OldMercsRule said:
[colour=blue]OK: believe what you wish. I'm glad I don't get financial advice from you. [/colour]
Thanks for slinging another back handed insult at me....
[colour=blue]Rubber, You really are tourqued at me: what's up?(Please send me a PM rather then continuing to vent and hurl personal insults at me) hopfully I can stop what is bugging ya or maybe we just stop responding to each other.[/colour]
I am sure you are the great man of mystery in the financial world (as you often like to tell us) but I hate to break it to you that you are not the only one who is doing well financially.
Where did you get the idea I was rich guy throwing my wealth in your face or something? I never said that: Rubber. I worked in the investment banking field for 22 years with big wire houses, (that's all nothing more or less). I read in the past and still read their research, and it does influance my thinking, (very sorry that offends you). The research I read does not comport with your posts here. That's all Rubber: PERIOD. I am just sharing an experienced investment banker type prospective with the group and I picked on your post (your words:
not you personnaly to start my rant, which may have been directed at you as you initiated my reply by labeling my post ridiculous). Please calm down and send me a PM. I will stop replying to you totally if you wish. Respectfully JR[/colour]
Worse things could happen to you then to take my advice. Google up a price for a 3700 sq ft home in the 22180 zip code. Did you know I work for myself managing my investment portfolio? Alas, I don't give out advice... I like to keep the secrets to my success as my very own secrets.
[colour=blue]Rubber, It is not and was not about you or me. I; like you: do my own research and make my own decisions. I am not nor have I ever given any investment advice here on iboats, You need to let this go.[/colour]
When you gonna cut me some slack?
[colour=blue]Right now. Will you do the same for me? Please send a PM and we can talk on the tele. or we can just agree that we are unable to post back and forth. Chill: my friend. [/colour]
Respectfully, george