Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
I'm really totally lost and know nothing about this subject, even though I've been reading threads & researching online.

I'll be painting my project (alum. Starcraft in my signature) in the spring and am considering spraying, but I don't anticipate that I'll use a compressor much beyond that. Maybe to fill a tire or something, or might paint a shed. So I'm not looking to spend on a top of the line model.

Here's the HF unit I'm wondering about. HF Compressor Would it deliver sufficient volume & pressure?


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

....nope...only for small touch ups.

sprayers go thru a lot of air. needs a bigger tank and more volume......3 @ 60


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

No. It will not deliver enough volume. Look at the volume requirements for a HVLP gun and try to match that.


Chief Petty Officer
Nov 9, 2010
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

"Would it deliver sufficient volume & pressure? "
edit: A cheap gun NO

Will you need ear protection?

It has some good reviews!


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

"Would it deliver sufficient volume & pressure? "
edit: A cheap gun NO

Will you need ear protection?

It has some good reviews!

sorry bud.....no....it wont.

that is a nail gun gompressor......not ment for longer durations of time under use.
if you are spraying for longer durations like 45 seconds.....it will run out of air.....not to mention it does not have sufficent pressure to run the gun properly.
you could use it for short touch ups only.

to the OP....read what bob vt said


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

if you are spraying for longer durations like 45 seconds.....

Ayuh,... HVLP gun stands for,..
High Volume....
Low Pressure....

My siphon gun, probably wouldn't make the 45 seconds,....


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

where i shoot my stuff at......we have a huge 220 3 phase comp ....i forget exactally what it is...105 @ 90 or something.... the tank is easy 45 gallons.....at 32 lbs to the gun on an hvlp...i only get 2 mins before the comp starts....

by the way bill......not to hijack......but you talked about rigging old propane bottles as a reserve......
how did you do that?.......pull the valve off and replace it with an in and an out?.....or just hook the hose up to it and let it figgure out its own air flo?


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

by the way bill......not to hijack......but you talked about rigging old propane bottles as a reserve......
how did you do that?.......pull the valve off and replace it with an in and an out?.....or just hook the hose up to it and let it figgure out its own air flo?

Ayuh,... It's Air, it don't need to be lead around like Water,...
It'll flow to Wherever the Low pressure point is...
You can daisy chain 100lb. LP tanks together with "T"s, 'n air hoses if ya want...
Let 'em build up, then shoot 'em down...;)

Standard gas valves are 3/4" pipe thread on the tank-side, Btw....


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

Ayuh,... It's Air, it don't need to be lead around like Water,...
It'll flow to Wherever the Low pressure point is...
You can daisy chain 100lb. LP tanks together with "T"s, 'n air hoses if ya want...
Let 'em build up, then shoot 'em down...;)

Standard gas valves are 3/4" pipe thread on the tank-side, Btw....

thought so........wasnt shur and didnt want a grenade going off in the compound....lol.
as soon as i get my shop started.......the funds will be sohort for the proper compressor at first.....so i will have to use my portable 10 gallon....not enough

thanks bondo

Yacht Dr.

Vice Admiral
Feb 26, 2005
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

I'm really totally lost and know nothing about this subject, even though I've been reading threads & researching online.

I'll be painting my project (alum. Starcraft in my signature) in the spring and am considering spraying, but I don't anticipate that I'll use a compressor much beyond that. Maybe to fill a tire or something, or might paint a shed. So I'm not looking to spend on a top of the line model.

Here's the HF unit I'm wondering about. HF Compressor Would it deliver sufficient volume & pressure?

.6 CFM ??? erm.. my plug in cig pump does better then that lol.. NO It wont work..

BTW.. what paint are you plannin on spraying ?

Some paints dont like HVLP guns...



Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 17, 2010
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

hey lakelover....firstly I agree with the others and that you can pass gas harder than that compressor will spray paint and I can offer you some tips on painting that boat if you want it to last. I was an aircraft refinisher in the airforce in my younger years. You can paint over the old finish for a quick job but it will probably come off due to the minute flexing and contracting of the metal. Best to strip the whole boat with a good quality remover. Then wash and rinse with diluted phosphric acid or a metal etch cleaner so the primer can hook in. Next spray lightly with vynal wash primer. Epoxy primer and epoxy topcoat would make a good choice or you can use Zinc chromate as an undercoat to cheaper enamels. Do some research on this at a good refinishing shop or marine paint dealer before you tackle it because a slap on paint job won`t last an it`ll look worse than before and a waste of money and effort. I have fixed up re-done several homedone paint jobs on aluminum boats that were awful.
Good luck with your project !!!


Oct 17, 2006
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

I tried to use my MAC HVLP gun with my compressor (15 gallon lay down, easily 25 years old) and it was a waste of time. The compressor ran constantly. I know part of it is attributed to the age of the compressor and its recovery time. But the tank was just to small to use a spray gun. If were going to buy a single stage compressor for painting, I would go with a 60 gallon minimum. What do you think?


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

you can pass gas harder than that compressor will spray paint

Ha ha, so I guess it's unanimous! Thanks for the info, so at least I have a starting point! This is way out of my experience!

Yacht Dr.

Vice Admiral
Feb 26, 2005
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

Na.. its all in the CFM..

I have used a Craftman 5 pony with 25 gal tank to full spray gel..43 foot hull ..

Now a gas powered compressor..thats different..those things throw CFM like it was making cookies ;) ..

Just make sure your hooked into a good plug for the electric comps..they dont like cheesy extention coards for sure LOL.. burn'em'up fast ( or just have it stop while you run to trip the breaker again )..



Oct 17, 2006
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

Hmmm. i see a craftsman 25 gallon dual stage electric for $239 reconditioned. Hmmm


Sep 30, 2008
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

I recently purchased this unit...

It was $99 before x-mas.

I also have this unit that I purchased and never returned yet (still unopened in the box)...

The second unit was $89 (i think) before x-mas.

I would think you could squeak by with these units but they certainly would not be the right tool for the job. (I.E. you couldn't spray continuously, not even close but you might get enough paint sprayed between recharges to get the job done in a reasonable time).

I am showing you these units for 2 reasons...
1) Based on your original post I can tell what your price range is.
2)If you live close enough to Rochester I know where you can get the sears compressor for the black Friday price (PM me)

Yacht Dr.

Vice Admiral
Feb 26, 2005
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

Both of these comps will not work..

I have a higher end 5hp dual tank ( 10 gal ) that will not work for a full spray.. ( Its good for spots only ) .

Save up or Rent a good hp compressor m8.. If your going to spray and dont want the cost of the compressor..


PS. More Air the Better ...


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 2, 2009
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

If you are dead set on using HVLP, consider a turbine unit, rather than one that's compressor driven. I found that the compressors that delivered the CFM you need for HVLP were a bit out of my price range, but I was able to get a very good deal on a decent HVLP turbine sprayer. It was a reconditioned model, and not by any means 'top end' equipment, but it did a great job spraying both my trailer and my boat.

My only complaint was that it was a beast to clean... I spent as much time cleaning the equipment as I did spraying, and if everything wasn't perfectly clean, it didn't work right.

I've got both of those compressors listed in the earlier post- They will NOT work.... I use them for woodworking- They are fine with a nail/staple gun but don't even come close to the air requirements for spraying, especially with a HVLP gun!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

Just an fyi

A way to calculate changing psi at different cfm is:

CFM*((PSI+14.696)/(X+14.696) = Y
X = PSI you are converting to
Y = Resulting CFM @ X

For example

If flowrate at 90psi is 4cfm, then at 40psi, it is:

4*((90+14.696)/(40+14.696)) = 7.66cfm

I'm just sayin...:D


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Would this compressor be OK for HVLP paint gun?

OK, from another angle, any thoughts about this thing, or something similar, as suggested by andgott above? The reviews look pretty good.

HF Sprayer Kit

YD, I plan to use either Rustoleum Marine or Petit Easypoxy.