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  1. timmyt66

    1985 Evinrude 175

    the engine has power with no load under it when in water under a load it has no power just bogs what could it be?
  2. timmyt66

    Tach and temp

    i have a 1985 Evinrude 175 does anybody have a wiring schmatic to hook up the tach and temp gauges?
  3. timmyt66

    1986 monarch bowrider?

    has anybody ever heard of this boat i cant seem to find anything on it? do you know where i can find pics of it?
  4. timmyt66

    no power

    i have a 1985 wellcraft cuddie with a 470 170hp mercruiser 4 cyl and a alpha 1 drive with a 13 3/4 x 21 prop if nobody is sitting in the seats next to the engine the boat runs great has lots of power if somebody is sitting in the back the boat wont plane anybody else had this problem what could...
  5. timmyt66

    Power Steering

    Does anybody know if there is a power steering kit for a 470 mercruiser like there is for the Alternator kit?
  6. timmyt66

    how do i choose the right prop?

    i have a 1985 wellcraft 19 foot cuddie cabin with a 470 in line 4 cyl 170 hp and a alpha 1 outdrive 1.81 ratio ?
  7. timmyt66

    pre alpha question

    i have a 1985 wellcraft with a pre alpha outdrive will a regular alpha 1 or a alpha gen 2 work in its place without replaceing anything else or do i need to change stuff to use either one?
  8. timmyt66

    Alpha 1 Outdrive

    Does anybody know who is the cheapest outdrive rebuilder in Dade or Broward County?
  9. timmyt66

    Alpha 1 Outdrive

    Does anybody know who is the cheapest outdrive rebuilder in Dade or Broward County?
  10. timmyt66

    Anchor question

    this is probally a dumb question but i will ask anyway i just bought a new anchor the old had no chain on it this one i bought a chain the question is does the rope hook to the chain or does the chain just flow freely and no rope hooked to it?
  11. timmyt66

    tilt and trim wiring

    i just rewired the rest of the boat and now have the 4 wires coming from the tilt and trim red,blue,green,purple anybody know what goes to what everything else was easy now im stuck..i have 3 switches one for trim up, tilt up , tilt down....and help would be great thnaks
  12. timmyt66


    I have a 1985 wellcraft 192 american does anybody have a wiring diagram for the dash for the gauges i want to replace the dash it is a mess and nothing works but i have no idea on the wiring its just a big ball of wires that have been cut
  13. timmyt66

    wiring harness

    i have a 1985 wellcraft 192 american does anybody have a wiring diagram for the dash for the gauges i want to replace the dash it is a mess and nothing works but i have no idea on the wiring its just a big ball of wires that have been cut
  14. timmyt66

    wont start

    i have a newley rebuilt 470 mercruiser engine that i can not get to start i have fuel i have spark to the plugs and from the coil but it just wont catch i have the number 1 piston up both number 1 valves are open and the rootor is pointing at number 1 on the distributor cap what am i doing wrong?
  15. timmyt66

    starter question

    i had a 1985 170 hp mercruiser engine and replaced it with a 1982 470 mercruiser engine does anybody know if these are different engine rotations? i cant get the new engine to start and i have fuel and spark im thinking mabe the rotation of the new engine is different than the old enegine any...
  16. timmyt66

    turns but wont start

    just finished putting a new mercruiser 470 in the engine cranks but wont start i have no backfire through the carb its getting fuel and spark what am i missing ?
  17. timmyt66

    Mercruiser 3.7 charging

    hello i have a 3.7liter 470 mercruiser that im replaceing and when i pulled off the stator cover some of the magmets are bad i do have a new alt conversion kit to put on the new motor will the bad magnets affect the balance of the new motor?and can i leave the stator off. thanks any help would...
  18. timmyt66

    1985 wellcraft with 170 mercruiser

    does anybody know what bolt pattern this engine has ie ford chevy i was thinking about changing engines and need to know what i can drop in without changing everything any help would be great thanks