Search results

  1. Grub54891

    Non-Skid Gelcoat Wearing Off?

    That just looks like stains. Do as suggested just clean it first. I've done it with 409 and it's worked fine. Sprits a bit on and scrub with a medium brush. It will look darker till it dries, Oh and rinse with clear water.
  2. Grub54891


    My warped sense of humor don't get me anywhere. Maby he'll get it! ^^^
  3. Grub54891


    Thank you for your service!
  4. Grub54891

    Quality kind a guy

    And who is he getting those other peoples tags from?
  5. Grub54891

    Adding hydronic cabin heat from a AQ140A engine

    A simple ball valve would do that nicely.
  6. Grub54891

    Replacing Cleats

    Some cleats have no hardware on top. If the bottoms are inaccessible, you need to remove seat backs or whatever you need to in the area, then if still no access, drill a hole with a holesaw big enough to get your wrench/hand in there. Then cover the hole with a deckplate when done. Been there...
  7. Grub54891

    Another Bravo 3 shift issue

    Replace every cable on one around 5 years ago. The owner insisted they were all bad as it shifted hard, dual drives. Wouldn't let us check out the controls. After doing what he wanted it was back. He said he should have listened and we replaced the controls and then it was fine. Just yet another...
  8. Grub54891

    Pontoon Transom

    You would have thought they would have noticed that when they serviced it. I always check boats and such over when servicing.
  9. Grub54891

    Lifespan of airhead tubes

    I deflate mine and put it in storage. In the spring I pump it up and use it. It's getting a bit razzeled but it's been 10 years. It may or may not last another.....
  10. Grub54891

    Advice for first-time inboard owner?

    I’ve found when reversing it helps to throw it in neutral once you are moving if its dog walking the wrong way. That removes the thrust from the prop and helps you go the way you want.
  11. Grub54891

    Condensation/water in oil?

    Up here on Lake Superior, the thermostat required Is 140*. makes it harder to get the moisture out with those cooler temps.
  12. Grub54891

    Condensation/water in oil?

    Same issue when I run on my 140-acre lake at the cabin. The only way to get the condensation out is to run it 1/2 hour wide open to clear it out. Silly to do on a small lake. I'll take it out on Lake Superior for a run to the apostle islands, about a dreaded "three-hour" tour or more. I run it...
  13. Grub54891


    Holy crap!
  14. Grub54891

    Darn Mice Can Be Expensive

    We used to put out poison at the cabin for the winter, In spring there was mose droppings all over the place, and nests in unbelievable places. One year Me and the wife decided to not put the poison out. Spring time came around and absolutely no sign of mice. Havent put out anything since and...
  15. Grub54891

    Let the first liar say they have never done this.

    I have to honestly say that I haven't. I do fish but not as much as alot of people. I don't use that kind of reel though.
  16. Grub54891

    Hurth transmission repair

    Scroll down a bit, there are some in Virginia hurth boat transmission repair places in virginia, google search.
  17. Grub54891

    Who didn't winterize??

    zero here, Winds are coming to be "up to" 40mph. Winterized, warm, genset ready. Northern Wi, right on the lake.
  18. Grub54891

    Midship bilge does not drain

    Ok, you are talking about the deck itself. You could put some hoses on those drains and route them to a fitting above the water line. Just don't tie them into the bilge pump lines, you will have to install a new fitting on the hull. Unless someone removed the hoses before the fitting may be there.
  19. Grub54891

    Midship bilge does not drain

    Not sure if there is a pump there, if not there should be. If it’s draining slowly over time, there must be a pump someplace. I really think you should have a qualified tech look at what you have going on, for one, find out where the water is getting in. Seems you should get to know your boat a...
  20. Grub54891

    Midship bilge does not drain

    There will always be a bit of leftover water in there. Or does it not drain at all?