What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 26, 2002
Just read that Yamaha is the first to stop using what year the motor is build. They will only use model numbers and serial numbers no years.They say dealers are complaining about beeing stuck with last year engines and having to loose money selling them Yamaha says that there motors haven't changed in years so the will only change model numbers after theres a change. So that means 2005 is the last year for Yamaha's


Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

The consumer loses. The consumer will have no idea how long that engine has been sitting around.<br /><br />It will make buying a used boat even more complicated.<br /><br />Just my opinion.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 1, 2005
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

I've heard you can still find manufacturing date from the serial number. Is this true?


Oct 24, 2003
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

merc has been doing this all along.<br /><br />tohatsu does it also<br /><br />so does honda<br /><br />how does this make yamaha so different?<br /><br />and who cares<br /><br />its still a good motor!


Jul 22, 2004
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

The engines have/do/will continue to have "model" years. But, the "model" years will not be stamped on the engines. As soon as an engine leaves the custody of a Yamaha warehouse it is assigned a "model" year. So, nothing has changed except you will not see a plate or decal, on the engine itself, that say's what the year is. You will only see a plate that has the serial number, model number and the year the engine was produced. If you want to know the "model" year you will have to ask the dealer or call Yamaha with the serial number. And remember...before a dealer will ever get an engine in their possession, it has already been assigned that permanent "model" year.<br /><br />And I could not agree with you more Mike.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 14, 2005
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

Good for Dealers, Bad for customers!<br /><br />I think a customer knowing a model year right off helps them bargin on a engine that has sat over from last year. You wouldn't buy a 2004 car at a 2005 price would you, even though it's still new and on the dealers lot.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

You buy based on this "model year".<br />Insurance company pays off based on year of manufacture.<br /><br /><br /> :eek: :eek: :mad: :mad:


Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

Many products have a clearly identifiable "build date". If that's the case, that's OK.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

seems merc has had no worries with it for years. nor any of the rest that go by strictly seriel number. it helps us at the service parts level as we now will have a specific number to go by.


Jul 22, 2004
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

I know it's hard to get past the press release headline of "No Model Year". However, please believe me when I tell you that no engine manufacturer can sell an engine to a dealer or boat builder without the engine having a model year. What the press release should be saying is that "Yamaha drops the model year designation sticker off of the engine". That's all that has occured. The engine itself will not have the model year marked on it where you can walk up and say "look, this is a 2006 model". The model year still exists, but only as defined by the serial number. I.E. On a 90 hp, serial numbers 30000-34545 might be 2006 models. 34546-35239 might be 2007 models. By law, the engines must have a production year stamped on the engine. So you might see something like this today on the tag on a 2006 engine.<br /><br />2005 MODEL F90TXR SERIAL NUMBER 34233<br /><br />The 2005 refers to the year the engine was produced. The model number tells you what model you have and the serial number tells you the....model year. How will you know it's a 2006? Several ways. First, when the engine arrives to the dealer it arrives with a legal document called a Manufacturer's Statement of Origin. That is a form that Yamaha is required to provide so that the engine can be titled. That form has the model number, serial number and yes, the model year, printed on it. It's out of the dealer's hands as far as him saying it's one year or another....Unless, he commits fraud and forges a fake MSO. Second, call Yamaha. If you are looking at buying a new engine and you have any doubts about what the year of the engine is...Call them, give them the serial number and then prepare to be amazed as they are able to tell you the model year. It's that simple. There is no drawback to the consumer other than the potential for a dishonest, criminal, dealer to commit fraud. That risk is slightly increased. That's not a good thing, but unless you are buying an engine off of the back of a truck, it shouldn't be all that risky either.<br /><br />Now to deal with some other very poorly worded lines in the press release. It is implied in the release that dealers will benefit from this change so as to not get stuck with prior year models. That's true....Sort of...In a roundabout way. Reading the release, it sounds like they are saying that all of those engines that a dealer may have in stock will no longer have a model year. Wrong. If a dealer has it...It has already been assigned a model year and that can't be changed no matter how long he has it. The new system will help alleviate that overstock in the following way. Keep in mind that dealer's will place order's far in advance of when they need the product. Dealer's are not clairvoyant. In fact, it's usually guaranteed that what you have in stock is never what you need. Now couple that with Yamaha's past policy of "You ordered it, it's now available, now bend over". Yamaha has been building to fill orders, not building and holding the engines in a warehouse hoping someone would buy them. Since Yamaha did not want to get caught with dated product it forced dealers to take engines that dealers no longer wanted. I.E. A dealer orders 10 90hp's August 1st and says send me 3 now, 3 in January and 4 in April. Yamaha sends him 2 in November, 1 in January, 1 in March, 2 in May and 4 in July. It's those 4 in July that cause the problem. The dealer takes them, he has to. But, now he has leftover models 3 weeks later as the model year changes. He's screwed. Under the new system Yamaha can be a lot more flexible. Since there is no model year until they pull it out of their warehouse they can let the dealer off the hook and not force him to take the engines he no longer needs. That means the dealer does not have to dump them on the market. That means he get's to make a profit. And that's a good thing<br /> :)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 13, 2004
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

I'll be for kickin some dealers arse if he sells me a "new 2009" engine which was manufactured in 2006. If you are him, you'd best get ready!


Jul 22, 2004
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

I'll hold him down for you. :cool:


Aug 10, 2002
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

Originally posted by north40:<br /> I'll be for kickin some dealers arse if he sells me a "new 2009" engine which was manufactured in 2006. If you are him, you'd best get ready!
It isn't the dealer's fault. In this case Yamaha sold an engine mfg in 2006 and placed a 2009 model date on it when sold to the dealer. You still get a 3 yr old (with likely outdated technology) engine but Yamaha was able to sell it at the 2009 market price as a newer yr motor. Of course your neighbor did better. He was able to find a new 2009 Yamaha from another dealer that was mfg in 2009 and it was technically superior to your new 2009 (2006) model. <br /><br />Of course Yamaha and dealers are going to say this is good. It lets them sell NOS goods without the restrictions of losing $$$ on outdated stock. The consumer may now get really "old" motors for really "new" prices. In the computer world this is the difference between a $4000 system and a $1000 system...both showroom new and one is old tech. I wonder when auto mfgs will start selling 2006 cars new as 2009s?<br /><br />What this means to ME is buyer beware and always check the mfg date on a new Yamaha to see how old it really is. If it isn't 6 months or less old I'm not buying it. Every new ob motor I can remember purchasing has been mfg less than 6 months before buying. I'd need some hard proof to believe that ob mfgs in the past have sold 2-3 yr old motors as later model years.


Jul 22, 2004
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

I'm trying to think of a real world situation where a manufacturer would continue to produce engines for three years while they had three year old inventory sitting there....Nope...I can't. This is really only about the window around the August 1st model year turnover. We are only talking a few months at worse. Even under the previous system do you guys really think they suddenly start making new year models a couple of weeks before the turnover? Depending on the stockpile in Japan, they could have been sitting for 3 to 6 months anyway before they put the plate on. But, checking the year yourself on the engine is good idea.<br /><br />On a side note, have any of you ever noticed that boat manufacturers never seem to have left over models when the model year turnover occurs? Suddenly all their boats they are shipping out have the latest serial numbers on the hull...Lightbulb comming on...It only takes a few minutes with some gelcoat and that boat can be any year they want it to be. :eek:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 18, 2002
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

Hi,<br />If I was to buy a new Yamaha outboard now I would check the day it was built in the factory.<br />I would for sure require a dealer, in print in the contract, write the day it was manufactured from Yamaha factory. If they can not provide that I would just select another make.<br /><br />Maybe Yamaha and other should start to build the larger outboards after they got an order by a specific customer. That way the customer know it was made just some weeks or months after the order was placed.<br />They do this with cars so why not with outboards (that can be as expensive as a new car).


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 13, 2004
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

What BillP said! :D


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

cause its a limnited production. and unlike cars you dont get option choices. most the special order cars can be had in a few weeks due to the scheduled production rate. most auto makers are not making 15 to 20 completely different models either.<br /> about the only interchange from an F2.5 to a Z300 is the paint code.<br /> but the year of manufacture will be availible just like it has been for mercury for years and years.<br /> just try to find the year of certain merc motors. you will get a model range. :) . washing machines and dryers along with refridgerators do the same thing. I dont see a problem.it will make my job easier. makes people bring me the correct motor info before we start disscussing parts. if you dont believe it ask for a merc power trim for a mid 80's v6 merc and see how fast ya get sent back for the engine seriel number.<br /> but the seriel number will give an indication as to the year produced. so its no worries. just makes tracking easier. many time a manufactuer will go several years with no changes then make a mid year adjustment. OMC was famous for it so not only did you have to have a year but the correct suffix number from the model code. with seriel number only the manufaturer can just break the number sequence and start again.<br /> you dont know much about car manufacturing do you ?<br /> and while it may be possible, in fact it is possible to track a vehicle to the shift it rolled out on why would the consumer need it ?<br />but its rather facitious to the they can MAKE a car in weeks. maybe ASSEMBLE one but most the parts were manufactured long before assy.


Jul 22, 2004
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

What Rodbolt said! :)


Aug 10, 2002
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

No offense but I'm more concerned with my pocket book than making it easier for a mechanic to find parts. I doubt the cost will be lower for me even if the mechanic's job is easier finding them. <br /><br />Cars are titled and show model year. Outboard motors aren't titled and get a POS bill of sale. Insurance, finance companies and consumers use serials for dating...not a bill of sale. Yamaha needs to cover the consumers butt on this with "official" paperwork or they will have some angry customers in a few years. <br /><br />I hope I'm wrong and the consumer doesn't get the short end of the stick. However, perception drives sales (as they say "perception IS the truth")and my perception isn't favorable on this one. Statistically that means there are 9 more people who feel the same and keep quite...they just go away and don't buy the product. That means Yamaha has 10 people (me and 9 others)who won't consider buying them. How many are saying they don't like the new program? Just this thread has a couple. Multiply that by 10 and you see how powerful perception is.


Jul 22, 2004
Re: What do you all thing about Yamaha dropping the years they are built!

Depending on the state that you reside in, outboards are titled. (Florida not being one of them). But, regardless of whether or not you have to register it...It has an MSO. Just like a car or a boat, that paper exists and provides proof of model year. Any consumer that is concerned that the dealer that they are dealing with is attempting to defraud them about the year only has to ask for that piece of paper.