Re: Under floor floatation? Ping Pong Balls?
Pat, Ive been sniffin and postin here for a few years now, mostly in this last year, did mostly learnin' and lurkin' prior to that. I have only had "interactions" with two people, one of which we all know all to well and the other was with BillP. There was a marked difference between the two. With Bill, we "discussed" a difference of opinion on whether to remove the upper deck or not for transom replacement. In the end, I still have respect for BillP because he has shown that he has a large amount of knowledge in the fine art of 'glass, more than I do, and I have learned much from his assistance to others. While I still stand by my opinion of how to do the transom thing, I also see his way was as equally viable once I understood what he meant. It was all good. With that "other" individual, it was a bad deal all the way around, and apparantly the wounds are still fresh on his part. Me, I could give a hairy rats arse, except for a few posts, his 39 posts consist of fighting with everyone and contributing not even marginally to the solving of someone elses problems. There are four types of message board users: Lurkers, Answerers, Askers, and Fighters. I think thats all that needs to be said. Peace Out.....