Thinking about buying a new AR-15


Jun 5, 2011
I love the 7.62 x 39 round, AND the AR platform. So my favorite weapon system is my Armalite AR15 chambered in just that! :)
It's got the punch of an AK with the accuracy of an AR. :D


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I love the 7.62 x 39 round, AND the AR platform. So my favorite weapon system is my Armalite AR15 chambered in just that! :)
It's got the punch of an AK with the accuracy of an AR. :D

Volphin, I actually have two AR15's in 7.62 X 39mm caliber and since it does deliver more knock down capability, It would be an excellent choice for hunting both deer and wild boar. And I also have one with a 3 x 9 x 40mm Burris Fullfield II variable scope just for that ability as well. Accuracy is amazing. They are very nice AR's indeed. And there are so many different calibers available in the AR15 platform, that the choices are very interesting and intriguing. Not sure if everybody knows all the different calibers you can get them in. JMHO!


Jun 21, 2007
Between the AR-15 and AR-10 the caliber list is endless. There are a bunch that you have to neck up or down the brass because there is no commercial ammo for. I want a 300 blackout with a suppressor on it next. All it would take is the upper for quick switching.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Between the AR-15 and AR-10 the caliber list is endless. There are a bunch that you have to neck up or down the brass because there is no commercial ammo for. I want a 300 blackout with a suppressor on it next. All it would take is the upper for quick switching.

Yes thumper, too many times we have certain folks talk about how an AR15 style rifle was never made for anything but killing people. But I disagree. Between target shooting, plinking and hunting with one, they are a vary versatile rifle/gun that can be used for basically anything. There is no limitation as to what they can be used for, and so easy to strip and clean! What else could you ask for? :noidea:


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Yes thumper, too many times we have certain folks talk about how an AR15 style rifle was never made for anything but killing people. But I disagree. Between target shooting, plinking and hunting with one, they are a vary versatile rifle/gun that can be used for basically anything. There is no limitation as to what they can be used for, and so easy to strip and clean! What else could you ask for? :noidea:

I agree GM. People who think that know nothing about guns. Just because they "look" military doesn't make it so. They're no different than my semi auto hunting rifle...... They just look cooler...... :)


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I agree GM. People who think that know nothing about guns. Just because they "look" military doesn't make it so. They're no different than my semi auto hunting rifle...... They just look cooler...... :)

I have to agree with your assessment as well. But looks are what gets folks riled all the time. I can take basically any gun, be it handgun or rifle and make it look ordinary or military with just a few external accessories. Change the stock and forearm and instant mean looking rifle that has no more capability then a standard hunting gun. So actually LOOKS get the anti gun groups every time. And that does point to their serious lack of knowledge that is not even introduced into the equation.

However, the AR platform does offer a very nice and capable hunting rifle very nicely. JMHO!


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
You can get an .458 SOCOM in the AR platform. In fact if I'm not mistaken the basic difference is the upper assembly. So in theory you can swap out the standard 5.56/.223 upper for the .458 SOCOM and go pinking. The big down side is the cost of .458 ammo.....:eek::eek::eek::eek:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
You can get an .458 SOCOM in the AR platform. In fact if I'm not mistaken the basic difference is the upper assembly. So in theory you can swap out the standard 5.56/.223 upper for the .458 SOCOM and go pinking. The big down side is the cost of .458 ammo.....:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Limited, I have a lot of "Wildcat" guns that you cannot buy factory ammo for them. You have to make your own ammo. And that really isn't hard to do. Most every round ever produced, can be made off of another round by using the appropriate empty brass. I use to hunt with a Thompson Contender using a 30 Harriett round. It is basically reformed 30/30 brass but more powerful. And I also have a 357 Harriett Contender and a 7mmTCU as well. These are all wildcat rounds and extremely accurate as well.

The 7mmTCU is a necked up .223 with a 7mm bullet in it. Truly an amazing round. The standard 3006 round is called a mouser round. And that is because the 7mm and 8mm Mouser ammo used the exact same diameter cases. And there are tons of round built off that one standard brass case. Actually the NATO 30 cal is a .308 diameter necked case that is basically a shortened 3006 round. Same bullets, and almost the exact same ballistics as well. But on a shortened case and therefore a short action receiver.

Ballistics has been a huge hobby of mine some years ago. Still have all the reloading AND bullet molding material and capabilities as well. :thumb:


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
I got to play with a .50 cal AR yesterday, talk about a kick in the pants and knock down power, wow!


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
A .50 AR!?! WOW. I've shot the Desert Eagle once and the Barrett .460 ... muzzle brake makes a LOT of difference :D


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
A .50 AR!?! WOW. I've shot the Desert Eagle once and the Barrett .460 ... muzzle brake makes a LOT of difference :D

The Big Name retailer that starts with a C sells a complete upper to convert any AR to a The .50 Beowulf, not the full size round we dealt with in the military, but still packs a punch and was fun to shoot, I know I would not want to be on the business end of one of them, the recoil was not that bad, like shooting a 12 gauge magnum round. The upper is made by Alexander arms. it sells for $829.00


Sep 14, 2008
I agree GM. People who think that know nothing about guns. Just because they "look" military doesn't make it so. They're no different than my semi auto hunting rifle...... They just look cooler...... :)

The agency that I used to work for issued Ruger Mini14s as patrol rifles. I believe one of the reasons was the more conventional appearance. I can imagine what a motorist who does not know a thing about weapons would think if he saw one of our officers putting down an injured deer alongside a busy highway with an ?assault rifle?.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Well unless it is a select fire weapon, it is not an Assault Rifle, the AR variants out there are not Assault weapons, they are simply semi auto sport weapons stylized to mimic another style of weapon.

On that note, I saw another AR I would love to have tonight, but talk about expensive, it was $7400.00 it was a 15 round .300 Winchester Magnum, man, talk about a beautiful gun!
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Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
I would love one of those Ruger Mini 14s. I wound up lookin' at an American made AK (around $700 / 7.62 round), really nice feeling gun.

Amazing what some of these guns cost, ain't it? I live pretty close to Barrett Firearms. Couple of those guns are more than my car(s) cost.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Opps, that should have been a 15 round, not a 155 round, I see we no longer have the ability to go back and edit!



Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Opps, that should have been a 15 round, not a 155 round, I see we no longer have the ability to go back and edit!

Theres a 1hr edit time limit

A 155round magazine would be a tad heavy, even 22shorts...


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Well I figured out the best place in the world to go, if you want to find out how stupid and dumb you are!, those boys over there are ruthless, I have never quite seen so many "experts" Yikes!



Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I would love one of those Ruger Mini 14s. I wound up lookin' at an American made AK (around $700 / 7.62 round), really nice feeling gun.

Amazing what some of these guns cost, ain't it? I live pretty close to Barrett Firearms. Couple of those guns are more than my car(s) cost.

southkogs, I actually have a Ruger Mini14 AND a Ruger Mini30. Both are in their stainless steel versions. The Mini30 shoots 7.62 X 39mm ammo. And Sad to say, I actually hunted deer with the Ruger Mini14 decades ago. Not the gun to use, believe me. While I did shoot two deer with that little round, and proper bullet placement as well, it didn't kill either. I had to use a 44 mag backup revolver. So the end of .223 as a big game hunting rifle for me. However, the Mini30 would do the job very well. JMHO!


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
I have used the .308 round quite a few times over the years to hunt both Elk and Deer, but I would not recommend the 7.62 X 39, just not enough juice and it takes a lot of rounds to bring them down with the shorty round.