Search results

  1. Captain Jeff

    1999 Johnson 115 Kill Wire

    Hello, I am trying to troubleshoot the kill wire on my 99 Johnson 115. From what I have read it is the black/yellow wire in the port connector on the powerpack. CDI documents say it should never read over 2 volts with the key on or off. Another source says that it should not read any voltage...
  2. Captain Jeff

    '99 115 Leaking driveshaft seal- Excess driveshaft play, worn retainer?

    1999 Johnson 115 V4. The drive shaft seals just below the water pump keep wearing out and water leaks into the gearcase. I replaced these once already and in less than a season they were already worn. There also seems to be extra drive shaft wear from contacting the waterpump housing. This...
  3. Captain Jeff

    1999 Johnson 115 Stall at idle video

    Hello, Please take a look at this short video clip. This is my '99 Johnson 115 that stalls sometimes at idle. It happens both in and out of gear. Lots of fun when you are trying to dock and it stalls without warning. It stalls suddenly out of nowhere like someone turning of a light. You...
  4. Captain Jeff

    DieHard Starting VS. Deep Cycle Battery

    I know there are a lot of questions and confusion on batteries. I had a Diehard battery (automotive battery previous owner installed) in my 18' center console with a Johnson 115 and it proved to be quite reliable so I was looking to get another. The engine requires a minimum 360CCA or 465 MCA...
  5. Captain Jeff

    Timing Pointer Alignment '99 115 V4 Link and Sync

    Hello All, Can anyone offer some insight here... I am trying to align the timing pointer on my 1999 115 V4 (optical ignition) so I can complete a link and sync. The manual says to turn the crankshaft clockwise until the TDC mark is approx 1" past the timing pointer. Then insert the piston...
  6. Captain Jeff

    '99 Johnson 115 V4 Stalls at idle while warm, fine when cold.

    Hello, My 1999 Johnson 115 60 degree V4 idles great in neutral and in gear when it is relatively cool BUT After I have been running it for a while and it has warmed up and go to idle either in gear or neutral it will idle for a bit and stall. If I restart it, it will stall again after 10-30...
  7. Captain Jeff

    Johnson 2HP Lower Unit Stuck

    Hello, 1985 Johnson 2HP. I am attempting to change the water pump on this guy but the driveshaft seems to be stuck in the crankshaft. I have turned the motor upside down and let penetrating oil run down the driveshaft several times with no luck. There is obviously no shift rod to disconnect...
  8. Captain Jeff

    Prop for fuel economy (Johnson 115 V4)

    Can anyone give some suggestions on propping for fuel economy? I have an 18" center console with a modified deep v hull and a 1999 Johnson 115HP V4. I have the stock prop on there. I don't care about hole shot but a prop that would allow me to run at lower rpms and save some gas when cruising...
  9. Captain Jeff

    '99 115 Remove Carb Side Cover to Reconnect Shift Shaft?

    '99 V4 115 I know this is a nearly impossible task because I have done it before and heard of everyone else's frustrations here as well. Last time i did this though it didn't seem quite as difficult as this time around. My question is: Is it normal to have to remove the (lower left) carburetor...
  10. Captain Jeff

    115 V4 Shift Shaft Seal Replacement: Total disassembly?

    Hello: 1999 Johnson 115 60 degree V4: It seems that I can replace the shift shaft seals / o rings without completely disassembling the gear case and removing the prop shaft and drive shaft assemblies by unscrewing the shift shaft and removing the shift shaft and cover? Can someone please...
  11. Captain Jeff

    1999 Johnson 115 J115PXEE Drive Shaft Play / Movement

    Hello 1999 Johnson 115. I had some water intrusion in the gear case and via pressure tests I have determined it came in through the drive shaft seals. I am noticing that the drive shaft seems to have a fair amount of back and forth (radial) play in it. I have seen other posts on this subject...
  12. Captain Jeff

    Evinrude 6HP Won't Stay in Reverse

    Evinrude 6hp model# E6REDD late '90's model I believe. It will pop out of reverse unless you hold the shift lever there. Forward and neutral work fine. The lower unit gear oil is clean and at the proper level. I can not see any way to adjust the shifting mechanism. Does anyone have any...
  13. Captain Jeff

    1999 Johnson 115 V4 Lower Unit Seal Replacement

    Hello All, The dreaded milky gear oil came out when I changed the lower unit oil on my 1999 115. I have been changing the oil twice a year. When I did the water pump 2 years ago the shift rod seal looked a little questionable but there is no telling exactly where it is leaking from. I plan on...
  14. Captain Jeff

    Late 80's Mercury 4.5 Trouble Areas

    Hello, Can anyone tell me what to check on a late 1980's Mercury 4.5 hp when looking to purchase? I am more knowledgeable with Johnsons/ Evinrudes. Are there any notorious trouble areas or problems with these motors? Should I do a compression check and if so what should it be on this engine...
  15. Captain Jeff

    Anyone have a pic of throttle linkage on V4 or V6 Optical ignition???

    Hello, Does anyone have a picture of what the throttle linkage, spark advance, etc should look like when properly sync'd? Should be the same on V4s and V6s with the optical OIS 2000 ignition system. I've gone through all link and sync procedures but something looks out of place. You can...
  16. Captain Jeff

    Check this out: What may happen to your optical sensor- w/pic

    Motors with optical ignition system: OIS2000 60 degree V4 and V6's After troubleshooting a high speed misfire on all 4 cylinders for some time, I decided to take off the timing wheel and inspect the wheel inself for dirt or damage as well as the optical sensor. (1999 115hp) Good thing I did...
  17. Captain Jeff

    Johnson 115 Stalling issue experts needed!

    1999 Johnson 115 OceanPro stalls in gear when you're giving it gas. It also stalls sometimes when it is just idling. It idles just under 1000 rpm. If you push in the key solenoid while accelerating it will run fine. Occasionally it will accelerate fine if you "gun" it from idle speed but...
  18. Captain Jeff

    '99 Johnson 115 intermittent spark on all 4 cylinders at higher RPM

    Hello, 1999 Johnson 115 Oceanpro stumbles or misses usually over 3500 RPM and sometimes at a lower RPM when you are accelerating quickly. The engine runs flawlessly at lower RPM. I got a timing light and checked each spark plug lead. The light was flashing normally at the lower RPMs but...
  19. Captain Jeff

    '99 Johnson 115 stumbles, drops cylinder? 1999 Johnson OceanPro 115 on an 18' Angler center console runs great until around 3500 RPM. Beyond this it intermittently/ randomly "stumbles". It shakes a little and seems to lose power maybe for a second, then again a couple seconds later, etc. It reminds me of when I changed...
  20. Captain Jeff

    1985 Johnson 2 HP lower unit removal

    I'm trying to get the lower unit off my 2 HP Johnson Seahorse motor that I use for trolling/auxiliary. When I remove the two main bolts fastening the lower unit to the main section of the motor, I can pull it down about 1/2 an inch. There is no shift rod to disconnect. Only the driveshaft and...