Hey nice of you guys to swing by.
Still have to get the aft deck supports in and pop for a couple sheets of 3/4" ply. Get the motor and control on, bow mount TM mounted and wired into a couple deep cycle 27s.
Guy I work with came to work sick and I mean really sick on Monday, he coughed, hacked, snorked and wheezed all day at a timed 42 second interval between events. I was freaked out taking Zicam and EmergenC, gave it to him too, went and got some cough drops so he would stop rendering that crud aerosol. Well yesterday after a couple day incubation period I got it, missed work and an OT shift today. This is horrible, worst cold I've ever had. I don't get sick either so this is really ticking me off all because someone is too important to stay home when sick.