BTW, how has your brother made out with his Baja?
A more in depth update with boat porn.
I went to my brothers he had my port Oh Jesus rail. I picked that up. And got some boat porn of inside his boat. He made the gauge panel and put all new gauges with a GPS speedo. In the cabin there is a TV I forgot to snap a pic of. Seat picture bites. He had the SST and various graphics made to match his chargers colors. It is really turning out to be a nice boat.
He was starting to DA the new gel coat on the rear seat. Before buffing it out. It is essentially done now.
First the pic of my boats hand rail. I mentioned to him I was going to buy one on E Bay for 65 bucks. He said what does it look like I think I got it. It was in a box of boats parts.
After that was his boat.
LOL and when I was processing the pics I saw this. Here is the tidy bowel boat's position in life as seen from my lazyboy between my feet.