Well hello my brother!
Been getting caught up with some of your goings on over the last couple of years...
I am glad to know about the good things that have happened to you and yours, yet I am sad about the not so good...
Ah well, life is a funny thing that way...always throwing you down so that getting back up feels better every time.
I am super stoked to see that you always bounce back better than before, blessings, my friend.
As you can see, I am just a few hours away from you and if you happen to come my way, you have a wide open invitation, anytime...
And you can bet when I get near your neighborhood, I will definitely drop by.
All the best and I'll see ya around these here parts!
PS- check my updated signature, fart-o-bucket has basically kidnapped our pix and is demanding a $400 a year ransom to be able to use photos on a 3rd party site like this one...
Quite the bummer