UK sailors captured at gunpoint


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

RubberFrog said:
Haut said:
Vlad has an excellent idea........;)
Cut off their gulf ports, & see how they like them apples......:)

How about we blow up their ports?
A man after my own heart. That's all some people know.
And fear.



Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

OK, I'll listen to Link . . . on topic now. Haut (noted iboats religious leader), which God should the British sailors pray to?

Kidding . . . :devil: :love:

I read something in the LA Times this morning that should help Lisa, Jamie and Chris recognize where the real Nuclear threat lies. British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett told Parliament, "It is a constant source of astonishment to me that it seems not to dawn on some of the authorities in Iran that behaving in that manner increases rather than diminishes people's concern about how they would behave if they had a nuclear weapon."

This little snippet may also help others understand why Blair and Bush are truly heroes for going into Iraq, we simply cannot afford to wait around to see if these guys can be trusted. They can't! Yes, once again I have made a generalization using "these guys" to describe a combination of Islamo Fascists (Ahmadinejad and bin Laden) and sociopaths (bin Laden and Saddam). Pretty scary combo if you ask me . . . ;)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

jimlad said:
Hi Rubberfrog i dont thing for one second you are anti-brit nor do i believe we are begging for mercy but i repeat my question in that what would a strike on iran actually solve besides the obvious of killing millions for just 15

[colour=blue]Hi Lisa, Sorry to butt in again. I guess I did not adequately explain myself previously; or maybe you reject my statments, (sorry I can't tell). You said you knew very little about American history, (I hope you know British and European and World history), as knowledge of history can and does save one from encouraging your elected leaders to make the same misstakes over and over. This is not about the 15 sailors, (they are just the current pawns used by Iran). This is about what you do in the face of open aggression by an arch enemy. Neville Chamberlain had a time honored philosophy that had been tried since the dawn of human history with the exact same results every single time. The Lesson: If you appease an aggressor they will want more and more until they have everything you hold dear. Sir Winston Churchill had another time honored philosophy that had also been tried since the dawn of history. Sir Winstons' always worked if ya win the war, Chamberlains' always lead to a bigger loss of life and material when the aggressor kept taking what they want until you either win or loose, ('cause yer life does not mean much to the aggressor). EVERY TIME IN THE HISTORY OF MAN: Lisa. No contrary examples, (ZERO NADA). That is why I have stated the anti war Libs, (although we all have warm fuzzy wishes n' feelings), are trying to make things much worse, maybe they don't know history and the nature of aggressors, I don't know but IT NEVER WORKS AND ALWAYS MAKES IT WORSE. I thought Rubber was right in his initial take, (as both Britian and the USA are dominated by Libs), and it seems he is right so far. [/colour]

i have to admit though i have been watching it all unfold on the news and it is getting pretty tense but also quite petty iranians changing there minds on this and that we wont bow to there demands for admittance to anything but we wont have a confrontation either but something does need to happen now

[colour=blue]Something that you may wish to cornsider: do ya think that if you and every Brit were to renounce Christianity, and your alliance with the USA n' agree to provide your masters with nuclear technology, and all of your military technology, pray to Mecca five times a day every day and follow the instructions of the Muslim Mullas. That may buy ys a few years of relative peace. That said: history again gets in the way. The fact is that Muslims always kill more Muslims for not bein' Muslim enough then they kill infidels, (and they have always killed lots of infidels). So: there is not a very warm n' fuzzy path here if ya think jus' a li'l. The other way. Maggie Thatcher, n' Sir Winstons': show 'em that stiff upper lip n' give 'em 5 days to evacuate Tehran, (n' hope they blink). If they don't blink the 15 sailors will have sacreficed themselves for the good of all mankind. Iran would be very reluctant to take another 15 or even one as they ponder how to begin to rebuild their great city. That is the kinda outcome that may save civilization as we now know it: Lisa. I think Rubber is right in that nothing will be done and the aggressor will be rewarded, (as has been done since 1979 when this WAR started). TG: THE FALL OF THE SHAW WAS THE START OF THIS MESS! It will lead to a terrible loss at some point in the future where we will either fight or cede our freedom to Persian/Muslim masters. "FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE: MRS J." Respectfully, (I mean it and I know my words are blunt but they are a true reflection of human history), JR[/colour]


Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

QC said:
OK, I'll listen to Link . . . on topic now. Haut (noted iboats religious leader), which God should the British sailors pray to?
Kidding . . . :devil: :love:

I read something in the LA Times this morning that should help Lisa, Jamie and Chris recognize where the real Nuclear threat lies. British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett told Parliament, "It is a constant source of astonishment to me that it seems not to dawn on some of the authorities in Iran that behaving in that manner increases rather than diminishes people's concern about how they would behave if they had a nuclear weapon."

This little snippet may also help others understand why Blair and Bush are truly heroes for going into Iraq, we simply cannot afford to wait around to see if these guys can be trusted. They can't! Yes, once again I have made a generalization using "these guys" to describe a combination of Islamo Fascists (Ahmadinejad and bin Laden) and sociopaths (bin Laden and Saddam). Pretty scary combo if you ask me . . . ;)

I've been promoted to Imam.......:devil:
Methinks they should pray to the God of their choice......
& Murky's vision of the Libs. God, .ie, big government.....;)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

LOL @ Bro Haut the new AYATOLLAH! 8)8)8)


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 4, 2007
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Thanks Lisa. I love you guys. Except I have to admit that I once had a girl dump me for a guy with a brit accent. I don't even think it was a real one! :devil: It took me a while to come back around to liking you... 8)

Well im glad you come round to liking us again we're not all bad;)

To OMR i think it was QC who said about removing UK troops from iraq to go into iran and if we do that sounds like a plan of divide and conquer us in iran and US in iraq

i totally respect your opinions and it is great to debate them with you



Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

jimlad said:
i think it was QC who said about removing UK troops from iraq
No, not me.

I do have a plan though. The UK should agree that these guys (and gal) were in Iranian waters. The moment they are in safe hands they should unleash a seriously destructive barrage on Iran's nuclear facilities, and the US should help them. Simultaneously the UK should release every piece of correspondence of significance especially the intial ones from the Iranians that showed the incident happened in Iraqi waters. Following that, the UK Government should make a public statement noting that from this point forward if any UK soldiers or citizens are held hostage by a foreign Government, for any reason, we will lie like we did to these Iranian scumbags to secure their return and then we will strike you with overwhelming force. If you do not believe our lies we will strike within 48 hours regardless. Basically, you hold our people prisoner outside of war and we strike. Either way. With or without our people being released. Period, end of story.

Oh, oh and it is important to note that Iran is a UN member . . .


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 4, 2007
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

sorry QC there has been so much good debating on here i forgot who said what. 8)

that could be a good idea there QC do what we can even lie to get our people home then deal with Iran afterwards but still not with nukes.



Chief Petty Officer
Feb 4, 2007
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

So sorry again QC i checked back it was CJY who said it i think he may be right as i said

Divide and Conquer.

This may be a case of Iran trying to remove the UK from Iraq, hence putting more pressure on the US in Iraq.

Think about it; UK pulls out of Iraq to go after Iran. This would cause more pressure to be placed on the US troups while in Iraq making it less likely for a US attack on Iran. Therefore, Iran only has to deal with the UK while the US now deals with Iraq...alone. Something I am sure Iran would love to see happen.

This scenarion increases the likelihood of both the US and UK failing. I believe these are both very high on Iran's list of things to do. CJY


Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

You're missing the point.....
They only need planes & bombs for an Iranian incursion.....
Not one Allied soldier need set foot on Axis ground.....;)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

jimlad said:
even lie to get our people home
Yup, meet lies with lies. Then come clean with all of the evidence for the world to see.

jimlad said:
still not with nukes.
Aboslutely, 100% agree . . .


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Haut said:
Not one Allied soldier need set foot on Axis ground....
Agree. Heck, take a play out of Clinton's book. Tomahawk cruise missiles seem to work really well on this type of mission . . .


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 4, 2007
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

ok just read this on sky news website is this what they really want from us

Iran has published another letter allegedly written by Leading Seaman Faye Turney in which she supposedly calls for British forces to withdraw from Iraq.

The letter also asks the British Government why it allowed the British captives to stray into Iranian waters.

And it goes on to say the group is being treated well by the Iranians.

Analysts immediately doubted the validity of the letter, saying the wording was not likely to have been thought up by the 26-year-old sailor.

The letter coincided with the release of new footage of the 15 Royal Navy sailors and Royal Marines being seized by Iranian gunboats in the Gulf.

In the video clips, gunshots are heard and a helicopter is shown hovering above inflatable boats in choppy seas.

Vessels close in on Royal Navy boats then the 15 captured Britons are shown seated in an Iranian gunboat.

Iranian boat (R) approaching a Royal Navy vessel The arrest footage was preceded by a senior Iranian officer using maps to explain how the Britons had "crossed into Iranian territory".

But the UK has maintained the crews were in Iraqi waters and were wrongfully seized.

Iranian TV had previously shown video footage of the detainees eating and talking.

That broadcast featured an interview with L/S Turney in which she confessed - probably under duress - that the Britons had been at fault.

Prime Minister Tony Blair said it was a "disgrace" the way L/STurney, a 25-year-old mother of a three-year-old girl, was shown on TV.

"We are going to have to step up pressure not just with them in the UN and the European Union, but see what further measures are necessary to get them to understand it's not merely wrong but only going to result in further tension," he added.


Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Why didn't the Axis forces just pull up, say, "You are in Iranian waters, return to Iraqi waters immediately or be taken into custody".....


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Haut said:
Well they have been known to strap bombs to themselves . . .


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

OFF TOPIC: QC, I have an idea. :% Why don't ya read the thread: (Townhall) started by me, (they don't allow the title of my articles), and it is on the second page now? We can then sort out the nature of Libs, (a debate not an argument). All ya have to do is post there and: I will reply. The tread is about the nature and tactics of Liberals, so it should not offend people as being "off topic" if debated there.
Back On TOPIC:

Here is an interesting take about this incident from "The Gardian" . I hope the linc works as it has commas, (which seem to snag other lincs). Title: "Faced with Iranian blackmail, Europe must show real solidarity" Author: Timmothy Garton Ash,,2045054,00.html

Yup the comma stoped the linc, so you will have to type it in yer browser to read, (I thought it was a good one) Sorry JR


Jan 13, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

jimlad said:
ok just read this on sky news website is this what they really want from us

Iran has published another letter allegedly written by Leading Seaman Faye Turney in which she supposedly calls for British forces to withdraw from Iraq.

The letter also asks the British Government why it allowed the British captives to stray into Iranian waters.

And it goes on to say the group is being treated well by the Iranians.

Analysts immediately doubted the validity of the letter, saying the wording was not likely to have been thought up by the 26-year-old sailor.

The letter coincided with the release of new footage of the 15 Royal Navy sailors and Royal Marines being seized by Iranian gunboats in the Gulf.

In the video clips, gunshots are heard and a helicopter is shown hovering above inflatable boats in choppy seas.

Vessels close in on Royal Navy boats then the 15 captured Britons are shown seated in an Iranian gunboat.

Iranian boat (R) approaching a Royal Navy vessel The arrest footage was preceded by a senior Iranian officer using maps to explain how the Britons had "crossed into Iranian territory".

But the UK has maintained the crews were in Iraqi waters and were wrongfully seized.

Iranian TV had previously shown video footage of the detainees eating and talking.

That broadcast featured an interview with L/S Turney in which she confessed - probably under duress - that the Britons had been at fault.

Prime Minister Tony Blair said it was a "disgrace" the way L/STurney, a 25-year-old mother of a three-year-old girl, was shown on TV.

"We are going to have to step up pressure not just with them in the UN and the European Union, but see what further measures are necessary to get them to understand it's not merely wrong but only going to result in further tension," he added.


Can you imagine that, they took captive's and now are trying to negociate a peace or a omission of some sort.

Unless i am wrong here,and feel free to point our my error, that is the very defintion of terrorism, only this time the country of Iran is with out any trepidation going to the world and stating it's term's

What really surprise's me that this is a boating forum and no one has made mention of the passage they were picked up in, it is almost impossible to turn a boat in those water's without crossing anyone's international boundries, funny they put the hair's on a british ship, why not american.......


Jun 19, 2002
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

QC said:
Haut said:
Well they have been known to strap bombs to themselves . . .
14.gif because an aggressor ( in a rubber boat )may have a bomb strapped to its back ...then a military warship must submit itself and allow itself capure? DO THEY NOT HAVE GUNS MOUNTED? How were they allowed to approach? Was this not a British Warship? I'm very disappointed.

BTW....Is the Black Scarf that the woman seaman is wearing, part of the womens uniform of the Royal British Navy? What a disappointment, I say...

And , is she the only one writing home? I would be pretty upset with the men if I was a relative...


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 4, 2007
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

BTW....Is the Black Scarf the the woman seaman is wearing part of the womens uniform of the Royal British Navy? What a disappointment, I say...

No it is not and if it was why the dissappontment?


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Tail_Gunner said:
jimlad said:
ok just read this on sky news website is this what they really want from us

Iran has published another letter allegedly written by Leading Seaman Faye Turney in which she supposedly calls for British forces to withdraw from Iraq.

The letter also asks the British Government why it allowed the British captives to stray into Iranian waters.

And it goes on to say the group is being treated well by the Iranians.

Analysts immediately doubted the validity of the letter, saying the wording was not likely to have been thought up by the 26-year-old sailor.

The letter coincided with the release of new footage of the 15 Royal Navy sailors and Royal Marines being seized by Iranian gunboats in the Gulf.

In the video clips, gunshots are heard and a helicopter is shown hovering above inflatable boats in choppy seas.

Vessels close in on Royal Navy boats then the 15 captured Britons are shown seated in an Iranian gunboat.

Iranian boat (R) approaching a Royal Navy vessel The arrest footage was preceded by a senior Iranian officer using maps to explain how the Britons had "crossed into Iranian territory".

But the UK has maintained the crews were in Iraqi waters and were wrongfully seized.

Iranian TV had previously shown video footage of the detainees eating and talking.

That broadcast featured an interview with L/S Turney in which she confessed - probably under duress - that the Britons had been at fault.

Prime Minister Tony Blair said it was a "disgrace" the way L/STurney, a 25-year-old mother of a three-year-old girl, was shown on TV.

"We are going to have to step up pressure not just with them in the UN and the European Union, but see what further measures are necessary to get them to understand it's not merely wrong but only going to result in further tension," he added.


Can you imagine that, they took captive's and now are trying to negociate a peace or a omission of some sort.

Unless i am wrong here,and feel free to point our my error, that is the very defintion of terrorism, only this time the country of Iran is with out any trepidation going to the world and stating it's term's

What really surprise's me that this is a boating forum and no one has made mention of the passage they were picked up in, it is almost impossible to turn a boat in those water's without crossing anyone's international boundries, funny they put the hair's on a british ship, why not american.......

[colour=blue]Real simple TG. President Bush has a couple of rather large ships n' support ships that have some rather nasty aircraft on 'em. He may get impeached if he did something, (and he still may if he does). That said: Rubber is very likely right: the Brits may back down and allow the Persians to advance their aggression. Mr Bush is not as predictable. Remember Ronald Reagan, (another great President HATED BY MOST EUROPEANS, n' all American Libs [like the protests over the "peace makers" if ya care to recall])? BTW, Mr Reagan sunk EVERY major Iranian warship when they messed with him. They did not want to chance such a set back, (even though the Left in America would have their cherished issue to bring George Bush down), n' they still may get it. Stay tuned. JR[/colour]