Who do U BLAME

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
for the rising pricing of fuel oil??

I blame every politician REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT that has been in public office since the early 70's, that was the first oil shortage. We should basically be independent of any oil.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Who do U BLAME

Well that's funny, because there never was a shortage of oil. There was a perceived shortage, and as we all know, perception is reality.

No politician is to blame, as nobody in this country has the power to set the price of oil, it's set on the world market. Trust me on this one. I live in south Louisiana, the area of the country with the densest population of offshore rigs. My father has worked or oil companies, as have two of my uncles, my grandfather, etc etc.

Exxon should be commended. Why? Because they are the ones who sucked up the cost of the seizmic work to find the oil, the expense of drilling for the oil, the expense of getting it out of the ground and the expense of refining it into a useable substance. They have no power to set the price of a barrel of oil (it's set on the world market) so they can sit back and wreak record profits without feeling guilty and they shouldn't, as they have done nothing wrong.

If anything, we should be blaming ourselves. We continue to buy SUV's and have fuel consumption that is increasing, not decreasing. We did this to ourselves. If you don't like it, decrease your fuel consumption. If everybody did the price would come down, simple supply and demand my friend.

We can't have our cake and eat it too. Exxon's record profits are nothing more than a result of our greedy, I'm-gonna-drive-what-I-want lifestyle.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Who do U BLAME

While it would be easy to blame everyone else, and Lord knows I have done it in the past, I really feel we all should walk over to the mirror and start blaming the person we see. We are all guilty of causing the current petroleum situation. We just HAVE to have all the things that consume oil at a savage rate, or so we have managed to make ourselves believe. Most of us have suffered the delusion that cheap oil will last forever. Most of us have ran out and bought big SUV to make sure the kids get to that soccer game in. Most of us have purchased that big honkin' truck to haul/tow things that require half the capability of the truck we bought. We all at some point make wasteful trips, burning 6 dollars worth of gas to buy a 2 dollar item that just could not wait until we were going into town the next day.

Maybe we can blame them darn Chinese, for doing what we did 50 years ago. We burn through consumer throw-away items at alarming rates, most of which are made of plastic, which is made of petroleum. It is not just gas, it is the way we choose to live our lives.

If you can go to bed at night and sleep well living this way, that is fine. I myself am growing more and more unsettled, and I am doing what I can to bring relief to myself. I know there is a significant percentage of the population who will continue to consume with reckless abandon, and they will continue to care only about themselves. There will be a day when all of this comes to a head, maybe in 10, 20, or 100 years, but it will happen. All I can say is, I hope everyone took notes while watching "The Road Warrior"....


Dec 8, 2006
Re: Who do U BLAME

The greenies(democrats), won't stand for any more refineries to be built. The back-up is not lack of oil, but not getting permits to build/expand oil refinerys.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Who do U BLAME

I was in the Army and due to the "shortage" we were limited to driving our military vehicles and were only permitted to start them once a week when not in use for 5 minutes.

FYI Nixon was the President at that time.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Who do U BLAME

The greenies(democrats), won't stand for any more refineries to be built. The back-up is not lack of oil, but not getting permits to build/expand oil refinerys.

Don't forget the nuke power plants. Think what you will about France, but they have it going on when it comes to their energy sources. I think they get something like 85-ish percent of their power from nukes. I know the prez is pushing for more nukes, but the envirowacks just won't have it.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Who do U BLAME

We have a Texas Oil millionaire in the oval office waging war on a country with a whole lotta crude under it and thoroughly pissing off it's neighbors with a whole lot more. You figure it out. ;)

Hey Jason, I'll let the NRC know you're offering to store the spent nuclear fuel in your basement. I gotta wonder what France is doing with theirs. I seem to recall they were dumping it in the Ocean. :eek: But after the "fallout" of Cousateau's revelation, they're shipping it Siberia now.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Who do U BLAME

We also have a Mass. Senator Oil Millionaire. What not willing to share?


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Who do U BLAME

C'mon WBW, you should have some kind of a comeback to pointers point.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Who do U BLAME


You mean like commenting on a certain "Green" former Vice President and current nutjob and his holdings and family fortune made in a certain oil company? :)

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Who do U BLAME

And the one in the oval office is pushing nukes at us. Maybe the big oil don't have him completely, ya think?.............


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Who do U BLAME

There is plenty of blame to go around.There are the oil companies and the politicians that they own.These oil companies are also known as the seven sisters.There is a book called "The Seven Sisters".This makes for very interesting reading about the oil cartel the mayor companies have formed over the years.
Then there is OPEC which is controlling part of the output and keeping the supply down.
The price that we hear about on the news in the commodities market is usually the Spot Market price.In Rotterdam,Holland there is about 30 miles of tank farms .Oil is bought there and transported all over the world.It is the worlds biggest oil trading center for those who want oil and want it now.This is where the prices get pushed up.
If you think that the poor oil companies only make about 10% profit,think again.Big oil owns a lot of oil fields all over the world and they make profit beginning at the well head and all the way through till the end product is in your car.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Who do U BLAME

Then comes the American auto makers. They are in bed with big oil for sure or there would be a lot more alternative models available. We have the technology, just not the motivation. What they need is a Clue. If they want to survive and thrive, they have to step up their R&D on alternatives. If they don't, they're running on borowed time. If they don't find some leadership with vision, they're all doomed.

I can't argue Pointer's point. Just about every poltician is in somebody's pocket. Most are in a lot of pockets. :mad:


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Who do U BLAME

Hey! I have the solution. Let's do what Hugo Chaves has done in Venesuala!


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Who do U BLAME

Hmmmm.... I thought the dems promised to do something about high fuel prices before the 06 elections.....more empty promises from them. They have accomplished so much thus far....or should I say they have accomplished nothing thus far....
I agree that we need more nuclear power, but that will not help with the price of gas, How many power plants run on oil/gas? It's either hydroelectric or coal based and we we enough coal. Ethonal is not the answer, not enough corn could be grown to make a difference. Maybe hydrogen or something that has not been developed yet is the answer.

Until then I will drive my full size pickup, four wheeler and boat until I can't.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2006
Re: Who do U BLAME

The finger should be pointed at Memorial Day. You guys must realize that the price always goes up right before any driving holidays - esp. Memorial Day. It will go back down, but come right back up for the 4th.

The concern over fuel prices is an interesting phenomenon to me. We'll pay up to $10/gal for soft drinks, $15/gal for filtered city water in plastic bottles, but $3/gal for gas is criminal!

Have you ever walked 20 miles? Would you pay $3 to get there 10 times faster and not walk? I would...

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Who do U BLAME

Heck Eric, ya outta come over and visit me sometime. Ya think that coal and gas just magically appears for them to pump out? There is a ton of gas/deisel used to pump that stuff out. From the bulldozers that build the pads, trucks to haul rock in for the pad, rig set up is simply amazing how many that takes, then the actual drilling for 3-4 weeks, then frac trucks, then water disposal trucks for the life of the well several times a day, a man to check the wells output twice a day, and oh ya- ya need to build a pipeline for that gas to get to the plant. Having lived in Central/East Texas all my life I know the gas/coal plan. I have a gas well not 200 yards from my front porch, I can hit the wellhead with a rock if I want too. Less than 1/2 mile away is Northwestern Resources who supplies coal to Reliant Energy. Everybody that loves coal/gas so much should stay with me a while, and my doctor would be just as happy to treat your asthma and cancer as he does the other 15% of my area.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Who do U BLAME

Have you ever walked 20 miles? Would you pay $3 to get there 10 times faster and not walk? I would...

Get yourself a motorcycle like I have, and that 3 dollars turns into 1. So would I spend 1 dollar to drive myself 20 miles 10 times faster than I could walk it? Sure, and I do! At 3 bucks a gallon, it costs me about a nickel a mile to drive it.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Who do U BLAME

The price of milk is stabled out a around $2.79 a gallon.Maybe we could engineer a milk run vehicle soon.The world is also using a lot more toilet paper than it did just 20 years ago and the price of it is still realistic.I'm waiting to hear the data on where all of this increased demand in gas has come from in the last 5 years that has more than doubled what we pay at the pump.Like it or not,gasoline prices are a stinking rip off.I'll keep buying it ,but I don't have to get all warm and fuzzy when I pay for it.I don't know how often you guys go for recreational drives but my frivolous weekly drives have been reduced significantly over the last few years.


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Who do U BLAME

Heck Eric, ya outta come over and visit me sometime. Ya think that coal and gas just magically appears for them to pump out? There is a ton of gas/deisel used to pump that stuff out. From the bulldozers that build the pads, trucks to haul rock in for the pad, rig set up is simply amazing how many that takes, then the actual drilling for 3-4 weeks, then frac trucks, then water disposal trucks for the life of the well several times a day, a man to check the wells output twice a day, and oh ya- ya need to build a pipeline for that gas to get to the plant. Having lived in Central/East Texas all my life I know the gas/coal plan. I have a gas well not 200 yards from my front porch, I can hit the wellhead with a rock if I want too. Less than 1/2 mile away is Northwestern Resources who supplies coal to Reliant Energy. Everybody that loves coal/gas so much should stay with me a while, and my doctor would be just as happy to treat your asthma and cancer as he does the other 15% of my area.

All I see is coal car after coal car, couple hundred cars per load, coming from Wyoming everyday. I know it takes fuel to get it out, but the energy produced by the coal far out weighs what it costs, even factoring in the fuel used by the trains to move it.