Why do some people choose the hard route?


Vice Admiral
Aug 27, 2007
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

If your that upset about it. Crap in a paper bag, light it on fire, and heave it at his door. That always makes me feel better.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

This will never have a happy ending. If the neighbor is that kind of person, who knows what he might do. Sue him and win and he might just do a driveby shooting next time he 4-wheels by.

greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Two pages of interesting reading, I can sure understand the motive of the owner/dog being bitten, and events that followed, but in the end. Really? Dogs do fight, they establish dominance, they don't recognize property only humans do that. I'm sure not here defending this guy, or his pathetic actions, but if we are ever to fix ourselves it should be through "leading by example". That's how we became so ugly with lawyers and such, and then trying to get dogs to act like humans, that's just silly. Even though I think you are 100% right, I'd still kill him with kindness, but you wont, and I understand why.
This IS why I have a fish tank!!


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

for those who say forgive him, kill him with kindness etc, don't you think that could be looked at as reinforcing bad behavior.

that's the way I see it anyway.

it does make you look weak to many. last week his dog attacks your's. this week he flips you off, next week he......at what point do you say enough?

I agree with all, no good solution will come from this either way. sounds like the guy was looking for a fight. (not the OP, his neighbor)


Nov 29, 2000
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Forgiveness is often more important to the one who is forgiving. Thinking that someone is getting one over on you can eat you up, make you angry, and do things that really make you no better than the offender. Forgiving someone is a release of all of that.

I was sued by my neighbor a few years ago ( a case which I won). After I left the courtroom I forgave her (didn't yet know the verdict) in my heart as I really felt bad for her. She was a bitter person. I would hate to live my life that way.

What is the end game? Thinking that you will teach that person a lesson is hopefully naive. A hard lesson for $50. By all means I agree he should have done the right thing and paid the bill. But keep the end game in sight.


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

yeah I can see what you're saying. However the other thing you need to worry about, is this guy called a lawyer, what else has he done to make it look as though the OP is the one causing a ruckus? You don't want to be the one who let's everything slide by and all of a sudden the cops are at your door talking about all the complaints they've had about you. I have been through that one. Luckily the cop who came had some previous knowledge of my "pleasant" neighbor.
as far as teaching someone a lesson, I'm not a teacher and couldn't care less about folks' lessons. I do tend to make sure people I deal with know exactly where we stand. I can let a ton of things slide, but when the situation begins to escalate, things must be dealt with quickly before they get out of hand. Whether that means a face to face conversation or a legal battle, it will only get worse if left unchecked.
Once they find a target they often won't stop until they reach the "breaking point" where they will get into trouble. then the tears start and all the blubbering apologies etc.
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Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Forgiveness is virtuous and good. But so is justice.

OP - if it were me (and it's not), I would ask for the neighbor to help pay for what their dog did. I would also check my local laws to know what property rights I had regarding their dog, and my local codes regarding pets loose on other people's property. The reason for doing so, is that this was a quick hit and regardless of what the other dude does you can come out of this inexpensively. HOWEVER, the next time the dog is on your property it may not be so quick and I would want to know what my legal ground is to neutralize the dog. Today is was my dog (bad enough), tomorrow it might be my kid.

I want to know that I'm on good ground for the possible day when I shoot this guy's dog.

I'm all about forgiveness, and I think you need to make peace with yourself on that end. But this other guy could care less if you forgive him or not ... so, it's a one sided deal. If you can bump him in court without slitting your own throat, then that's fine and the course of good justice. But if you're gonna' start a neighborhood war or turn it in to a hobby ... you're probably sacrificing real justice for a bar-room brawl.

greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

I think if it does go to court and he does loose, I would be wondering about what's next, damages to my property and family members. Having a dip stick in the neighborhood is tough on everyone. Every time he goes by the house it's more garbage, he seems like he's dug in on $50.00 buck's, how will this help your day to day? maybe it wont one bit, maybe he does need to learn you wont just let it slide. Too bad you were forced to react to his crappy life eh?


May 16, 2011
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

why not forget about the $50, and ask the court to make the dog owner attend a "responsible pet owner/obedience for owner and dog " course.....restorative justice so to speak?


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Just FYI for everyone. I filed suit against him and the next day he paid up without going to court. But instead of it only being 50, it cost him 150, court costs. He told the justice of the peace he shouldn't have taken the case as it had no merit. He said I had no choice, he filed! LOL

If it had no merit, why not fight me in court? Why pay without going to court?
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Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

This $150 will surely make your neighbor like you more than he already does. No thanks.


Vice Admiral
Sep 20, 2010
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

This $150 will surely make your neighbor like you more than he already does. No thanks.

The neighbor was a DB before this situation and he will be a DB afterwards, nothing is going to change that, he got off easy.

I understand that some people simply go the non-confrontation route and that is fine, but at some point people like this run into people who will not be wronged. Water did what he thought was right and I commend him for that, it could have been worse, this neighbor could have run into me.

Yeah maybe things will continue to deteriorate who knows, but Water has drawn a line in the sand and the neighbor now knows exactly where Water stands. If you do not have complete control of your animal you have no right to take it off your property unleashed.


Jun 21, 2007
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

The neighbor was a DB before this situation and he will be a DB afterwards, nothing is going to change that, he got off easy.

I understand that some people simply go the non-confrontation route and that is fine, but at some point people like this run into people who will not be wronged. Water did what he thought was right and I commend him for that, it could have been worse, this neighbor could have run into me.

Yeah maybe things will continue to deteriorate who knows, but Water has drawn a line in the sand and the neighbor now knows exactly where Water stands. If you do not have complete control of your animal you have no right to take it off your property unleashed.
+1 I would have shot the dog and charge him for the bullet cost.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Because it was only $50...................

No, it was 150. I wouldn't give someone 150 bucks I don't think they deserved.

And yes, I did draw a line and now he knows I'm not playing games. If your dog attacks mine I will pursue legal settlement against you if you don't voluntarily pay. I gave him over a month to pay 50 bucks and be done. After giving me the finger, literally, I gave him the legal finger, 3 times over.

Had he just paid, it would have been 50 bucks and done. He decided to play games, and it cost him 3 times that.
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Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

No, it was 150. I wouldn't give someone 150 bucks I don't think they deserved.

And yes, I did draw a line and now he knows I'm not playing games. If your dog attacks mine I will pursue legal settlement against you if you don't voluntarily pay.

Had he just paid, it would have been 50 bucks and one. He decided to play games, and it cost him 3 times that.

I understand that, but the lawsuit was for $50. That's what you're getting. He really didn't think he would be sued for $50. But, was still willing to pay the $150 for the problem to go away......... Life happens, doesn't mean we should sue someone anytime we feel like we've been wronged. That's why our court system is all bottled up with frivolous suits like this.....
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Nov 15, 2003
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

You obviously don't know what a frivolous lawsuit is.

frivolous litigation
In law, frivolous litigation is the practice of starting or carrying on lawsuits that, due to their lack of legal merit, have little to no chance of being won. The term does not include cases that may be lost due to other matters not related to legal merit.

Frivolous litigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just because it's for a small amount doesn't make it frivolous. I've seen small claims court cases on The People's Court for 20 bucks. Judge never called those frivolous. A case involving video evidence to back up damage is NEVER frivolous.
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Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

That's where the lawsuit belongs, Peoples Court, Judge Judy etc......


Jun 21, 2007
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

That's where the lawsuit belongs, Peoples Court, Judge Judy etc......
Those are not actual court cases. It is an arbitration not under law.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Those are not actual court cases. It is an arbitration not under law.

Yes, they are actual court cases. They just don't take place in an actual court. They are a binding arbitration. But yes, they are real court cases.

That's where the lawsuit belongs, Peoples Court, Judge Judy etc......

I don't care where its settled just so I get my money, which I did.