So I think this should work ..
sacrificial metal gas can ,3/4” galv treaded nipple , 3/4” heater hose and hose clamp . Portable propane burner . I have bags on the way that I can cut to length .
So the plan in my head is to cut the planks from old plank templates. Start fitting both sides at the same time with bookend planks .
Get the close to in the right spot and secure the straight /not curved end of the plank . Might just use a heavy weight or clamp somehow .
Slip the bag over the bow section , start steaming it until it’s loose enough ti bend into shape . Leave the bag cooking and in place the fasten it down . Hopefully once cool it will hold close to the right shape . Then fine tune it with a plane .
Get them all cut and in place . Then number in order and remove. Tracing the edges into the base layer as I go .. That way I can stop the 5200 in the right spot as to not get my elbows covered in a layer of goo ..