Why do some people choose the hard route?


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Principle or not it's not worth all the extra stress, at least not for me. I would move on...... There's bigger battles in life to fight......


May 27, 2007
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

I would be worried that this will escalate into some headline worthy incidents down the road.


Sep 17, 2010
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Principle or not it's not worth all the extra stress, at least not for me. I would move on...... There's bigger battles in life to fight......

Amen! You gotta pick your battles. Everyone, man and dog alike, still has 10 fingers and 10 toes, so it can't be too bad in the grand scheme of things.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Yep, like the title of the thread says, not sure why you picked the hard route!

Brian 26

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 14, 2013
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

I don't know the details of what happened but aren't dogs fighting with other dogs part of ownership?? Admittedly I'm not a dog person. I would have asked him in person to pay the bill, if he balked I'd pay the $50 and be done with it. Certified letters and lawsuits between neighbors over two dogs scraping, geez.


Oct 13, 2008
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Isn't this how the Hatfields and McCoys got started!


Dec 8, 2011
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Hmm, principals huh? Feel that gnawing in your stomach as the bile eats away at you? You really certain the $50 is worth it because trust me, no matter what happens the guy is never going to admit he was in the wrong and you will never get any real satisfaction. What you will gets is ulcers and a few months taken off your life clock.

Just sayin...

LOL...nope I will not let it bother me. What I see in the story is that a dog came into the OP's yard and attacked his dog. Several folks shrug their shoulders pay the vet bill and say let it go..? Here is what happened to me several years ago...dog came into our yard and tried to attack my sons puppy. My son was able to get the puppy into the house and close the door. My wife told me about it when I got home...I shrugged my shoulders and said well...just be careful next time. About 5 days later my son takes his puppy for a walk on the leash ( leash law ) I am starting the grill in the back yard when my son started screaming in the front yard...same dog jumped on my son and his puppy. My son was bit in the face and hands because he picked up his puppy to protect it...

So go ahead and pay your vet bills and do nothing about an agressive dog coming into Your Yard....

Shrug shoulders


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Interesting. I don't know that I would have pursued it in this manner, and not so sure I'd worry about it getting the stage outlined above. What I'm wondering at is did the cops charge the guy at the time?

In my state, there is a legal description of the situation you describe that places the responsibility clearly on the other dog owner. Especially with the property invasion. Around here, I think there would have been a charge on the owner from the city/county.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

After reading near all the previous comments on this situation, I have come to the conclusion that this is only going to make two neighbors total enemies forever regardless how it does turn out now. And that is a sad state of affairs. Neighbors have to live aside of each other and now there will be much tension and I can easily see this ramping up to future legal issues as well. Both sides will be watching for anything that they can call the authorities on to PROVE their point. My suggestion is to call the neighbor and swallow your pride and offer to talk this over like two grown sensible adults. You may be amazed how things turn out... $50 dollars is not going to make or break either one of you...I hope! :blue:


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

water: I agree with you 100%. however, I can shed a little light on what he may be thinking. I went through this when my son broke his leg at a friends house. guy called me to come get my kid. said he knows my osn's leg isn't broken, he can tell. I ask my son if he can get in the truck. nope.
I tell the guy no big deal, I'll take him in for X-Rays just in case. yep broken. cast it up and on we go. I never tried to make him pay for it or anything, I figured kids get hurt. (Not like a dog attack)
The part that got me was the guy told his son not to talk to my son, he wouldn't call our house, and he wouldn't answer when I called him.
I finally went over there and asked what the he%& was up. he said "I know you just want to sue me so I'm not saying anything"
I had no intention of suing, all I hoped he would do is at least ask if my kid was alright.

People get so scared of being sued they lose the forethought to do "the right thing", thereby making a law suit much more likely.

your case might be completely different, but it could be the reason he "lawyered up" so fast. if he has been a friend in the past, I would try to talk to him as civilized folks once more, if not, go after him, but as other's have said, understand he may come back after you later. you may be 100% right this time but, you'd be amazed what people can come up with to sue you later for


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2008
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

So was your dog off the leash?. If he was you might be at fault.


Jun 21, 2007
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

I would sue in small claims court. They don't use lawyers there so that threat is nothing. If the dog has a history of violence I would push that issue also. Just make sure you keep your dog on your property and you will be fine. Do you own guns? I use a BB gun for the strays but would not hesitate for something bigger on a violent or aggressive dog. I have had crappy neighbors before. After loading up a small bit of my arsenal to go to the range (no threats but they saw) there was never any issues.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

So was your dog off the leash?. If he was you might be at fault.

I'll try to answer this, as well as other, questions.

Yes, my dog was off leash. However, my dog was in my yard. The state leash law is only on land that doesn't belong to you. No dog owner has to keep their dog on a leash in their own yard. When that big dog started chasing mine, my dog ran deep onto my property, halfway to my front door, where the actual attack occurred. My dog being off leash is irrelevant because this entire occurrence, from start to finish, happened on my property.

And someone asked if he was charged with anything, and the answer is no. Reason being, in most states, dogs are considered property. This dog coming onto my property is not a criminal offense, just a civil one. Since the guy himself had not committed a crime in doing what he did, there was nothing the cop could do. However, now I have video evidence that this is by law a "vicious" dog, which the law clearly states that a dog owner of a vicious dog shall not hold anyone who kills their dog accountable. Basically, if the dog steps foot in my yard again, I will shoot it and I will present the video for evidence why. There is nothing that can be done to me. But, my goal isn't to shoot anyone's dog. Just to allow my dog to play on my property without being viciously attacked by a dog off leash.

And no, dogs fighting dogs is not part of dog ownership. No dog owner should have to have their dog subjected to a vicious attack while their dog is in their own yard.

I actually was going to let this go, hoping the guy had learned his lesson. But a few days later I'm checking my mail, he rides by on his 4 wheeler and flips me the bird. That's what put the legal gears in motion. You aren't going to violate the law and then disrespect me. I'm not out here to make friends, I didn't know the guy before this happened. I surely don't care to know him now, but if he's going to make me eat a 50 dollar vet bill that isn't my fault AND flip me the bird, he's going to pay.

In Louisiana, we have a statewide leash law. It states that no dog owner may allow their dog to occupy enclosed or unenclosed lands of another. That means as soon as that dog stepped foot on my property, he was automatically at fault for anything that happened.

I'm suing him not for the money, but for the principal. I want him to learn a lesson: You cant have your dog attack someone elses dog, flip them the bird, and expect them to roll over and "take it."

It's not me taking the hard route, it's him. If he would just pay the small bill, this would be over. The decisions are being made by him, not me. He has been given AMPLE opportunity to make this go away. If he so chooses not to, that's on him.

Here is the video:

The spec of dark in the sun next to the trees is my dog. The tiny little dot between the pine tree trunk and the row of shrubs on the left. I own all of the land to right of the shrubs, including the shrubs, and out to the road. My dog was just sitting in my yard like shes supposed to when the defendants dog came running and attacked mine. What you can't see is out of this camera's view I chased the dog off, that's why it stopped. It bit my dog as well as rolled her. You can't hear anything as there is no audio, but I heard a very loud growl from that dog and the same time my dog let out a scream of pain you could hear for blocks. The guy drives by on his 4 wheeler and doesn't even stop.

Another reason I'm going after the dog owner is: What if that had been a child?
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Seaman Apprentice
Oct 19, 2012
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

OP, I have to say I completely agree with you, this guy is a jerkoff, with no respect for anyone, he's proven that. He wouldn't of been mad with animal control if he had any common sense, I don't know about over there, but here, unless your dog kills another, you can take them home and get a ticket instead of your dog being taken to the pound, unless your acting like an ***** then animal control is taking the dog.

Then he wants to continue to disrespect you instead of just helping you out. paying you the $50, he continues to antagonize you? F that noise. Sue him for the money. hell I'd sue him for the price of the fence your gonna put up to protect your dog from his.


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Waterinthefuel - sorry if my question seemed accusatory. That wasn't the intent. And, I also had in my head a fenced yard (don't know why) which is why I was considering the other animal as an "invader." I still think that's the case (or would be here in TN) based on your video. Not sure what the law would or wouldn't do here, though.

The other dog-owner clearly has some responsibility in the matter, and you're 100% right about that.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 6, 2011
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

had this happen when I was a teen, and my stepmom ended up shooting the neighbors dog with her 38. they called the cops and we were questioned and it was determined that she was within her rights. then later the neighbor came over, making threats and dad shot near his feet, he left quickly. the cops came back and asked my dad if he shot at the man, dad told them the man was threatening him and if he had shot AT him he would be dead. they left:noidea:


Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

had this happen when I was a teen, and my stepmom ended up shooting the neighbors dog with her 38. they called the cops and we were questioned and it was determined that she was within her rights. then later the neighbor came over, making threats and dad shot near his feet, he left quickly. the cops came back and asked my dad if he shot at the man, dad told them the man was threatening him and if he had shot AT him he would be dead. they left:noidea:

Nice, If this happened where i live (NYC) someone would be doing at least 5 years


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 6, 2011
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Nice, If this happened where i live (NYC) someone would be doing at least 5 years

things used to be different, man used to be allowed to defend himself and property, when things changed dad did end up doing some time in prison for shooting into an occupied dwelling and now he's not allowed to have guns, course he has been back to jail a couple times now for being caught possessing guns.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 3, 2006
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

I'd forgive him. It doesn't make you weak, it makes you stronger. The longer I go through life the more I realize that we truly do reap what we sow. I have guns, and am physically fit, and could probably bury someone in lawyers...at least for a little while...so I'm not necessarily a whimp, but there's a greater satisfaction to be had. Trash always hangs themselves. They're always busy shadow boxing with an invisible opponent. If you take a step back and just watch this guy, I'd almost bet that he's got 10 other major problems(or battles) you may not even know about. Rather than squeeze more blood out of an angry and fearful turnip, try forgiving him and just waving every time you see him. It will drive him nuts!!! If I'm wrong, I will send you 50 bucks.

I had a guy break in and steal a bunch of stuff at a Youth center. I confronted him, stopped traffic in the middle of the street and he almost peed his pants. I let it go, he's in jail now for something else...I'm not.


Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Re: Why do some people choose the hard route?

Sorry to hear about the situation. I'm a bit amazed you walked out of a vet and only had a $50 bill. If we accidently walk by our vets office, he bills us more than $50. I think I can boil this down to a lack of ethics. If I'm betting, I'm betting that 50% of the country has lost their ethical compass to some degree. The hard way is actually the way people with ethics view people's actions without them.