When is your boating season over?


Mar 19, 2007
Re: When is your boating season over?

In NJ here, I'll run until there's a definite threat of freezing.
The biggest issue is that it gets pretty rough during the colder months here.
But on the warm clear days, the boat comes out of hibernation anytime.
You do have to watch for ice though but more so with a glass boat than aluminum.
Chunks of ice are tough on props though.


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Re: When is your boating season over?

November 1st in NJ?:eek: Your either a brave soul or, well...:rolleyes:

Really though, I used to keep my Rinker at the ready through mid October for that one last, bundled up in long johns wearing a wool parka and gloves, ride up the Ol' Miss for the Autumn leaves. But with my new boat, well, not new anymore, she is 8 now, I put her away in mid Septmeber.:(

The unwritten rule here is Memorial Day to Labor Day for all out boating season. If you can get out earlier or push it alittle later, it's been a good year.

that about sums it up for us as well. If I take the little lady out too soon or too late I hear about it all year. LOL

the motorcycle I usually run until Dec or until the first heavy snow.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 6, 2007
Re: When is your boating season over?

How 'bout a couple years before that even when it was upper 80's in early April. If I remember right, it was April 2nd. Earliest I have ever been out. Well, North of Arizona anyway.

Yeah, I WILL pull the boat out for a bonus weekend. It is worth the couple hours to rewinterize.:D

Hey it was in the 80's in April this year! For someone reason I find it harder to start earlier than to go later. This year because of the 80's I started my boat in April thinking the cold was gone and then BAM, mid 20's at night a week or two later and I'm freakin! Told wife I'm not starting until mid May from now on.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: When is your boating season over?

Adam, put it in a slip. The amount of use you get out of the boat is directly proportional to how close it is to the water. For short trips or surprise good weather, you have to be able to cast off with minimal prep and return time.

Although you don't say what kind of boat you have or what you like to do in it, you have a similar, but longer, season of mild weather than I do. Cruising around the rivers, marshes and barrier islands is better in the fall (and spring) due to fewer bugs and cooler temps. Great bird watching. The colors on the fall marsh are great. Great beach combing; no crowds. You are in a beautiful area, a boating paradise; take advantage of it as long as you can.

And that's without having specific activities involved; just being out there. Take up fall fishing for speckles and puppy drum, even more fun.

Just don't limit yourself with one-dimensional thinking that "boating" is just the basic July launch/picnic/tube/sun/return excursion.

Until the hurricanes come, that is....


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 15, 2010
Re: When is your boating season over?

I am still in Afghanistan and will be home sometime during the middle of next month. I plan on spending as much time on the lake as possible after getting home. I figure I will winterize her just before the first good freeze.

Taking her up to Lake Lanier during the fall with the leaves changing color sounds like it would be great to see.

Heck the idea of being out n the lake just after a fresh snowfall sounds great too. Though I live in north central Georgia. We don't get a whole lot of Snow but it does regularly get below freezing.

then a nice little outing to Lake Jackson and right to the marina and shop for winterization. Hopefully the mechanic there will show me a few pointers and such about winterizing her and point out some issues that may need some attention.

Has anyone kept a heat pad over their motor to prevent freezing in order to extend their boating season?



Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 28, 2008
Re: When is your boating season over?

Here in central Louisiana, it is never over. Gets a little chilly sometimes, but not too bad. There are probably 3 weeks total out of all year where it is too dang cold to go in the early morning, but I will still go in the afternoon.

Same here in Central Florida. Even in the dead of winter there are only about 10 days a year that it doesn't warm up into the 60's once the sun comes out. Any colder than that and the fish aren't biting anyway.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 30, 2010
Re: When is your boating season over?

I have a Key West 1900CC Sportsman. So far we have been just cruising in it, but I'd also like to get in some recreational fishing. I'm not exactly an experienced angler yet, but I wouldn't mind getting started.
Aug 19, 2010
Re: When is your boating season over?

I'm here in Beaufort too! Small world. The season never really "ends" down here, through you do want to watch the weather close in the colder months, tide changes faster, and weather changes even faster. Water does get pretty chilly come october-november, which is a good time to go in the creeks and do some trout fishing.


May 27, 2004
Re: When is your boating season over?

I just bought my first boat in July, now it is nearing the end of August. Before I know it the summer will be over, but that's not the end, right? I realize it depends on where you live, and where you play, but when do you call it 'off season' and stop boating?

I live way down south in SC (Beaufort). It takes a while before it gets cold down here. When is my season over? I haven't really had a chance to talk to any other local boaters to find out when they are done, so I was hoping someone here can give me an idea.

In Beaufort, it's never over. There might be a few days or even weeks when you decide not to go boating, but there's no real "off season" unless you want one. It really depends on the type of boating you do.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 30, 2010
Re: When is your boating season over?

In Beaufort, it's never over. There might be a few days or even weeks when you decide not to go boating, but there's no real "off season" unless you want one.

Thats what I was hoping to hear. I don't necessarily think the wife is going to want to go out fishing in the middle of December, but you never know :)


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 30, 2010
Re: When is your boating season over?

I'm here in Beaufort too! Small world. The season never really "ends" down here, through you do want to watch the weather close in the colder months, tide changes faster, and weather changes even faster. Water does get pretty chilly come october-november, which is a good time to go in the creeks and do some trout fishing.

Lived here long? I was in Charleston for the last 10 years but just moved to Beaufort two months ago, which necessitated the boat last month ;)


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: When is your boating season over?

Hard core Striper fisherman. Cold air and cold water are my best freinds. I'm on the water more from November to May than I am from June to September. You know it's cold when you have saltwater freezing on the deck.

Otherwise, take the boat over to Kent Island or down to Solomons for dinner a couple of times a summer. I have no interest in water sports in a place where I'm not at the top of the food chain.


Nov 17, 2005
Re: When is your boating season over?

Midway Ga, not too far South of you and as stated, there are a few days maybe even a week or two that you don't go out but no real off season here, I have been out in Dec, Jan, and Feb with enclosure for running and long sleeve shirt and sweater for not running, walking the beach, fishin, whatever.

Jeep Man

Oct 17, 2008
Re: When is your boating season over?

North of the border, I usually stretch it till the Canadian Thanksgiving. Great view of the fall colours from the water. After that, I'm possibly breaking ice to clear the dock.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 17, 2010
Re: When is your boating season over?

I'm in South Carolina, but it's not the weather that parks my boat.....

It's GAMECOCK FOOTBALL... and that starts Sept. 2nd on ESPN


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 17, 2010
Re: When is your boating season over?

Thats what I was hoping to hear. I don't necessarily think the wife is going to want to go out fishing in the middle of December, but you never know :)

....that's when you take the girlfriend.... LOL

bob johnson

Rear Admiral
Feb 25, 2009
Re: When is your boating season over?

when waterfowl season ends in feb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or LONG ISLAND SOUND freezes over( really cold winter huh)



Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 20, 2010
Re: When is your boating season over?

Boat season?

That starts at the end of turkey season and ends at the beginning of bow season. :D


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 20, 2009
Re: When is your boating season over?

When the snow is flying and are ole boat is just sitting there in the heated garage me and the wife will go out and sit in her and i'll make the wife make the motor noise and pretend we are out on the lake having fun. then i have to fire up the snow thrower and come back to reality. hahahaha. this year as warm as it has been i'm hoping we can boat into november (fingers crossed).