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  1. puffitu

    1970 Johnson 4hp hard to steer

    Thanks FR Had a feeling it was a dumb question and I tip my hat to you for your time. I did look at that screw on both motors but my little brain didn’t make that connection. Thank you
  2. puffitu

    Starter and choke issue

    Lol-did you put the bottom bracket in??
  3. puffitu

    1970 Johnson 4hp hard to steer

    Maybe a dumb question but I’ve got a couple of 4hp direct drive Johnson’s which I’ve resurrected, but the last thing I’d like to do is to loosen up the rubber which they both swivel or pivot to improve steering. It seems very tight. Normal?Thanks
  4. puffitu

    Bad plug wire- 89 force 85hp

    There’s a sweet spot the vessel hits when trimmed just right; least resistance.
  5. puffitu

    1991 ?? Mercury Force - Fuel streaming from prop while priming

    Yup over torquing will actually cause them to rupture; speaking from personal experience
  6. puffitu

    New NGK BR8HS plugs improve overall performance

    Thanks for this; been following this thread. I even bought a bent electrode set but they just sit in n the box. Good to know-thank you!
  7. puffitu

    2005 Johnson 15 hp 2 stroke carb float sticking open

    Not an expert on this but did a few rebuilds in my day. From past experiences I’ve always adhered to not let the float come in contact with the carb body upon drop. And buy only omc if you can ! There’s a lot of cheap crap out there these days
  8. puffitu

    Lack of power

    Shrink wrapping can be visually deceiving
  9. puffitu

    Bad plug wire- 89 force 85hp

    Exactly! This thing should be a bullet-not the prop
  10. puffitu

    Lack of power

    Check all electrical components and do not omit the rectifier(easy to ohm check). Check the quick connect connections. There’s a way to ohm test the stator and trigger. Just read and study the troubleshooter guide-you may need to get a dva adapter and test it that way to isolate. There may be a...
  11. puffitu

    Lack of power maybe this will help; did wonders for my issues.
  12. puffitu

    Carb leaking gas from top two holes 1989 85hp

    Put in a pre carb filter; catches all kinds of crap creepin around
  13. puffitu

    Bad plug wire- 89 force 85hp

    I understand the wrong prop thing but…He said all was going great at 4300 rpm until all the sudden…now the thing won’t go over 3300??? there’s no way his prop problem suddenly began at that speed -please correct me
  14. puffitu

    89 Force 125hp L Drive Issue

    Which gasket did you replace; head or water jacket?? Did you check the mating surfaces if they were nice clean and even; smooth with a piece of glass or a very straight surface before re install. It’s pulling water in somewhere. Correct torque and sequence ??
  15. puffitu

    Carb leaking gas from top two holes 1989 85hp

    It depends on the inlet which comes with kit if you ordered the kit. Pay close attention to parts you’re yankin out and parts you’re replacing them with. Post pics post pics-good luck
  16. puffitu

    Bad plug wire- 89 force 85hp

    Not sure prop size has anything to do with his issues here but I reserve the right to be wrong; according to his description of what he’s experiencing
  17. puffitu

    Carb leaking gas from top two holes 1989 85hp

    Do as Jerry suggests and post pic of inlet needle next to a ruler, he ran or still runs 85’s so he’s you best option. I’m sure the parts are still out there though.
  18. puffitu

    Carb leaking gas from top two holes 1989 85hp

    Carb float out of adjustment, valve tip stuck or worn. Post on how you adjusted the floats; level and drop so we all know where we stand maybe?
  19. puffitu

    Tilt trim switch wiring

    My first force melted a piston but still hadn’t had to paddle; ) it limped me back to the dock..!