Whale wars boat sinking

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Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

I have one simple question. Why in the flyin' flip do the wannbe-do-gooders need the Batmobile? If somebody answers bio-diesel I will simply puke. You don't need the Starship Enterprise to run bio-diesel . . . :rolleyes:

It was designed as a race boat, to get a world record. I followed the earthrace the first time they tried, they even ran over and killed people in small fishing boats. All they were trying to do then was break the around the world in a boat record, they did eventually.
Here, have a look at their site.


Jul 10, 2005
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

I don't like whaling either, but the toy boat is not a legal law enforcement vessel and has no right to do what it was doing. On the high seas where there is no cop on the beat, sometimes you just have to take care of the problem yourself when terrorists strike.

Yup total agree. I was always locked and loaded when I was doing the saltwater trips because when you are out there by yourself you are by yourself. I do not understand how they can interfear with something that is allowed by law and not be arrested and there boats be inpounded.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 27, 2008
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

I think they deserved what had happened and nothing will be done since this was most likely in International water. These peoples are flat out harrassing the whaling boat and that is just plain wrong. If the whaler boat operates in any certain jurisdiction they would be arrested for violating the harvesting ban. These "whale warriors" or whatever they called themselve should take all that money and effort and help out the starving, homeless peoples in their own flipping country. That is a noble and worthy effort, preventing others trying to make a living doing something that is not illegal is plain DUMB. By the way, the Alaskan natives still harvest whale the old fashion way and they are not getting arrested. If they like playing with boat and dangerous situations so much they should go harrassing the Somalia pirates.

The Alaskan natives hunt bowhead within the tolerance levels of the government. They also hunt in 18-20 foot boats "old school" style except for the little outboard on the back. They also use every bit of the whale for the basic survival of their villages. They don't hunt whales with the highly industrialized mindset of the Asians. We all know about shark fin soup right? They are obviously taking advantage of the lack of Laws in International waters.
On the same token, why don't the Sea Sheperd folks try to influence countries to form more regulation in International waters rather than piracy? Good luck with that now. I don't think Steve Irwin would approve of his name being on that vessel after seeing the BS involved. R.I.P. old bloke!


Oct 6, 2003
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

That is the thing!!! These are international waters and there are international laws against whaling, at least in that part of the ocean because it has been deemed a whale sanctuary. However, there is no policing agency that will stop them... So the Sea Shepards do what they can to try to keep the whalers form collecting enough whales to be profitable... thus bankrupting them and putting them out of business...

However, other than harassing and/or trying to foul the the props of the whalers to kep them from being able to hunt/fish, the Sea Shepards are not violent, harassing and annoying, but not violent...

That said, I have seen episodes where the whalers have held some fo the Sea Shepard crew members hostage for hours (or even a few days), they have not accepted the Sea Shepards help when on a search and rescue for a missing japanese crew member (might not have been real anyway) and I bet the Japanese will not assist the Sea Shepards in any way should they need additional assistance in the southern oceans....


Mar 19, 2007
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

I'm all for animal rights but the way I see it is terrorism is terrorism. Think of it another way, how about all the rest of the Japanese crew which were just hired to do a job. Dropping a cable or rope as they call it to foul the props or rudder of a large vessel can indeed in cause a major catastrophe. Anything that endangers the lives of others or your own crew at sea should be dealt with swiftly. To make things worse, these actions are documented on film.

It's one thing to go after them for taking whales but another to endanger a ships crew.
To me this would be the same as any other form of terrorism. The captain of that ship has the right to do what he thinks is necessary to protect his crew and vessel from harm. He's doing his job. Its like shooting a mailman because he brought you bad news or too many bills.

I also feel that there are more important issues in this world to throw money at than to fund a bunch of over the edge terrorist environmentalists. I agree, it's only a matter of time before someone ends up dead.

As to the the smaller vessel being hit, it does look to me like the larger vessel was indeed trying to pass behind the smaller one but it stopped in it's path. To me that's the fault of the smaller vessels captain. For one it had no business that close to a large vessel like that in the first place and their all lucky not to have been turned to chum by one of the props they were trying to foul. Second, the Sea Sheppard's captain or operator clearly intentionally endangered the lives of his crew.

I as a fisherman that fishes near a shipping channel at times would never get anywhere near a vessel that size. Just their prop wash alone is enough to wreak havoc on a smaller boat and the larger vessel simply cannot stop or change direction fast enough, provided the captain or wheelman can even see you. The fact that the Sea Sheppard's boat can't be seen very easy on radar also don't do much for their safety in those cases.

As far as the young crew of the Sea Sheppard's vessel, I doubt they even realize how little their captain appears to value their lives. But sadly I don't think they will have much trouble finding more to join that cause especially now due to the TV coverage.

If the Japanese whalers are breaking international law, then simply filming and documenting their over whaling should be the legal limit to what a private non law enforcement group can do.

I am also all for protecting one's self on the open seas, or anywhere else on the water for that matter. I too keep myself well armed while boating in open water. Especially if I'm out in open ocean.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 3, 2010
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

Just a bit of fun. with a bit of bad language.

Link removed due to language.
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Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

There are claims in this thread that whale hunting is against International Law, and other claims that it is legal.

My understanding is that a treaty is not law, and it only affects those signatories of the treaty.

Japan is not a party to any such treaty.

On the other hand, I believe that deliberately endangering other vessels and the lives of their crews amounts to piracy.


Jan 11, 2009
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

That said, I have seen episodes where the whalers have held some fo the Sea Shepard crew members hostage for hours (or even a few days), they have not accepted the Sea Shepards help when on a search and rescue for a missing japanese crew member (might not have been real anyway) and I bet the Japanese will not assist the Sea Shepards in any way should they need additional assistance in the southern oceans....

And how did those Shepard crew members get captured? They did it on purpose. I saw one of those epidsodes in which this happened. They took their boat and boarded the Japanese boat just like pirates would and then as soon as they got it on film that he Japanese captured their crew members they were on the phone with the news. it was all a set up. They wanted to get captured so they could tell the story. I would like to see what you would do if someone illegally boarded your boat. Would you welcome them aboard and throw a party? Or would you keep them retrained until you could safely do something to them? What should they have done, thrown them back in the ocean? Allowed the Shepard boat to come back and pick them up so the entire Shepard crew could board and run amuck on your boat?
The Shepard and it's entire crew are a bunch of idiots that are lucky to still be alive.


Oct 6, 2003
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

The Shepard and it's entire crew are a bunch of idiots that are lucky to still be alive.

I do not disagree. My point was the Japanese whalers are not playing nice either, and I can understand why... But even in war, prisoners are supposed to be treated humainly have wounds treated, etc... I have seen Watson offer help in a search, but I doubt the Japanese would help the Shepards if they were in REAL trouble.....

BTW... I have been looking for this and have not found the answer. Were the Shepards able to salvage any of the Ady Gil to take in for rebuild, or did the boat eventually sink?????? I hate to see that boat lost....


Jan 11, 2009
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

The last I read on it, they said it was partially submerged, but was not sinking. I didn't hear anything about if they were trying to fix it or not.


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

I do not disagree. My point was the Japanese whalers are not playing nice either, and I can understand why... But even in war, prisoners are supposed to be treated humainly have wounds treated, etc... I have seen Watson offer help in a search, but I doubt the Japanese would help the Shepards if they were in REAL trouble.....

Supposed to but we all know it doesn't happen. I could never understand this treating the prisoner of war nice concept. If you're going to treat them nice when you capture them then why in the hell are you shooting at them to kill in the first place? It will be interesting to see if and when somebody opens a poll to see how many peoples actually support the actions of these misguided rebels without a clue.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

Quoted from link above

"The Sea Shepherd protest vessel, Ady Gil, is currently being repaired after its bow was demolished in the collision with Japan's Shonan Maru Number 2, which is conducting an annual whale hunt in seas off Antarctica. "


"Japan abandoned commercial whaling in 1986 after agreeing to a global moratorium; but international rules allow it to continue hunting under the auspices of a research programme. "

I have looked online but can not find any research reports that came from the "research" project that the japanese claim to be conducting on whales . Wonder why that is ????


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 9, 2006
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

From the utube clip it does show the Jap boat bearing right towards the smaller boat prior to colision ... and that should not be left as is, as per marine rules and regulations ... nevertheless this situation reminds me of the citation "two wrongs dont equal one right"


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2009
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

My only question is how can you even begin to be a captain of a boat like that one - with lives in your trust and not be aware of what is going on 100% of the time.

If I was driving that boat.......I would have known the big boat that is filling the windshield had turned towards me and I would have gone FULL SOMETHING - right left, forward backwards? I wouldn't have ever been in that situation......


Apr 27, 2004
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

My only question is how can you even begin to be a captain of a boat like that one - with lives in your trust and not be aware of what is going on 100% of the time.

If I was driving that boat.......I would have known the big boat that is filling the windshield had turned towards me and I would have gone FULL SOMETHING - right left, forward backwards? I wouldn't have ever been in that situation......
Of course you would be trying to avoid a situation like that.
These pirates we deliberately trying to cause damage. Hard to apply the rules of the road when one party is out to cause a problem.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 9, 2006
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

My only question is how can you even begin to be a captain of a boat like that one - with lives in your trust and not be aware of what is going on 100% of the time.

If I was driving that boat.......I would have known the big boat that is filling the windshield had turned towards me and I would have gone FULL SOMETHING - right left, forward backwards? I wouldn't have ever been in that situation......

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