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  1. timmyt66

    what way????

    we are putting twin evinrude 130 on a project boat and this may be a dumb question but what way should the props go? in to eachother or away from eachother?
  2. timmyt66

    1998 Evinrude 150 water tube

    i looked through the service manual and cant find anything that tells me how to change the water tube in the exhaust housing does anybody how to change this?
  3. timmyt66

    Flooded power head???????

    had a bad fuel primer soleniod replaced it today got the motor to run but only for a few seconds the plugs are soaked changed them with a new set same thing. ive had 2 different people say different things one said the stator is bad and the other said the powerhead is flooded???? i have 3...
  4. timmyt66

    engine idenification

    i have a 1997 or 1998 i think evinrude 150 where on the block can i find out what it really is?
  5. timmyt66

    1998 Evinrude 150 fuel problem HELP!!!!!

    i got a 98 e 150 i cant get to run as i try to start it i have fuel comming out of all 6 carbs and the plugs are soaked what can be wrong and what can i do to diagnose and fix the problem????:'(
  6. timmyt66

    1998 Evinrude 150 temp wire

    anybody know what color the temp wire is that goes to the gauge?
  7. timmyt66

    trim motor

    if the trim motor goes out how can i get the engine up to replace the trim motor? 98 150 evinrude
  8. timmyt66

    98 Evinrude 150

    i just got a 98 evinrude 150 and hung it on my boat it did not come with a oil tank nor do i want to use one id rather mix my oil with the gas do i need to do anything before i can run it? with just the mixed oil i already have in the fuel tank?
  9. timmyt66

    disconecting the vro pump

    what is the proper way to disconet the vro pum on a 1989 Evinrude 150?
  10. timmyt66


    what is the proper way to reinforce stringers? i have a 1978 Regal CC the stringers need to be reinforced they are weak at the bottom. is there a way to stiffen them up without having to cut them out and replace them?
  11. timmyt66

    fuel tank foam

    is there anything that will disolve the old foam to make it eaiser to get out or do i have to just keep chipping away?
  12. timmyt66

    78 Regal 21ft CC

    [does anybody know who has replacement parts for a boat this old? i tried to contact regal Boats in orlando Fl and they cant seem to come up with any info on it. its almost like it never exsisted [/URL][/url][/img]
  13. timmyt66

    loss of power

    85 evinrude 175 plugs always wet mixed oil 1/2 quart to 6 gallons of fuel keeps fouling plugs. i dont want to put to little oil it what do you think? it wont go on a plane it just plows the water
  14. timmyt66

    loss of power

    85 evinrude 175 plugs always wet mixed oil 1/2 quart to 6 gallons of fuel keeps fouling plugs. i dont want to put to little oil it what do you think?
  15. timmyt66


    i noticed sludge comeing from the gearcase today while running engine on hose what could it be from? i hit bottom last week while i was out could it be dirt from hitting bottom? the pump is pumping great? it is comming out from the holes infront of where the anode is
  16. timmyt66

    how far below

    i have a 21 cc that came with a 20in short shaft the guy i bought it from built up the transom and put a 25in shaft engine on it it does not look right how do you measure to see if he had built it up right.
  17. timmyt66

    one cyl not firing

    i have a 1985 175 evinrude i have one cyl not firing all cyl are at 90 psi and the carbs were just rebuilt last week i have all new coils new power paks pulg wires and plugs what else would cause this one cyl not to fire what else should i check?
  18. timmyt66

    235 Evinrude overheat

    i have a 1985 235 it was running great until it overheated no has no power? any ideas what to check is there something that limits power after a overheat?
  19. timmyt66

    VRO Pump

    i have a 175 evinrude with a vro pump i no longer have the oil tank and the pump is leaking wear the oil tank line would have gone how can this be eliminated and sealed?
  20. timmyt66

    NO POWER 1985 EVINRUDE 175

    i have a 1985 175 i put 2 new power packs 6 new coils new plug wires new plugs the carbs have been rebuilt all cyls have have bet 85 - 90 lbs compression out of the water it runs great in the water it falls on its face it has absolutley no power to run more the 7 mph im at my wits end what could...