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  1. Scott06

    Trailer Painting

    Dustless uses water in with blast media. Has a flash rust preservative in it. Actually looks like a pretty neat process from videos I have seen doing old cars
  2. Scott06

    4.3l mpi crank no start

    Yes if you have 43 psi you should be good. One thing on the mpi engines the crab style dist cap is a known problem area . May not be your issue but migh5 be worth swapping out
  3. Scott06

    4.3l mpi crank no start

    Do you have spark? Take coil wire off and hold it close to ground while cranking. Need to determine if are missing fuel or spark
  4. Scott06

    Electronic Ignition part number and Non-Resistance spark plugs

    Same in the classic car /GTO forum I am on as well. if the op wants electronic ignition for a 120 get a genuine Delco EST (aka not a knock off) and you have an OEM quality system
  5. Scott06

    1989 Mastercraft prostar 190

    like to know how it works out had been looking at it. My 82 yr old dad complains because he cant slalom anymore. No joke the guy is in great shape still combo skis and does winter skiing, would be great to get him back on one ski...
  6. Scott06

    Alpha one gen one installing lower out drive

    the prop locks in CW when drive is in reverse, CCW when in fwd. On a gen one and earlier drives when you split the halves the shift shoe in upper is disconnected from splined shift in lower. this is in the front of the drive. Turn the shift shaft in lower clockwise this is fwd. Prop shaft...
  7. Scott06

    Wiped cam lobe mechanical fuel pump

    test with an ohm meter across the terminals. if they are not marked you may be on the wrong terminals, maybe metal from oil passage got pushed into switch? You can hook switch to compressed air to get it to cycle
  8. Scott06

    1990 Mercruiser 4.3 Stalls

    if there is a big vacuum into the tank then you know the vent is clogged if it runs ok on a remote tank you know your issue is with your in boat tank- vent, supply line, pick up tube, water contamination, or antisiphon valve. If it still runs like chit on remote tank you know the issue is...
  9. Scott06

    1990 Mercruiser 4.3 Stalls

    When it starts acting up open fuel tank fill. the vent attaches to the tank via hose. Take hose off tank blow compressed air out it.
  10. Scott06

    Alpha one gen one installing lower out drive

    I have usually left it on lower. To keep it in gear you need prop on and bungee holding propCCW then turn ccw otherwise it will pop out of gear
  11. Scott06

    Alpha one gen one installing lower out drive

    is it in gear and have you turned the prop shaft to get the splines in upper and lower lined up? you might need a second set of hands as I cant imagine lining it up with a floor jack
  12. Scott06

    HELP! Outdrive stuck.

    the splines usually get worn to a point but hard to think what is hanging it up based off what descr you gave would think the rams pushing back you can get it out
  13. Scott06

    1990 Mercruiser 4.3 Stalls

    yeah sounds like vent is clogged.
  14. Scott06

    HELP! Outdrive stuck.

    it could create a suction pulling the driveshaft out. Wonder if the orings that go on the driveshaft are rolled. I had a ell of a time getting a drive on once when I forgot to lightly grease the oring that go in the gimbal bearing.
  15. Scott06

    HELP! Outdrive stuck.

    Put the block of wood on top and use the rams to push it off but check for interference of shift mechanism first... Is the shaft shaft wedged in there between drive and bell housing ? If it wasnt in fwd could have jammed it Are the splines in the coupler damaged? Wonder if you have some...
  16. Scott06

    1990 Mercruiser 4.3 Stalls

    not test spark plug gaps with a feeler use a spark gap tester like this...
  17. Scott06

    1990 Mercruiser 4.3 Stalls

    I would get a spark gap tester to see if you have spark when it dies ( or you are loosing spark/weak spark). Basically need to determine if this is fuel or spark related. Would also look to see if you have fuel coming out accelerator pump circuit when this happens. What di the contents of the...
  18. Scott06

    Help! Overheating 3.0, not impeller or circulation pump

    could be disconnected or non working at this point, or may not be installed. best to watch gauges frequently. When you did the impeller did u use a OEM part of aftermarket? There is some real junk being sold out there by some folks. Imellers are a good place to stick with oem
  19. Scott06

    Bell Housing Washer

    You are in there this far I would replace them
  20. Scott06

    SB engine died on way out, fuel pump?

    Videos and pics are not posting currently Did u check for spark