Search results

  1. merc850

    Mercury 1150 115hp(1977 I believe)

    There's no disk on the older engines, check the starter support bracket or the top of the block .
  2. merc850

    Mercury 1150 115hp(1977 I believe)

    Someone has put 1150 decals on the trim plate and a front cowl piece from a 1972; the lower unit appears to be new style but the powerhead is pre-Thunderbolt, I see coils and a points distributor - you'll need the 1939-1965 manual and the serial Nr. The distributor uses 2 sets of points but you...
  3. merc850

    Mariner 60hp 2 stroke tachometer

    You should buy an alternator driven tach they sell them on this site, they're My tach from the 80's. tougher and will probably last longer; might be more accurate too.
  4. merc850

    New to me TOP

    Check that gearcase for lube/water it looks like it has dragged across something, I would replace the impeller and lube the driveshaft splines.
  5. merc850

    New to me TOP

    Nice to see a motor with a good paint job and clean decals.:giggle:
  6. merc850

    Mercury 850 Hot Start Issues

    Could be the trigger unit, when motor won't start check for spark.
  7. merc850

    Vintage remote Merc trim pump hydraulic drawing

    You must have taken the control valve apart [Nr. 6] which is not recommended {manual} so I can't help with that.
  8. merc850

    Stator electrical replacement question

    Since it is not usable as is take a Dremel tool and dig into the plastic until you find the windings and hook new wires to them, put a spacer between the connections then pot it with epoxy. The winding wires are solid so they should be easy to find.
  9. merc850

    Vintage remote Merc trim pump hydraulic drawing

    Here's an exploded view of the pump
  10. merc850

    mercury 500 50HP water exhaust cover issue

    Looks like an over sized bolt hole to me, maybe someone broke a bolt and drilled a new hole.
  11. merc850

    40 hp Mercury 2 stroke motor problem

    Just disconnect the instrument power lead from the present ignition switch terminal (which is probably the start position) and connect it to the "run" terminal. You can find this terminal by turning the switch to the first position and, using a voltmeter or 12v test light, touch it to a terminal...
  12. merc850

    mercury 115 hp 4 stroke EFI Prop

    Go to shop at the top of this page and select propellers.
  13. merc850

    Stator electrical replacement question

    Remove the flywheel and stator, pull off the rubber grommet and you'll see the wires. When you replace the stator use Loctite on the screws and if you are unbolting the bolts that hold the flywheel together use it on them. The best way is to use the puller that they make for it. New ones are...
  14. merc850

    Had spindal changed now water coming in back of boat

    I went for the repair faults first but yes there are block drain plugs and frost plugs that could be leaking. Is this happening on muffs or sitting in the water?
  15. merc850

    Stator electrical replacement question

    What are those yel/red wires to/from? You need a new stator or dig into the rubber grommet find the wires then solder or crimp connect them to new leads; pot them with epoxy or silicon seal. I've done it on a back-up part.
  16. merc850

    40 HP Mariner Steering bracket

    Can't believe what a thin casting that is for a critical component; maybe it can be welded - if you find one to replace it buy the powerhead gaskets before you take it apart (it looks to me like the bolt goes into the Dyna-float mount.)
  17. merc850

    Had spindal changed now water coming in back of boat

    The large bellows and the shift bellows have to be sealed with Mercury's Bellows adhesive if not they might leak; this sounds like it could be the problem (maybe they only did part of the job) also the water pump hose might not be connected. This is more a MerCruiser post but I've worked on MC...
  18. merc850

    Stator electrical replacement question

    If the wires reach the rectifier hook them up, the terminal block was probably there to let them use a stator from the 4 cylinder models. Don't know what the "stage door" is?
  19. merc850

    93 Mercury classic 40HP ran perfect and now dies intermittently

    Those numbers sound like it was running too lean or without oil!:(
  20. merc850

    Merc 25hp 2 stroke electric start issues

    Most connection problems involve corrosion on the Neg. terminal, clean the terminal and where it grounds to the block; which should also be a clean ground -. The connections to the battery are clean too?