Re: 1974 Starcraft Chieftain 18' OB refit
I've been taking full advantage of the great weather so some progress. All the cuddy wood is cut and has 1 coat of epoxy, picked up Rustoleum spar varnish for those this am. Bulkheads and side pieces for the cockpit are cut and dry fit. Can't decide if those will stay natural wood or not , if so the sliding doors under the splash well will get the same. Just seems a shame to cover all this swanky wood with vinyl. Maybe the dash would be natural too. The plan is to carpet the raised seat boxes.
Took my splash well to a local fab shop and we came up with an affordable plan to cut it down. Here is a shot after I cut it. I'm removing 7" from the well and 2" from the top part that attaches to the gunwales. This will net 9" of more cockpit space. Hope to get that in by turkey day.
I'm also including a couple shots of the foam. Its Polyethelene, same material Jason has under his deck but in a different form.
I was able to make compound cuts by laying out both ends, sandwiching it between 2 boards and cut away. Worked great and was able to pack most of what I had under the floor.
The way things are going I might be ordering my steering pretty quick. I'm working until the first good snow storm.