Who do U BLAME

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Who do U BLAME

They are not manipulating oil prices......
They are manipulating refined gasoline & diesel prices.....
I hope Hilliary gets elected just so she can take all of those greedy MoFo's profits.......
Nevermind, let 'em all charge $10 a gallon, the poor have feet & subsidies don't they?
& the rich won't care 'cuz they can afford it anyway......
& the middle man will get screwed as always.....;)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Who do U BLAME

Blo Haut sed: "They are not manipulating oil prices "

We agree on this.

and then he sed: "They are manipulating refined gasoline & diesel prices "

We have cheaper refined fuel than almost anywhere on the planet. If that's the result of their greedy manipulation then manipulate away . . . :confused:

I still DON'T GET IT!!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Who do U BLAME

Why does that post ^^^ have a thingy on the right for panning up and down? When I originally had quote "window" it had one for side to side as well . . .

Edit: I just figured it out. It's the confused guy that's doing it . . . If I put text after him and seperate by a line, then it's OK . . . Weird.

Bob Fort

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 9, 2005
Re: Who do U BLAME

I blame "us." We blithely consume more and more, we elect the same old same old, time after time; we live by the "It won't happen here/to us, etc." concept.

It's another application of "We have seen the enemy, and they are us."


May 17, 2001
Re: Who do U BLAME

Gas prices have always gone up when the ice is off the lakes and the weather gets warm. Thats when thousands of people are now boating in the north. Of course we all know boats love their gas more than just about any SUV on the road.

Besides, am I the only one that heard back in Jan or Feb that OPEC was going to slow down production? Duh, the prices always goes up 3 to 4 months after they do that. SO with that and the boating season in the north we have high demand.

Also since it is spring, our wonderful *&^$%*(^$# EPA has to mandate special fuels for different times of the seasons. Refiners have to shut down to make the special blends.

So I blame OPEC, nature for the change of seasons, EPA for their mandates, and (hate to say it) boaters.

Anything and everything for research and development is all about the all mighty buck! It is who is going to get the most the quickest........after all that has got to be the American way anymore.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Who do U BLAME

Boating is a drop in the bucket as far as national fuel consumption is concerned.


May 17, 2001
Re: Who do U BLAME

Boating is a drop in the bucket as far as national fuel consumption is concerned.

I don't know about the other states, Ohio has approx 850,000 regeistered pleasure boats. Thats not even counting all the charter and fishing vessels. The Great Lakes is a hot bed for boating. I know Michigan, and Wisconsin has even more than Ohio. I know it doesn't sound like much, but you add up all the northern states that are put on hold for boating during the winter and thus you have lower demand in the fall. Huh, it sure seems like when school starts, the weather gets colder, and the end of boating season. Then the price of fuel drops due to lack of demand,,,,,,,,,,at least it does around here,,,,,,,every year.

It might seem like a drop in the bucket, but truth be known,,,,,,,,it does add to the demand.

I know when I do get out on the lake, it is not uncommon for me to burn between 50 to 100 gallons on a weekend. Unless I'm on a trip out of state, I never burn that amount in my car or truck. Who else burns more in their boat than land vehicle?


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Who do U BLAME

I'll Bet Rush blames Clinton. He blames EVERYTHING on Clinton. ;)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Who do U BLAME

I don't know about the other states, Ohio has approx 850,000 regeistered pleasure boats.

According to this article, Ohio has around 400,000 registered boats.



Ohio has 13 million cars registered.

If you figure that the average boater uses his boat 50 hours a year at an average speed of 15MPH and gets 3MPG, total gas use per boat is 250 gallons.

if the average car travels 10,000 miles and gets 15MPG, the average car will use 666 gallons.

13 Million cars use 8.6 Billion gallons of gas in Ohio.
400,000 boats use 80 million.

Boats use less than 1% of Ohio's gasoline.

...and that is a state with a large amount of boats!

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Who do U BLAME

No matter how you all want to argue the point there is only one way the formula works.

If you use to much the price goes up= more profit

If you conserve and do not use as much the price goes up= more profits

If they make a profit of 10 billion this year, the next year they need a 11 billion in profit.

Bottom line= The more you use the price goes up, the more you conserve the price goes up. And once in a while they throw you a bone and let the price stabulize for a few months.

I just love my SUV and 8 cylinder truck.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Who do U BLAME

If you conserve and do not use as much the price goes up= more profits
If you truly believe that, vote Democrat, because they believe as you do . . . Oh and what business are you in? Whatever it is, it needs more scrutiny. I found out early that jealous girlfriends were the ones who were cheating ;)


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Who do U BLAME

One one or a few entities can & do fix prices to maximize profits by manipulating supply, that is a monopoly.......
The US Oil Trust needs to be broken again.......;)

Manipulation is perfectly legal if they dont talk to each other.

Prove that Exxon called Chevron and you have a case, otherwise, you have nothing.

And FYI, Exxon, Chevron, Shell, BP, produce nothing compared to the state owned oil compaines such as Aramco and Petrobras. These are the companies that set the price of oil.

If you want a solution, use as much gas as you can right now. Then oil companies will increase refinery capacity, then you should stop using gas. Bingo, oversupply and thus low prices. :)

Haut, isnt it odd that you are the only one with the conspiriacy theory? Either we are all stupid, or.....


Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Who do U BLAME

Haut, isnt it odd that you are the only one with the conspiriacy theory? Either we are all stupid, or.....

No, I'm just not a sheeple willing to let an AMALGAMATED TRUST to charge whatever it feels like.....
Since there is obviously such a large profit in oil & refining, maybe our government should get into it......
They are the ones who must issue any drilling leases, maybe the gov should drill that oil for the benefit of all citizens, not just a few corrupt, greedy blood-sucking leeches.......
As I stated before they don't need a sit down to collude.....
When ya only have a limited number of players, it ain't hard to figger out......
& if they ain't doing anything against the law, then the law needs changin', just for them........;)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Who do U BLAME

Since there is obviously such a large profit in oil & refining, maybe our government should get into it......​

I hope you are kidding. One of the huge reasons costs are as high as they are is because of government intrusions.

Haut...you just don't understand...you want less government...not more.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Who do U BLAME

Since there is obviously such a large profit in oil & refining, maybe our government should get into it......

They are the ones who must issue any drilling leases, maybe the gov should drill that oil for the benefit of all citizens, not just a few corrupt, greedy blood-sucking leeches.......​

Oh, like we have helped set up in Iraq. Gotcha . . . It is usually better when the Government is the blood sucking leech. Do you even read your own posts? ;)

As I stated before they don't need a sit down to collude....
Do you even read other people's posts? Are you going to start a new world body to penalize state run oil companies for managing oil prices? I know, you could use the United Nations, they are upstanding and free from any scandals. That would work . . . Oh, oh and since you mentioned leases, do you believe that our government should allow more drilling? I think if supply increases domestically we win on two fronts . . . Less imports and increased supply, wow, what a concept. I am pretty sure it is those evil oil companies in the way though. They'd prefer to do business where their contractors get blown up. It must be easier to pay off their families than have them continue to work. That must be it . . . :rolleyes:

As I have continued to say I DON"T GET IT!! Those of you with hatred for Oil Company's should consider saving that energy for really bad people that do really bad stuff. They earn your disdain. Not legal companies that provide a legal product that all of you need, want, etc. This is simply bizarre if you ask me.


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Who do U BLAME

& if they ain't doing anything against the law, then the law needs changin', just for them........;)

Now isn't that against y'all policy? how would you like to have a set of laws that is applied to you only?

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Who do U BLAME

Just add the names Hexxon/Mobster, BP & the rest of the Amalgamated Trust & Voila!
The only thing untrue about that cartoon is that the final tentacle has reached the White House......;)


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Who do U BLAME

Here is one way the oil companies are producing record profits, bribing their way, not only on a National level, but state level as well. If I dig a little deeper will most likely find some City politicians on the hook as well.


<<ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - Two top officers of an oil services company pleaded guilty Monday to bribing Alaska lawmakers with cash and the promise of jobs, contracts and favors for their backing on bills supported by the multinational firm.>>

<<Bill J. Allen, founder and chief executive of Anchorage-based VECO Corp., and Rick Smith, a vice president, pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to extortion, bribery, and conspiracy to impede the Internal Revenue Service.>>

<<VECO Corp. is an Alaska oil field services and construction company whose executives are major contributors to Republican political campaigns. The corporation also operates in Asia, the Middle East, the Caribbean and elsewhere in the U.S.>>

Representative Pete Kott (R)District 17 ?

Representative Vic Kohring (R-Wasilla

Representative? BRUCE WEYHRAUCH district 4 (R)junrau)

TOM ANDERSON?. Former Representative ( R)

Son of U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens? Appointed to state Senate in 2001 by Gov. Tony Knowles. Elected to four-year term in 2004. Chose not to run for re-election in 2006.

<<Identifiable as "Senator A" in indictments last week against three lawmakers. Is clearly the "Senator B" cited as recipient of some of the bribes that Bill Allen and Rick Smith pleaded guilty to in federal court Monday. Stevens has not been openly named and has not been charged with anything. >>

In no way am I suggesting that only Republicans are the only Politicians prone to graft, and bribery, it seems that anytime we get involved in the subject of oil, left, right, politics get thrown into the matter. If anybody is interested in who starts the whole bit, go back too the first page and have a look see.

Think I will try a little mind reading. I were mind reader, or a shrink, just maybe, I would say that in some dark, recessed, part if there subconscious, that they prefer too ignore is a very tiny, minuscule part of there conscience that is saying, hey dummy you really blew it when you stated backing this ship of fools .:eek: