Whale wars boat sinking

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Nov 17, 2005
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

I was on Earthrace when it came to Savannah Ga on the first around the world trip. I was a unique boat, 78 feet long and narrow, powered by 2 QSC540 Cummins engines, it was a little over 3 people wide on the inside. I hate to here that it has been destroyed, I had recently found out what they were going to do with it, I got the impression they were going to block the whalers with it, I wondered then how that would work, apparently not very well. I think I would have put the 1080 hp to use in reverse to move out of the way of the big boat and been around for another try at something different later.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 20, 2009
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

Seems like the Sea Shepherds need lessons on Seammanship AND Physics.

To get in the way of a ship that big while it's underway was foolhardy. I think whomever governs the waters should charge the operator of the smaller ship with attempted murder for their crew. That was beyond stupid. To me, that's like challenging a fully loaded semi on the highway with a SMart Car.

D-U-M-B. Cause or not, safety should never be disregarded like that. I can't imagine anyone on here would be that bad of a captain.

Tsk tsk.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

These folks go through quite a few ships, the first one I remember got taken out supposedly by the french navy, while docked, for blockading thier nuke tests, oh that was greenpeace.
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Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

Here is the link to the video from another ship that clearly shows the whaler turning into the other boat !

I feel BOTH Captains are to blame here , to take a chance that could cost human lives . The Ady Gil should have gotten out of the way and survived to fight another day .
It would be real interesting to see more video of how the boats ended up where they were prior to the collison.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

If you're going to play with the big dogs, expect to get bit. If you end up dead, it doesn't matter who had the right of way...

Gary H NC

Fleet Admiral
Dec 1, 2005
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

If you're going to play with the big dogs, expect to get bit. If you end up dead, it doesn't matter who had the right of way...

I agree although that last video shows the big ship turned hard to starboard just to hit the smaller boat.
Either way,you mess with the bull you get the horns...:eek:


Oct 6, 2003
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

At least that video clearly shows that the whaler turned into them... unlike the Japanese video...

I support the effort of the Sea Shepards, but I do feel that Paul Watson has lost his mind sometimes..... I feel like someone will end up dying pretty soon...


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

You probably will during the next season of Whale Wars....

The reason I would be interested in seeing this is to determine if the Ady Gil was traveling to cross the path of the whaler and then just stopped . If that is the case the whaler Captain may have already commited to a starboard turn that he could not correct in time , The boat does go to port right after the collision. Also to see if the whaler tried to help the crew of the Ady Gil at least until further help arived . I thought that was maritime law to help . Hell even at war people pick up survivors If they are able .


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

I agree ^^^^^


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

I think they deserved what had happened and nothing will be done since this was most likely in International water. These peoples are flat out harrassing the whaling boat and that is just plain wrong. If the whaler boat operates in any certain jurisdiction they would be arrested for violating the harvesting ban. These "whale warriors" or whatever they called themselve should take all that money and effort and help out the starving, homeless peoples in their own flipping country. That is a noble and worthy effort, preventing others trying to make a living doing something that is not illegal is plain DUMB. By the way, the Alaskan natives still harvest whale the old fashion way and they are not getting arrested. If they like playing with boat and dangerous situations so much they should go harrassing the Somalia pirates.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 25, 2009
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

thats not the 1st time they crashed with another ship, they crashed there big vessel into a jap boat last season and it was there fault.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

Accident?? Hah!

That is one vessel that will not harrass the whaling fleet for a while.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

Wow .. no way to tell if that was real footage just prior to the collision or if it was chopped to change the date on the watch But either way the Captain of the Ady Gil was wrong to cross the path that close .. mechanical failures do happen . He put his crews lives on the line by manuvering in an intentional way . I personally agree with most conservation efforts But the Sea Shepards have gone too far ! The harassment and stuff is one thing but crossing the path of a vessel that big with what looks like less that 50 feet to spare when you both are at speed is suicidal and idiotic !
Not to defend anyone but if they did put a line out and tried it again , The Captain of the whaler probably assumed a bow crossing and tried to go to starboard to avoid the line and the Gil stopped , If you watch the video I posted on the bottom of page 1 you will see the Whaler turn to port as soon as the collision is over . On a boat that big the decision was made to turn port well before the collision . This is gonna get HUGE and I hope some form of World Court decides what to do here ! ...


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

I have one simple question. Why in the flyin' flip do the wannbe-do-gooders need the Batmobile? If somebody answers bio-diesel I will simply puke. You don't need the Starship Enterprise to run bio-diesel . . . :rolleyes:

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

What we don't see in any of the video's, is how long the Ady Gil was out there messing with everything the whaler did. All we seen was the last thing the whaler did. The skipper of the whaler probably had it up to here with the BS from the toy boat, probably warned them with what they were going to do if they continued. Then when they did continue, the whaler turned on the fire hoses as they approched and the toy turned in front of them again for the 1000'th time in the last few hours, days, weeks or months, (Who knows).
I don't like whaling either, but the toy boat is not a legal law enforcement vessel and has no right to do what it was doing. On the high seas where there is no cop on the beat, sometimes you just have to take care of the problem yourself when terrorists strike.

Kiwi Phil

Jun 23, 2003
Re: Whale wars boat sinking

This is what I understand has been going on over the past years.

The anti-whalers try and get between the harpoon ship and the whale to block the firing.

Previous ships were too slow to do this, hence the Ady Gil.... be aware, before all this ramming, its was made public that the Ady Gil had x amount of armoured kevlar (think that is what it was called) added, and I thought they said it was protection against harpoons so they could race in front of the bows of the harpoon vessel.

Previous footage has shown them doing exactly this, really dangerously.

Another tactic...tow a rope....don't think they are hemp either. Don't understand well, but from documentaries I have seen in past about this, these ropes will entangle themselves on the ship and can cause it to be torn open and sink.

Last year the Sea Sheppard was in collision with a whaler, and of course it was "all the whalers fault".

My attitude is...food is food....and not all societies eat the same....so long as it isn't wasted.....heck, I couldn't even get QC to try some vegemite on his toast, and every aussie is born and bred on the stuff!!...we love it.

here are photos of the inside of the boat....in better days.

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