Re: 1968 Starcraft Jupiter - Rebuild
Thanks RH and DII --- It's nice to be moving forward!
Glen (Dozer) was right --- the Mar-Hyde (aircraft stripper) is by far and away the best. I picked up a quart last night as the Sure Strip was sold out. I followed the instructions, applied a coat to the last side of the boat that is not stripped and after about 20 minutes or so tried to strip it. The paint fell off. No scrubbing, sweating etc. Just fell off. I actually used a 4" metal drywall scrapper as I had wore my plastic one to a nub! I really, really like this stuff. It also doesn't stink!
So................ for those who want to use paint stripper to strip a boat... get the Mar-Hyde. It works. Plain and simple.
My neighbor also stopped by late last night and snapped the following photo of me in my nuclear fall out gear... notice that the side of the boat is now totally stripped. Just a half side to go and I will be done and ready for polishing and sealing.
I also placed and order yesterday for the Sonus polish and sealant as well as a new random orbiting polisher. I was going to go cheapy... but I would like to also use it on my cars, and I have had much better luck with the random orbiting polishers than the straight drive roating ones... should have everything next week.
So... list before floor is now really short:
1. Finish last side of stripping paint
2. Wash down with Vinigar and water???? --- not too sure here... any other simple suggestions???
3. Polish and seal hull
4. Flip boat.
5. Strip bow and gunnels
4. Wash down
5. Wash down insides to prep for Gluvit
6. Fix one Rivet in floor
7. Gluvit