1966 MFG Rebuild


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 2, 2015
I made 4 of these still putting them together. I need to go purchase some nuts to put on the end and jam them. I will use this to compress the transom in. I think I will need one more a total of 5. After the next set of rods come in I will dry fit with the transom and see how it works. Debating if I should double up and put another 2x4 on the other side.
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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 2, 2015
At least your putting something on the boat. :}
19-24" slot size on rockfish, and that is all we about catch here in the summer. I feel I don't want to go chasing them anymore until the fall. I rather chase some Spanish mackerel when they come up.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 2, 2015
Actually I purchase some acorn nuts instead of 2 nuts that are jammed. Will probably need to still jam it when I remove it.
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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 2, 2015
I will need to double up on the 2x4. I tested today and since I have the threads on 1 side it twist. So I will add another 2x4 on the other side and 4 more threaded rods.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012
I made 4 of these still putting them together. I need to go purchase some nuts to put on the end and jam them. I will use this to compress the transom in. I think I will need one more a total of 5. After the next set of rods come in I will dry fit with the transom and see how it works. Debating if I should double up and put another 2x4 on the other side.
View attachment 399950
Cool like the squeeze you will get out of it. Grease all the threads etc so they don't get stuck on the poxy.
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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 2, 2015
That bay use to be FAMOUS for the Rockfish. Looks like they are running pretty big now along the jersey coast. Damn can't wait to get this gal wet.
I am still green to fishing on the bay. A captain took me out a few times and showed me how to get anchored on the Bay bridge watch the current and fish the piling but that tends to be a hot spot unless going out at night or the weekdays. Plus it long enough trip North from my port. I would rather go south better variety of fish.
I seen some you tubers in Long Island catching some monsters up that way on the regular.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 2, 2015
went back up this evening after adding a second 2x4 on the other side of the press thing. I placed it on the center line and added some pressure. Held up good no twisting now I added a few rods on the other side. I am thinking it may take some time getting these in place and the PB start to kick on me. What a disaster that will be.



Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012
looks good. Always nice to have another pair a hands for this part D.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 2, 2015
Finally got the remaining pieces of the canopy in place. I will still add a connecting brace down the sides and back mid way up. One of those braces I will make a workbench off of.
The plan was to use the white tarp over the boat 12x20 to place on the top. The frame is 12x16. I might go and get some of those suntuf clear roof panels and place over top. Still debating. The tarp I think I would want 16x24.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 2, 2015
The top joist are 24" apart from each other (7). It slopes to toward the trees so hopefully water will run off that way. I was thinking I should not need a base. I was going to screw the tarp in the front on the 4x4 post. Then pull it over to the back and screw it to the back 4x4 post. The tarp should be tight enough where the water will run toward the back. I think🤔 Probably should have sloped to the sides.
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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 2, 2015
Yeah that is plenty thick enough for liner in the cabin. I don't know why I even asked because I know its thicker than the carpet I pulled out. I rip out my carpet in the cabin all that was on the ceiling and seating area and along the hull. I was chasing water leaks. I keep the door closed in the cabin and the water in the summer causes steam and mold, you know. I reseal those port window, the main window on top of the cabin also. After all that I still had a leak. The dam bolt on the bow pulpit on the anchor guide. I had to go over to the boat one day while it was raining. And the screw was in a place you have to cut under the pulpit from the outside of the boat to get to the screw and re-glass it back in. I took some flex seal and a extension arm pole with a roller and just painted it upside down with in the cabin. That stopped the leak. Silicon did not fix it from the top outside. I will probably get some of that liner when I finish this project.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 2, 2015
Went over today and put the tarp over the spot. I was skeptical I would need to a flat surface as suggested first. It seems to work ok like this. I use a washer and lag bolt to fasten the tarp to the post. Got it pulled tight so the tarp will probably need to be replaced yearly. Rain started and came down and I finally got some drip then runs off the back. Now its time to get to work. Going back over shortly to put some resin on the transom and add a layer of csm on the back side that going to meet the inner skin. I will try to get the transom sandwich in tomorrow morning.

I test fit the transom again with the sacrificial board between and it mesh up nice after added the sacrificial board in the back also. Where I place that 1708 at the bottom of the hull and up the inner skin is tough to flex, making me think I should not have done it. But this test fit shows just need to add a little more force and it will stick good.



Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 2, 2015
Went back over yesterday to put some CSM on the transom board so it would be ready for the morning. I changed up the container I place my MEKP in. I use to measuring out or converting drops to ML per oz. I got the squeeze bottle with the top cap in CC and I was lost for about 10 minutes trying to convert. Silly me. Oh and a piece of debris and a bug decided to rest its wings into my CSM. So they will be preserved for a least the next 20 years.