Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project
The interior painting is finished. Here are some things I learned about Rustoleum and using anti-slip additive:
Rustoleum Marine takes a lot longer to harden than you'd think from reading the label, but once it does, it's pretty durable.
When you use the anti-slip additive, I definitely recommend applying by brush rather than roller. With the brush, you can control the distribution of the grit a lot better. Also, put three coats on.
The floor (OK, deck

) has two coats of epoxy top, edges and bottom; one coat of Rustoleum Marine primer for wood and fiberglass all around; and two coats of Rustoleum Marine topside paint all around. Then on top of that, the top surface has three coats of paint with the grit added. The rivets are all sealed with 3M 5200, as will be all screws needed for the seat board supports. Overall it's quite well sealed, I hope my efforts are rewarded with durability and longevity.
A good feeling of accomplishment, but don't see how I can get much more done this year before covering it up for winter. Maybe at least some small stuff. The weather's already getting iffy.
Brushing this on makes a weird swishing sound, like sweeping...great stuff though, I'm curious to see how it will hold up to use.