Search results

  1. Captain Jeff

    Anti Siphon Valve on Fuel Tank Pickup?

    I have a 1999 Angler center console with a Johnson 115 and a 40 gallon fuel tank below deck. I am replacing all the fuel lines, sender and fuel pickup tube. I bought a Seachoice Anti-Siphon Valve, 1/4 in. NPT, 3/8 in. Technically I don't think I need it per USCG regulations because the hose...
  2. Captain Jeff

    Angler 180 Fuel Fill Hose Size

    Hi, I have a 1999 Angler 180 (18') center console. I believe it has a 40 gallon gas tank. I am in the process of taking out the center console and deck plate to uncover the tank to install a new fuel pickup tube, sender, fuel line and fill and vent hose. Does anyone know what size and length...
  3. Captain Jeff

    Johnson/Evinrude Touch Up Paint

    Has anyone used the Johnson/Evinrude Touch Up Paint rattle cans? I am planning on repainting my 1999 Johnson 115 with the paint P/N: 772633. From what I can garner, I believe it is enamel paint. I plan on removing decals and sanding the cowl and the rest of the motor with 400 grit sandpaper. I...
  4. Captain Jeff

    To bottom paint or not in freshwater?

    Hi, I have been thinking about this for some time but figured I would let the experts weigh in... I have a 99 Angler 18' Center Console. It is docked in a lake in New England for 4-5 months out of the year. I occasionally trailer it to saltwater. The issue is that the hull gets stained a...
  5. Captain Jeff

    1999 Johnson 115 Excessive Smoke at Startup

    Last season I replaced the VRO/OMS pump, rebuilt all 4 carbs, rebuilt the primer solenoid and vapor separator tank. I also did a link and sync. I usually take the boat out once or twice a week. I pump the primer bulb 3-4 times to get it firm. The boat starts right up but smokes a good...
  6. Captain Jeff

    Weird Primer Bulb / Fuel Issues

    It is difficult to get prime and get fuel to the engine. Once primed, I can start and run the engine. If I am only running at idle or low RPMs, the fuel line will run dry. I can feel air in the primer bulb and sometimes it is firm with air and I can't even pump fuel. Other times I am pumping...
  7. Captain Jeff

    1999 Johnson 115 Poor Idle and Stalling

    1999 Johnson 115 60 deg V4 J115PXEEM Hi, I have never really been able to get a good idle on this engine. Last season I rebuilt all 4 carbs including new bowls and floats. Rebuilt the vapor separator and primer solenoid. Installed a new water separating fuel filter and primer bulb. Also a...
  8. Captain Jeff

    1999 Johnson 115 Barely Starts, Won't Stay Running

    Hi Guys, I have a 1999 60 degree 115. At the beginning of the season I replaced the VRO/OMS with a brand new unit, rebuilt all 4 carbs including bowls, rebuilt the vapor separator and even put a new top on the primer solenoid. I also put a new primer bulb on the fuel line and cleaned the oil...
  9. Captain Jeff

    Help Decoding Steering Cable Part Number

    Hi, I have an 18' center console with a 1999 Johnson 115 outboard. My steering cable snapped tonight, luckily at slow speed. I had to turn the engine by hand to get back to the dock. The cable is marked: MORSE 304411-000-0180.0 7989. Obviously Morse is the brand and I believe 304411 is the...
  10. Captain Jeff

    1999 Johnson 115 Running Hotter on Starboard Side

    1999 Johnson 115 (60 Degree V4). I was running it in the driveway and noticed the starboard cylinder head and thermostat housing was hotter than the port side. I checked with a non-contact infrared thermometer and found the port side was running around 105-108 F and the starboard was running...
  11. Captain Jeff

    Poll: Keep VRO/OMS or Premix?

    Well this is the age old question on the forum but I don't see that anyone has ever done a poll. I have a 1999 Johnson 115. My current VRO/OMS is about 12 years old. I was rebuilding the carbs so I decided to pressure test the OMS and found that the housing leaks a bit at the bottom of the air...
  12. Captain Jeff

    1999 Johnson 115 Vapor Separator Gasket Leaking, Won't Start

    The boat didn't get used last season so it hasn't been run in well over a year. I tried to start it today. First off, the fuel system completely lost its prime while in storage. I disconnected the fuel line from the engine to the bulb and the fuel that poured out was blue with quite a bit of...
  13. Captain Jeff

    1996 Evinrude 6 HP Runs Fine but Only Starts with Starting Fluid

    Yes, I know not to use starting fluid on a 2 stroke. Just a one time test. I know the normal procedure here is to do a carb rebuild. Is there a quick and dirty way to get it starting normally without doing a complete rebuild at the moment? Also, does anyone have instructions for a 1996 E6RED...
  14. Captain Jeff

    1999 Johnson 115 Losing Fuel Prime

    Hi, My 1999 Johnson 115 (60deg V4) loses fuel prime when not in use and is difficult to re-prime. If the boat is not used for a day, or possibly even hours, you will need to pump the primer bulb and it is difficult to get a good prime. I can hear air bubbles going through the bulb while...
  15. Captain Jeff

    1999 Johnson 115 Oil Leaking Back Into Fuel Line

    The engine was winterized and has not yet been run this season. I went to replace the primer bulb and fuel line from the bulb to engine and the gas that poured out of the line was a pretty deep blue green color from the 2 cycle oil. The engine has a VRO, I do not pre mix. I did not think it...
  16. Captain Jeff

    115 Johnson Fuel Starvation Issues?

    I have a 1999 Johnson 115 Ocean Pro on an 18' center console. Earlier this season I replaced the fuel line from the tank to the primer bulb and filter (water separating canister style). It has been running well this season at idle and high speeds with some minor bogging at speeds above idle...
  17. Captain Jeff

    Replacement for Morse Steering Cable

    I have a Morse Command 290 rotary cable steering system (1999). The part number is 304411-000-018007989. The steering is very stiff and I am looking at replacing the cable but I am having a hard time finding a direct replacement. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Thank You
  18. Captain Jeff

    Why are fiberglass decks made of plywood patchwork?

    This one is bugging me: Why are fiberglass decks made out of a patchwork of plywood squares? It seems counter-intuitive from a strength standpoint. The only logic I can figure is that each square should be sealed in resin so that if one is compromised, the water and rot won't spread across the...
  19. Captain Jeff

    Idle Stall - 1999 Johnson 115

    Hello, I have had a stall at idle issue with my 1999 Johnson 115 for some time. It is a weird stall, the engine just conks out like someone shut it off. It will restart without a problem. It tends to happen when the engine is hot and I am trying to dock. Please watch a video clip to see it...
  20. Captain Jeff

    '99 Johnson 115 Prop - RPMs too Low?

    Hello, 1999 Johnson 115 J115PXEE on a 18' center console. I have a 14 1/2 X 19 prop on there now and I can get around 37-38 MPH at a WOT of 5,000-5,200 RPMs. Maybe I can get another 50 RPMs if I tweak the trim. From what I have read, I should be running at a higher RPM at WOT. I am looking...