If it had no merit, why not fight me in court? Why pay without going to court?
This $150 will surely make your neighbor like you more than he already does. No thanks.
+1 I would have shot the dog and charge him for the bullet cost.The neighbor was a DB before this situation and he will be a DB afterwards, nothing is going to change that, he got off easy.
I understand that some people simply go the non-confrontation route and that is fine, but at some point people like this run into people who will not be wronged. Water did what he thought was right and I commend him for that, it could have been worse, this neighbor could have run into me.
Yeah maybe things will continue to deteriorate who knows, but Water has drawn a line in the sand and the neighbor now knows exactly where Water stands. If you do not have complete control of your animal you have no right to take it off your property unleashed.
Because it was only $50...................
No, it was 150. I wouldn't give someone 150 bucks I don't think they deserved.
And yes, I did draw a line and now he knows I'm not playing games. If your dog attacks mine I will pursue legal settlement against you if you don't voluntarily pay.
Had he just paid, it would have been 50 bucks and one. He decided to play games, and it cost him 3 times that.
frivolous litigation
In law, frivolous litigation is the practice of starting or carrying on lawsuits that, due to their lack of legal merit, have little to no chance of being won. The term does not include cases that may be lost due to other matters not related to legal merit.
Those are not actual court cases. It is an arbitration not under law.That's where the lawsuit belongs, Peoples Court, Judge Judy etc......
Those are not actual court cases. It is an arbitration not under law.
That's where the lawsuit belongs, Peoples Court, Judge Judy etc......