face or the working area. I can't find my dust bag anymore. It is in the shop somewhere. :noidea:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
It's right next to that other tool you were looking for ... :D

Well if it is next to those tools, I'll never see it again. Usually when I purchase replacements, the lost tools show up. But that didn't happen this time. So they are really lost somewhere. :facepalm:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2012
Sprinkler stuff right? it's driving me crazy. I can't remember what you lost. lol


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Sprinkler stuff right? it's driving me crazy. I can't remember what you lost. lol

Yea Patfromny, it was tools I was using replacing sprinkler heads. A nice PCV Pipe Cutter, a Channel Lock 440 pliers, a Regular Pliers, I Flat Bladed Screw Driver. I since replace all of them with others, and even bought a few more in different sizes too. And that is usually when I find the lost ones. But not this time. So one day I may stumble upon them. Kind of like lost socks in the washer and drier. They disappear without a trace.

I didn't do any work on the boat today. I had to do my usual 6 month blood work (typical Sugar Levels, A1C, PSA, Cholesterol CBC B12 and the usual things) . And they tried their best to stab me and take blood, but my veins were not cooperating and hiding from the nurse. And after two stabs, she gave up and sent me to a blood lab for them to get it. But while at the doctor's office trying to give blood I made an appointment for my wife. She sounds really bad coughing and blowing her nose every few minutes and a very low pitched voice from the creeping crud. So I had to go back home and pick her up and then take her to the doctor's office for her appointment. Then I had to go to the lab for my blood work. And after all that we had to go and get her prescription filled. So we got home about 1:30 P.M. So boat didn't get any work done. But there is tomorrow. Oh and the blood lab took my blood with one painless try. :noidea:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Hope the Admiral gets to feeling better ...My wife is just getting over the bug she picked up last week ..


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Hope the Admiral gets to feeling better ...My wife is just getting over the bug she picked up last week ..

Thanks Sam. The doctor gave her an antibiotics shot in the office and now she is on a Z-Pac (5 days of additional antibiotics in pill form). So hope it starts working soon. Got to keep the wifey healthy and feeling well. She cooks great!


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
After the very large feast I eaten twice today, I may have to reevaluate the hull structure of my boat now. I hope it can handle the extra weight. :facepalm:

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Day and spent time with loved ones. That is the most thankful part of any day.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving GM. Hope you can reach the hull to sand it tomorrow. lol. Dessert is a dirty word after today's feast. It should be outlawed. Already stuffed? Have some pie and some cookies and some more pie, and some brownies. Oh boy.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Hope ya had a great day gm !!!
A weeks worth of sanding should take care of yesterdays feast !! :lol:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Yea Sam, I did eat like I had no bottom in my stomach. But it is back to something resembling normal portions today. You are right, a week's worth of sanding will take the extra weight away. :eek: Maybe some of the body-shops can offer a weight reduction program by letting folks sand cars for them. :thumb:

Patfromny, I probably will have to stretch my arms out a little further to reach the hull. But I can now feel them going back to original length already.
Food be good arf, arf, arf!

Our weather for today is supposed to get to 80 degrees. So maybe some final sanding. We will see........

As much as I dislike sanding, I like it tons better then fighting the angry crowds in the store even worst and therefore not going to them today.:joyous:


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
I find that wearing, gloves, a tyvek suit and respirator makes black Friday shopping much easier......people seem to give you all the room you want :D