Thanks for the encouragement guys. It seems to be much more comfortable to work on the boat now, not as nervous or worried about doing something the wrong way. I was anal in the way i built my race cars and it doesnt help carrying that trait into restoring boat. From a post i read on another thread and to quote a member "boats are seen from yards not inches" made me realize all this. But being strong, and safe are things i always incorporated into my cars.
GA- yuppers, he certainly wasn't the brightest tool in the shed. When i'm done with her, this boat is going to feel like its 1969!
Question for you guys regarding 5200 and gluvit. Which comes before the other? I was going to drill out my keel strip a 1/4 way up and redo the rivets and was wondering, once the riveting is complete, would it better to 5200 the hell out of it then run gluvit over to seal further? or would i be better off doing the rivets, applying gluvit and letting it soak in, then 5200, then more gluvit on top?
Any help or suggestions would be great. Undortunately i just realized in order to easily and properly fit the new transom, i'm going to have to bolt the old transom back up before i flip it just so not to cause any new cracks :facepalm: