Yukon Delta HB Rebuild


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: Yukon Delta HB Rebuild

I'm not sure on the quantity, but make sure you mix it so it kicks off slow. The worst thing is when it kicks off before you have it in place. With something that big I would actually go with west systems 6 Ten, self mixing and 6 hours of working time. Otherwise I think I would go with PL. I'm not a big fan of it, but some of the guys here swear by it.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Yukon Delta HB Rebuild

I am about ready to install the transom. I have zero experience with fiberglass resin so i was looking for some guidance on how much PB to mix up for a transom that is 2.5 feet by 7 feet. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I do not want to mix up way to much and have a lot of waste. But, i am thinking if I mix way to little I could run into issues as well. And, how thick should I apply the PB? Thanks!

I'd say 3-4 qts woud be real close to what you'll use. I'd use the thickened resin but like Arch says reduce the catalyst just a bit, do it EARLY in the morning when temps are at their lowest, Don't use to much chopped fibers in it, maybe a cup full and mix to consistency of thick Mayonaise. Use a 1/4" grout trowel to put it on. Have some help if possible to be your "Gopher" you don't/won't have time for distractons or interruptions. Do a dry run first to make sure you KNOW how everything is going to go, clamps troweling, picking it up, putting it in the boat EVERYTHING. Don't clamp it down to hard and squeeze out all the resin. Have a plastic spoon on hand to do the filleting coving with. Dip it in mineral spirits to keep it from sticking to the resin.


Jul 1, 2010
Re: Yukon Delta HB Rebuild

Arch are you saying some guys use PL premium to glue the transom to the outer skin? I was curious if that would work, since the transom will be encapsulated with glass fabric and the inside will be sealed to the hull all around.


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: Yukon Delta HB Rebuild

Yes they do, and some use peanut butter....I just like the epoxy, long working time, easy and a permanent bond.