Re: Wetsuit season begins tommorrow
Woo hoo! Hit 70 ski days for the season today.
If we can keep it going for another couple of weeks it would be nice to say I skied in all but three months this past year.
70 is a lot of ski days. I'm jealous. You can easily cover one of those missing 3 months by joining the guys that ski every New Years day. Usually ski out of Hidden Falls park in St Paul, providing the park gate is open. Otherwise they usually go to the Mn River and launch in the State Park on the south side. I usually go, but have missed the last couple years. Send me a PM if you want to go this year and I'll get you hooked up with the boat owner, Paul.
One of my buddies, Jim, has a personal goal to ski at least once per calendar month. Easy to do April thorough November, but he hasn't missed a month in over 27 years! All in MN too! Just the fact of being physically able to do it amazes me. No broken bones or injuries that would prevent one from skiing.