1961 Glasspar Citation Project


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 2, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

It's been a while since I've posted... I have to admit that work had been S-L-O-W on the Glasspar over the past few months.

I've had job changes- Major ones, including huge labor disputes and other legal issues, which are never fun. I took a semi-voluntary layoff, and am taking a few months to finish up another college degree. I THOUGHT that I'd get some other major projects done, too- Like the boat- But, alas, life gets in the way :)

I am also a Blacksmith- and have been REALLY busy with that, as well as my other artwork (If interested check out my page, http://www.agott.com). And, I just about killed myself with a bout of Pneumonia in Feb, too- And had been advised to take it easy, and to avoid things that might 'challenge' the lungs- So grinding fiberglass was out for a while!

Enough of my woes- Nobody wants to hear THAT. I am back to work on the boat, and making some progress... Today, I finished epoxying the last of the replacement wood in the topsides 'half' of the boat-



All the wood in the hull (stringers, floor, etc) has been replaced, the floor is glassed. I've got a little more work to do on the deck, then it's time for primer... I'm going to prime & paint the inside of the deck before I flip it over to finish up the topsides, it'll be a lot easier that way!

If I keep going at this rate, the inside of the hull AND the deck will be primed this week. Then comes the fun part- sanding & faring the topsides. Then sanding, sanding, sanding- 'till it's all smooth....

I've also got a lot of hardware to clean up and refurbish- I bought all the missing parts from 'donor' citation that was beyond repair- so I've got ALL the original deck & seat hardware now. All I need is a motor, and I'm set.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 2, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

The inside of the hull has been primed, and the bottom of the deck primed and painted-


I primed it with Supermarine etching primer, Sprayed on with a HVLP gun.

The bottom of the decks were primed, then painted with a high-gloss white enamel. Since it's never going to be seen or see sunlight, reason to spend big $$$ on marine paint down there- It wasn't even painted originally...

And, I've started the LONG process of sanding down the topsides-

I've been completely BLUE for the past couple of days... The darkest blue (mostly gone in this shot) is paint, which all has to come off. The light blue is the original finish gel-coat- Some is in great shape, so it can be painted over, some needs to come off. There is a layer of grey gelcoat under that, MOST of which is in great shape- although there are a few spots that I have to bring down to bare 'glass.

This is going to take a while to do right- But has to be done right for the rest of the finishing process to turn out well. I'll probably be finding blue dust in my hair for weeks, though :)



Sep 11, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Hey andgott,
Nice to see you back at it. Sorry about all the problems you have been having. Hopefully it will be blue ski's and water in your future. NO pun intended. I tried to get your web page to load but no luck. I'll try again later.
Looks great and we'll be looking for your updates.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 2, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Thanks, Bob-

The site should be up, I think that there were some upgrades going on and it was going up and down intermittently.



Sep 11, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

I got the site to load.
Some really cool stuff. I used to be a bite of an amateur photographer. I really loved it, but that was before digital and a long time ago.
Once again very nice web site.
Thanks for sharing.


Mar 31, 2010
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

i have 1968 johnson surfer w v8 inboard/outboard i have pics but cant get them to upload. mine has been sitting since 93. i also have a 1986 bayliner capri 14ft 4cyl that im restoring/ using. im trying to find someone with the time and patience for the johnson. Im in east tn.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 2, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Well, it has been a long week of sanding!

After getting a bit farther along, I found out that ALL of the light blue had to go... It turns out it wasn't gel-coat after all, it was paint... I didn't think that the boat had been painted previously, but it turns out that it had.

The reason that I didn't think it had been painted was that it had been painted so well! When I had removed all of the deck hardware, there was no sign that the boat had been painted. So, Whoever did it before did it right- they took off all the hardware rather than painting around it.

I was a little worried about the paint not having a strong enough bond, which would potentially cause problems later when I prime and paint... So, It all came off-


That was MANY, MANY hours of sanding- But it'll be much better. I won't have to worry about it.

The gelcoat underneath was in pretty decent shape in most places. The areas that were bad are sanded all the way down to bare fiberglass. In other areas, there is a lot of cracking in it, which I filled with epoxy.

There were, of course, a few nicks and gouges here and there, which I filled with epoxy thickened with fairing compound additive.

I had an unexpected repair, too. When it was raining last week, I had a tarp over the deck to keep it dry since I didn't have any room in the garage... Some water built up on the tarp, and it sagged... Then more water built up on the tarp. It got so heavy that it snapped the fiberglass in the back of the boat-


It was a pretty weak area to begin with, and then I found out that it had some rot in the wood that was strengthening it. So, I cut out the wood, and laminated some plywood in it's place with epoxy. It's stronger than ever now!!

Tomorrow, once all the epoxy is cured, It'll be time to sand and fair it all down. Then, paint time!

In the mean time, I'm getting the hardware ready to go- Stripping paint, polishing, and doing some small repairs. I like to have little projects like that going, so when I get down time waiting for paint to dry or epoxy to cure, I have something to do!



Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 14, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Looking good Andrew! Can't wait to see the paint on her. What color scheme are you going to use?


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 2, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Topsides (decks and seats) will be red, hull is staying white. Actually, only the transom really NEEDS paint- I think I am going to leave the hull as is for now, since i can rub it out.


Seaman Apprentice
May 22, 2010
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Am new to this site but have been following your restoration for several days. Purchased my 1960 Glasspar Citation about 2 weeks ago from a widow who's husband had had it for many years. He went the way I want to go, fell asleep on the way home from a fishing trip with some buddies and never woke up. Had known him since I was a kid and remember the boat. Am not ready to restore yet, want to get at least one season of fun in before I start anything major. One question though, I cant find the HIN anywhere it is suppposed to be. Was yours fairly obvious, or did you really have to search? Also, am missing the "Glasspar" emblem on the port side. Any ideas where I can get a replacement? BTW, you are doing an awesome job. Looks great!


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Wow, that is going to be one really sweet ride!


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 2, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Thanks... Post some pics of the Citation- I'd love to see it!

One question though, I cant find the HIN anywhere it is suppposed to be. Was yours fairly obvious, or did you really have to search?

The Hull # is located on a builders plate, which SHOULD be located in the fwd cockpit on the left side-

If you haven't found it, its probably missing- As it's fairly obvious... The Hull # is stamped onto a separate plate, like you see in the pic.

Also, am missing the "Glasspar" emblem on the port side. Any ideas where I can get a replacement? BTW, you are doing an awesome job. Looks great!

I've got spare Glasspar emblems, as well as the builders plate that you're missing... When you get to that stage in the restore, get in touch!!


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 2, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

The decks are sanded down now with 220 grit, and I THINK I've finally found all the holes, cracks, and voids that need filling. Every time I thought I was done, I found another spot that needed filler... I'd fill it, sand it, and then the next time 'round I'd find more. I FINALLY decided that it's done- No matter what- There might be one or two little places here and there that still need a fill... But I could probably spend another lifetime trying to fill every little imperfection. It's time to get some paint on!

I'll be watching the weather closely- The paint SHOULD Be here in the next few days, and I'll need a few decent days to get her painted...



Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 2, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

First coat of primer is ON!


I had intended to prime the decks with a red oxide colored primer, as the darker color will be a lot easier to cover with the red paint. But, there was a mixup in shipping, and I was sent white primer by mistake! I had some of that on hand already, from priming the inside of the hull, so I decided to go ahead and use it for the first coat. I'll sand it, then overcoat it with the dark primer once it gets here. I had planned on 2 primer coats anyways, so doing one in white won't hurt...

I also got my topside paint, and I am going to try rolling some of that on tonight on the motor well panel. It makes a great test piece.



Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Looking good! Nice feeling isn't it! Keep the pics coming!


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 14, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Andrew- the primer looks good. So I went from red to blue, and you are going from blue to red- too funny:D

Can't wait to see the first coat!


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 2, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Yeah, It is STARTING to look a lot better... Of course, after doing some experimenting with the red paint, I kind of WISH I was staying blue- It's going to take a few coats!

the next coat of primer will be dark, though- Which will help a lot...



Aug 14, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Thats a nice looking project. I have a 1963 Glasspar marathon that I got off of Craigslist last year. I've had it out a few times and have enjoyed it. I hope to see you out on the lake soon, I'm just down the road in Red Bank.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 2, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Thanks, Bill...

There are a couple of old boat guys around here- Some serious collectors, too. There was a nice meet up near Knoxville a few weeks back, too- Antique motors, couple 'glass classics, and a bunch of aluminum boats, mostly Feathercraft.



Aug 14, 2009
Re: 1961 Glasspar Citation Project

Thats great!
I'd love to meet some other people into vintage boats as I'm new to this and don't know anyone into boating and could definitely use some pointers.