What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 15, 2009
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

Harris lake is just south of Jordan lake,west of Raleigh N.C.soon after it opened we fished a deep hole at the bottom of the spillway and caught lots of good crappie/white bass etc. A deep trench was blasted/concreted through rock behind the dam.and went about 400' or so at about 2 or 3 percent fall before it curved into a steep ,about 45 degree slope that ended in a 30' deep hole at the bottom.a friend and I decided one day to slide down the spillway and squating/sliding or on our tennis shoes went down the very slick algae covered concrete toward the drop off.it was scary the first time because there was no turning back.too slick and the water pushed you along. you started going alot faster before you could see the bottom over the horizon.probably 30/35 mph at the bottom and splash what a ride!we came back w inner tubes and it was faster/funner.the water was usually 2 to 4 inches deep and we would race to the bottom.it was almost impossible to not spin around on the tube before you hit the bottom and if you did it right you could slip off the tube and shoot across the water head first on your back.They now have tall fences surrounding the whole area because a bunch of dumb teenagers ruined it for everybody.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 29, 2010
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

Yep out of the box, even my wife's touring sled will easily break 100 in a jif. The further you go toward Canada, the more absurd our temperatures are in MN. Don't see many new three cylinder cylinders any more but the ones that remain that you see are generally thought of as quick but bad mileage. I'm just excited to see that something we take for granted is someone elses crazy.

Yeah Baby !! 02 Ski Doo MXZ 700 Adreneline... Ready and Waitn !!!:D:D:D
Had it at 104 MPH thru the woods last year. Hoping Bambi didn't step out. I defiantly would have become one with nature:eek: Love the rush of the woods going by in a blur at 100+ MPH on an 9 ft wide trail:D Walkn that fine line between crazy and stupid...leanin toward stupid a skosh!

And the TOTALLY craziest...Make that stupidest... Went to Vegas and said... I DO :mad:


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

As a member of the local fire service ... just about every call, running in when others are running out. Have been in the heat way too many times, have the pick of one place going up as my buddy and I were running in. Chief was blowing the whistle for everyone to leave the building, but we were in too far and couldn't get out without fighting our way out ... 2 2 3/4 inch lines, a husband/wife team and Johnny and I, thoroughly tangled up in wired, trapped, but we knocked down the fire and saved the building.

Looking back, we should have left the building burn and saved ourselves, but adreneline has a strange effect on you! Have about a dozen other stories where we were where we "shouldn't have been" if we were in our right minds, but we stand to talk about it today, and saved millions of dollars in repair/replacement.

Brent S

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 21, 2009
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

Me and 3 other 6th graders (long, long time ago) tried to tip a bull one night. He was not happy about it. My friend got hung up in the electric fence, zapped every 6 seconds. The rest of us knew enough about electricity that we did NOT try to help him get out.

Jeep Man

Oct 17, 2008
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

Man, I've lived such a sheltered life, no guns pointed at my head, no race boats, no bike gangs, no 200 mph motorcycles. Best I can do is drag racing a Dodge Demon with a 396ss Chevy on a back road. Topped out at 155 mph.

'96 Charger

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2010
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

I've been pretty sheltered as well. Can't think of anything even worth mentioning


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 12, 2009
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

At 21, I went door to door, selling magazine subscriptions for 8 years after leaving the service{Army}. Lot's of crazy times and things done that are better left unsaid ;)...one from the funnier side during that time... I was having a bad day as well as a dry spell in the quota dept., and had this GROUCH answer his door, giving me pure he!! over bothering him. I didn't get a word in edgewise. So...after he slammed the door in my face, I went around to the side door and knocked on it...He had a dumbfounded look on his face when he opened it, and with a s#!t eating grin on my face I said "Hi, hope your not as mean as that S.O.B. out front was!.....no sale, but we both had a great laugh over it. :D


Sep 14, 2008
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

I have a few others, whether crazy or stupid is debatable. I'm trying to figure out how to word one to protect the innocent and/or what the statute of limitations are for certain things hehehehe.

Nowadays I am in bed by midnight, and am quiet and calm for the most part. I have aches and pains and scars to remind me of my past "fun"...:rolleyes:

Some great stories here, some of you have done some cool stuff!


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

Used to race small tunnels, 60+ mph. Not bad for a capsuled, 12' with a 40hp Nissan. Went 120mph in a '72 LeMans with a very loose frontend. Speaking of snowmobiles with triples. I have a '96 Polaris Ultra SP 700 that will give you an adrenaline rush. All lame compared to some of you guys.
ps. Midnite? By then, I'm looking at the inside of my eyelids.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 15, 2010
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

I can't top 88's stunt. :rolleyes:

But ...I almost kill myself bug bombing my boat. :eek:
Someone found me passed-out on the dock between the 2 boats.
I woke up in the hospital 10hrs later with about 5 IV tubes sticking in me.:redface:

yes a true story, at a point in my life after my mom died and i didnt care if i lived or not. but i give it to summer fun. even i know to leave the area when bug bombing....lol

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

yes a true story, at a point in my life after my mom died and i didnt care if i lived or not. but i give it to summer fun. even i know to leave the area when bug bombing....lol

STIC, A little hint, cover the boat THEN drop the bug bomb in from the OUTSIDE!!!!!

I personally have done lots of cray/stupid things. Like Sargo I have the scars to remind me. Ive jumped out of perfectly good planes, jumped & sometimes thrown out of moving cars, crashed bikes,race cars, ran down city streets in BKLYN with a 30 shot clip loaded cashing people. Been shot twice, stabbed once ( although it was 6 times in the one instance)

BUT the craziest thing i have done is........ I Got Married For The 3rd time :eek:
Even worse, I wound up with 2 kids just like me!!!! And here I though God only punishes you by giving you ONE like you :eek::eek::eek:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 14, 2010
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

The picture is a few years old but I used to like getting big air! The jump in the picture is a 100 foot long table top. I'm riding a 00 Yamaha YZF426 pinned in 4th gear. I jumped this jump numerous times and once I overshot and flatlanded. It pancaked my front rim and compressed my back. 8 years later I pay for it on the cold rainy days. But man the rush was like nothing I'm ever had!

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Sep 14, 2008
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

The picture is a few years old but I used to like getting big air! The jump in the picture is a 100 foot long table top. I'm riding a 00 Yamaha YZF426 pinned in 4th gear. I jumped this jump numerous times and once I overshot and flatlanded. It pancaked my front rim and compressed my back. 8 years later I pay for it on the cold rainy days. But man the rush was like nothing I'm ever had!

That's awesome! I used to race MX back in the 70's as a kid and if we got 1/4 that much air we were doing something!


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 10, 2010
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

I went to the post office and on the door it said pull,well I pushed it,I'm a rebel without a cause.

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

Very Funny EZ, You Told !!!!!:eek:;)

That's Cool MX I raced back in the 80's

Here is one I almost forgot about

I was doing a helicopter lift down at Amtrak Ivy City D.C.



I'm the one in the middle on the rt side of the unit.
Well on one of the picks, the chopper got an updraft and my hands were already holding on to the AHU. Well....... the pilot had to pull up, next thing I knew I was 10-20' in the are still holding onto it. :eek: Now that was an adrenaline rush


Sep 23, 2010
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

Yep out of the box, even my wife's touring sled will easily break 100 in a jif. The further you go toward Canada, the more absurd our temperatures are in MN. Don't see many new three cylinder cylinders any more but the ones that remain that you see are generally thought of as quick but bad mileage. I'm just excited to see that something we take for granted is someone elses crazy.

My wifes cousin had the 3 cylinder built back in 1989ish when there was no such thing. I guess what they did was cut a cylinder off one motor and added it to anotrher 2 cyl. He also went there and learned what real riding is about. He still talks about it. Nothing like it in NE other than smaller stretches. Still if ya don't know the difference there is plenty of challenging trails.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 14, 2010
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

That's awesome! I used to race MX back in the 70's as a kid and if we got 1/4 that much air we were doing something!

Thanks! I raced up until 2003. I still ride but I don't do anything like that picture anymore. Getting hurt these days wouldn't be good!


Sep 24, 2004
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

Lets just say I am lucky to have lived through my teen years :D Probably like many of us. I look back and wonder "What was I thinking?" many times. Obviously I wasn't thinking LOL
Makes me cringe, so I try and not reflect too often. I can't even get myself to write down the experiences


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2010
Re: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?

Most of the crazy stuff I've done in the past involves cars.. When I was a dumb teenager I we used to go "hill hopping" in my '78 Malibu.. There were a couple big hills on some back roads that we'd hit at 60-70mph that had a "soft slope" on the backside, the airtime was was in the 3-4 second range. I stopped doing that after almost losing control during a landing and also having to replace broken body mount bolts. I knew at the time it was a very stupid thing to do, and in retrospect I am glad that I nor anybody else got hurt.

When I was in my mid 20's I got really into the street racing scene, I had a '95 Mustang that I poured all kinds of money into it was a 302 w/heads, cam, headers, aftermarket intake, full catless exhaust, 150hp shot of nitrous, 4.11s, drag radials, etc. In the wee hours of the morning we would drag races 3 cars wide on the highway.
There was also a gathering spot only 3-4 miles from my house that was accessible through back roads, a couple times we put the drag slicks on, dumped the headers at the collectors and drove it to the racing spot with the back end wobbling the whole way.. It's funny though, didn't get many races those nights when we showed up in a car with open exhaust and drag slicks.