Re: Vape!!!
:joyous:Matter of opinion:lol: dipping is chewing is dipping is....? "Affects" the brain/nervous system. I've seen spiders come out of hiding, crawl up-down and around, to finally spin their last web straight down to the ground and expire. Deprived of a smoke/nicotine people will react similarly all but the final grounding. 50 yrs and still quitting after every pack. I hate that I grew up when smoking was "cool" and glorified in all visual and audio influences. Mom and Pop and Grandpa with his pipe. What does it do to/for me? When I'm working and don't have time to eat, a smoke will kill the hunger pangs, in a stressful situation, a cig will calm me, makes a cup of coffee or a beer just perfect. If you're asking why, I'd like to be informed of the answer.