Search results

  1. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration good advice, I did this. Sanded the paint off with an edger (floor sander) Did one layer of cloth+UScomposites 3:1 epoxy. Re coated a second layer of epoxy last night. Looks good, I plan on a total of 3 or 4 coats of epoxy. I plan to paint again, but I...
  2. ctswf

    waterpump impeller change

    Re: waterpump impeller change That's great, long live my neglected 70hp!:joyous: So the first kit I got came with a matching housing and gasket that fits in the grove. The second kit with the correct impeller, I could not find with a housing. Good thing I had both kits because my old housing...
  3. ctswf

    waterpump impeller change

    Re: waterpump impeller change Looks good, telltale is going strong. I have to thank all of you for holding my hand here, it indeed is not a hard job (if it doesn't explode in a week:)) I do have a few questions still. When running with muffs off a garden hose, as far as I can remember this...
  4. ctswf

    Starcraft Bimini and custom enclosure photos

    So who's got the most bad *** enclosure on their starcraft?! I can't afford a full camper enclosure right now but I sure would like to see your photos to get some ideas! Not sure if there are standard names for these things since they are usually custom, but a storm curtain setup looks like a...
  5. ctswf

    waterpump impeller change

    Re: waterpump impeller change I finally got in to this, im having a hard time with the impeller key. Is it at all possible the plastic "key" the kit comes with is not needed on the 1982 evinrude e70elcnb? The old impeller I pulled off was notched to fit exactly over the drive pin and had no...
  6. ctswf

    US composites epoxy reviews?

    Hi, please post any results you have had with this product. I used two coats of their 4:1 epoxy on 3/4" tongue and grove plywood for an aluminum boat deck. I did not use fiberglass cloth. I coated the top, bottom, and sides. Deck was finished with interlux interdeck non skid paint. A few weeks...
  7. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration not that the floor would have been too wide, but the location of the two stringers may have been altered before I got it, causing the middle of the floor to be a little higher. It looks fine installed now with a slight bow, you would not know it. but just so...
  8. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration I got a chance to test out the trim pin originally I posted 24mph. 5200rpm , 4th pin from the transom. prop would kick out of the water sometimes. Moved to the second pin from the transom and WOT was 29mph 4800rpm. No problems with motor height or prop...
  9. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration Wood is indeed exterior rated glue, cure times were well above recommended wait times Heres another possible cause, This boat has been torn down in the past, when I opened it up the stringers were riveted to the ribs at a height which causes the floor to be...
  10. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration I took no offense to the evinrude forum, the manual does say to change it yearly, people being shocked by my 8 year spree is a good thing, it drives home it's importance. I'm a handy person but don't have good working knowledge of motors. To some extent I...
  11. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration Interior ply - It's not impossible, The floor ply was picked up for me as a favor. I said to get any 3/4 exterior but never checked it myself or got a receipt. When I get home I'll see if I can find a piece of scrap. The 1/2 inch on the side panels I got...
  12. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration Really sucks but its not the worst thing in the world i guess, glad I didn't buy crazy expensive floor paint. It's actually not to bad yet, the pictures I took were of one piece, the rest of the pieces have zero to 2 cracks total...right now anyway. Funny...
  13. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration one of the 4 pieces is much worse than the others... here's the pics:
  14. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration :grumpy: the boat was out in the direct sun all day monday, and in the rain since then. Today as it dried out I noticed the deck now has a lot of cracks in it, like splintering wood. Deck had one layer of epoxy on the bottom and sides, dried, riveted in...
  15. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration Yeah bluefin the bow was kicking up way more than my glasser did. Once on plane it wasnt too bad tho.
  16. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration I would love the CMC power trim but its so expensive, and if I do decide on another motor it will probably be nicer/newer and have power trim already. hopefully the pin adjustment will do it. I'm 5'8" 190 lbs My back to back seats put me at 13" which is...
  17. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration What height do you guys keep your seat pedestals at in these 18'ers? I'm still trying to decide on which set to buy
  18. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration I'm going to try it out tilted in more this weekend...that sucks it sounds like I'm going to need a jack plate. haha wait! that means I can chop my splashwell even smaller!:lol:
  19. ctswf

    waterpump impeller change

    1982 70hp Evinrude outboard model: e70elcnb Hi, It was brought to my attention the impeller should be changed periodically, :facepalm: Ive been running my motor since 2005 with no issues, but I suppose it's time to change out the impeller. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but do I want to...
  20. ctswf

    18' 1969 Offshore V restoration

    Re: 18' 1969 Offshore V restoration here's a pic with a board for a straight edge, the motor cant go any lower without a new mount of some sort, which I would like anyway for power tilt but wow are they expensive!