1973 Kona 18ft rebuild


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

I really am glad that I got the retractable cleats, they look a lot nicer. You might want to get a spare key for that filler!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild


Got a new toy today! 4 inch jack plate. Now I can see what holes I need for the transom.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild


Also started coating the transom, finally broke the seal on the epoxy hope its still good.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

Thanks arch I am really glad to be working on it again.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

I Got another coat on the transom and put a first coat on the stringer today. First I spent a while fitting the stringer. I am gonna lose a day on the boat from working mandatory overtime on Fri night and possibly Sat. I really wanted to get the transom set on the boat while we had mild, dry weather. I'm not sure that's gonna happen though. Oh yeah I had a small 3 inch wasp nest in the boat to eliminate before I got going on the boat. Small nest but quite a few of em on it. Some got away and I had to continue to wipe em out as I worked. Think I got em all now.


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

That sucks, but you know one day at a time! Moving forward slowly beats not moving forward....all that said, it drives me nuts when I don't get time on a boat project, lol! Glad you got rid of your "friends", the seem to show up in the worst places!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

Well I finally started to tinker with the motor last night a little. Cowl says Johnson 175 but it must have been a replacement. The power head is a evinrude 150. The motor is a bit of a Frankenstein from the looks of it. The intake manifold is white so I am guessing it was a sea motor part at one time. And some of the other bits and pieces are obviously not original. So I guess I will say its a 150 evinrude from 1979 according to what comes up from the medallion on the power head. Seems to be parts readily available for gaskets and such. I started looking into it because I wanted to find rebuild kit for the power tilt/trim unit. It did not work on the boat it did however when hooked straight to a battery. But the wiring on the boat was a mess so it may have just not been getting power. The guy helping at the time told me later he had emptied the fluid out trying to tinker with it. That was a few yrs ago so I am sure the seals are dry.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

I need to figure out my bilge. I went out and checked the jackplate it fits some existing holes in the transom. And the transom tie down holes will work. But I need to figure out the drain hole. Once I mount the transom the old drain hole will be plugged. I was going to mount the transom today but it is supposed to rain tonight and the boat is outside. I have plastic to cover the boat but would still like the drain hole. Guess my best bet is to wait for better weather. I think I will clamp the transom dry fit in place and mark my holes. I want to oversize them for the clamping then fill and drill to size later.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

Soooooo....... was pulling apart the motor tonight. Pulled one of the carbs checked it out and all looks good. I was gonna order a rebuild kit just because its been sitting for 10 plus yrs except me running it a few minutes when I bought it. But I can't find the Carb online it is not the original. Part number is 322021 for the Carb body. The float bowl is 317020. From what I found it comes from a v4 cross flow 100 HP from 1971. How the heck am I sposed to get gaskets if I don't know what it is. I will also post this in the Johnson e rude forum.


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

Wow sounds like you do have a "hybrid", lol! Seems like a 100hp carb would be way to small.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

Hybrid is a polite term. It is very frustrating, it worked when it got taken off the boat I guess I don't have to rebuild it but I would like to while in dry dock. I did not check compression though. Well no one in history ever said boats were easy, or cheap.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

Well had everything ready to do the transom but Wisconsin weather says no. High of 57 today and periodic rain. Been cold all week with a few days left to go. Temps get better but its sposed to rain so we will see. If there is not much wind I might have to tarp it so I can keep going forward.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

I plan to epoxy the transom tomorrow morning. I am going to use bolts through the existing holes to help clamp it. I don't have pva to oat the bolts but I have covered them in a coat of beeswax any idea if that will work. I can't think why it would not release but thought I would get more opinions. I will post apic off the bolts coated.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

The one on the far left does not look it but it does have total coverage.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

So the continuing saga. Last week Thurs I got up early and got all my stuff ready to mount the transom board. Clamps check, bolts check, ruffed and scuffed check, acetone wipe check. So time to mix the epoxy for pb. 2 to 1 with pumps. Start with the epoxy count out the pumps just get that done and my son woke up and is at the garage door. I go in get him set with breakfast and his PBS kids shows ( he is 6). So back out I go now where was I ahhh yes 2 to 1 time for hardener. Count em out wow that sure looks like a lot of mix I thought I decided on smaller batches? I mix it and pour half to another bucket. First bucket in go the chops then cabosil to thicken. Spread on surfaces. Repeat for the second bucket. Hey this is going well. Take it outside and put transom to outer skin. Wow holes line up nice put the bolts in tighten up not to much watch the squeeze out good. Now a few clamps to help. And back inside clean up and enjoy a few hours with my son.

Soooooo two hours later at 79 degrees still pretty soupy hmmmmmmmmmm.

Two more hours still not set maybe cause it was such a big batch might take some more time.

2 more hours noticeably stiffer good but still seems not right..........let's see back through che k list scuff, clean, 2 to 1 yup did it all right well wait longer then.

Wife comes home eat some dinner watch a t.v. show. Time to sit on the thinking throne.........and then it hits me.

2 to 1 yup but I got distracted when my son got up and added 2 parts hardener to 1 part epoxy :facepalm: :frown: :doh: :beaten:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

I debating admitting to this its like walking down the street and tripping and looking around to see if anyone saw. But I know I am not the first or last to be an idiot.

So I spent quite a while removing the transom board from the skin and scraping the goo off of them and washing with acetone. So again tomorrow I plan to mount the transom again. Hopefully this time correctly using the idiot proof pumps. I am mostly upset at wasting so much hardener .


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

Had a few spots to clean up so I had to don the curse of a rebuild.

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Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 9, 2010
Re: 1973 Kona 18ft rebuild

So I am a bit behind on posts. I got the transom pb'd to the hull correctly now. I also have it tabbed in with 1700 and epoxy. First 4" then a 6" and finally an 8" tab. Then the whole works got covered with 2 layers of 1700 overlapped another 4 inches or so. I had to make a lot of relief cuts to go around the curve of the two sides of the transom but only on the ends. I also pb'd two knee braces on but ran out of time to tab em. The stringers is ready to go in also. As well a piece that will go between the knee braces and cap off the stringer to create a bilge. Here are the pics so far. Oh also I used a clear roll of plastic to create a greenhouse effect it sure helped heat the resin. Forgot I also oversized the drain hole and filled it with pb. Need to redrill to size now.

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