Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!
Pony said:
Skinnywater said:
You guys seem to want to hold on to these 200 year old values that our country was founded upon, but there is a problem..............its a completely different world.
Not many here would admit to wanting to hold on to these values as much as I do.
My biggest problem is those like you that don't want those values exactly as they were intended 200 years ago has left me and other
Americans like me without a country.
Thats a bit harsh. Calling me un American? ( I can read between the lines.) This is just a simple debate, settle down. I just now remembered why I dont even like to discuss politics here. No one wants to read or attempt to understand anyone elses views. If a view isnt the same as yours its soon I forget that.
I didn't say you were unAmerican.
Instead I think you misunderstand the essense of what an American is. Maybe you're a mislead American.
Lets examine my quote again, specifically my highlight.
"My biggest problem is those like you that don't want those values exactly as they were intended 200 years ago
has left me and other Americans like me without a country."
Since it's your right to believe or say anything you want about our Constitution excuse me if I hold you responsible for that right.
In my opinion people who believe as you do have done a considerable amount of harm to my way of life.
If you believe that the Constitution is a living document (the founders did not), there are plenty of others you can choose from all over the globe.
If I prefer to live life with the one that was given me, the American Constitution original and unchanged, where do I go?
Or do I have to beg you and others that beleive the way you do for sanctuary?
Since when does a
fair and good American do that to another American over a Constitution that is relyed upon to one you wish would be?
Without a doubt many well intentioned, or otherwise, people have done enough damage to the Constitution already to deny me it's fundamentals.
As an American I've never been able to experience the 10th ammendment, a neutral foriegn policy, and a purely defensive military to thier potential.
Instead I hear many like yourself not embracing what wasn't given enough of a chance to work unfettered, to actually believe in subverting away from my children more of the Constitution.
I just now remembered why I dont even like to discuss politics here.
Oh come on now Pony, since when?
I'd rather you debate through what you "read between the lines" than crying foul because someone calls you on what
you write.
My arguement can be used with all the people who attack any of the Constitution or ammendments.
Even to the extent of those that say, "go ahead tap my phone, strip search my mother, I've got nothing to hide."