The well traveled 1979 Starcraft 18' V5 SS


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Thanks for stopping by guys and yeah I've checked with tank makers and I'm looking at paying close to a grand for a reproduction and shipping. The tank size is 67x22x4.25 but if I remove the bed the tank sits on I can use a tank with an over all height of 10" including the filler height if it's a V belly tank. I've found one that would fit but the filler point to starboard and my filler is on the port side. Kind of leaning that way and moving the tank back since it's shorter I could make the filler hose longer to have more of a sweep going into the tank.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015
That's too bad about the tank.

Over a year ago while looking at boating forums in Alaska I noticed that many of the people up there don't like aluminum tanks. Their main complaint is they sweat too much. They seemed to be interested in stainless but I suspect those will probably also sweat too much. I suppose that water, freezing and filters are not a good combination.

I would lean towards poly but a custom one of those is probably quite expensive and you have a limited supplier source. The good side is you could utilize the space well with a custom tank.

How about moving the filler? That may not be too difficult for the manufacturer. It's probably worth pursuing.

Good luck, I wish I could help you more.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2012
I agree with Ted, call and ask if they have that tank with the filler on the other side. Seems to me that would be a smart thing to do as a manufacturer to maximize the amount of tanks sold from the same mold.


Jan 23, 2009
5 weeks my fuel tank was at the welding shop and as a last ditch effort to get them to work on it I decided to try and bring them on board with what I'm doing. I showed them pics of the SS and explained how I was up against a wall now and can't go any further in my rebuild until I get the tank. 2 days later I went by and the welder wanted to talk to me. He had done a magnificent job welding the new bottom on. He said when he had the bottom off he scotch bright shined up the inner sides of the tank and found no pitting. Then the bad news came....he said BUT after welding it up and pressure testing, the sides blew out about a dozen pin holes. He said he couldn't believe it as there was no visible pitting. I could tell he really felt badly as he apologized to me twice for it.

As I knew and should've stuck with in the beginning the tank was garbage but I had the hope they could just replace the bottom and all would be good. No such luck so now I'm back at square one and on the hunt for a new tank again. At least they didn't charge me for his time and labor only the material used.
Bummer about the old aluminum tank. Know anybody down here that is planning on visiting you soon?




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Chief Petty Officer
May 8, 2015
That's a tough break Rob, sorry to hear Murphy came to visit. I ended up putting my tank where I did to avoid the expense of a custom tank. It still cost me some $$ because I had to get the filler neck changed to a 90 degree one since I only have 11 inches of clearence under the front deck but it only cost 10 percent of a custom tank.
Good luck in your search for a new one, there is a place online that sells tanks from manufactured boats that has lots of different shapes and sizes that may work for ya. Not sure if posting a link would be against the rules here so I will pm you if I can find it again.


Apr 5, 2011
Sorry to hear about the bad news.. Can you check with the welding shop to see if they can move the filler tube for you? Just a thought..


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
I appreciate you guys motoring by my dry dock. It's a tough nut to crack finding a tank that is narrow enough and short enough but at least length isn't an issue with any of the tanks I've seen. Looks like I can get an 18 gallon tank that will fit but before I pop on it, I'm going to remove the tank bed and expose the belly again just to make sure. Moeller makes the one with the filler that's angled to the wrong side and since it's solid poured poly there's no way to move it and a guy would think if Moeller had one of the same with a left swifty on it I would've seen it by now.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2012
I'd make the call and make sure there isn't one available. Could be a prototype that they want tested, could be new old stock because it didn't sell. You could get a customer service rep that cares and directs you to a site you've never heard of. A 5 minute call is worth the effort I think.


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Strike again...
1:25 PM (1 hour ago)

Thank you for the diagram. We do not offer any fuel tank within your dimensions. Alot of it is due to the width and depth of your tank. We do offer custom aluminum tanks. Below is an order form for the custom aluminum tanks. If you are interested, print the form out, fill in the information and please provide a phone number. Return to us for a quote on the tank and shipping cost.

I sent them the diagram as suggested so we'll see now what they want to build a custom AL tank for me.


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
So I sent in their order form for a new build on a AL tank and got their reply today.

EST: 27 Gallon Est: $475.34 tank only + $242.38 freight = $717.72 total cost

 All tanks are coated with coal tar epoxy (unless otherwise noted).
 All tanks are made from 5052 H32 aluminum, which is required by coast guard (unless otherwise
noted for non marine/fuel use).
 Three week lead time once print has been confirmed, signed, and payment has been received.
 Due to the product being custom built, all sales are final.
 Please send print/photos to: or fax at 931-738-9835.
Requested By:

Caron McCrary
Customer Service Administrator
801 North Spring St. Sparta, TN 38583
Ph. 1-800-432-8344 ext. 340
Fx. 1-931-738-9835
Visit us at: for all your boating needs


Feb 24, 2015
Ouch, and I had problems spending 100$ on a new 12 gallon tank.

You could almost find another donor boat for that cost and get a few more things with it. Just wouldnt be the Custom fit.


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Yah I hear ya on that Gone but fuel tanks are important and that's why they cost so much.

I'm done with the tank debacle, it's gone on way too long now. In the long run having a tank that's brand new custom built by a tank manufacturer gives me peace of mind. The cost of the tank I'm fine with, it's the shipping being over half the cost of the tank, now that really ticks me off.


Aug 18, 2013
Sparta Tn is 3 hours and 40 minutes west of me. Near Cookeville. At $1.80/ gallon for gas I don't know how far $125.00 ( half the shipping cost) would get you towards meeting somebody to pick up the tank. If a fellow iboater were travelling through Tn headed West towards you in the Washington state area maybe they could bring it partway.

I would offer, but I'm not headed towards the Pacific Northwest any time soon.


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Yah I thought about that with a fellow iboater but was thinking maybe Moeller was gouging me for the shipping and someone could send it UPS way cheaper. I went to the UPS website and calculated it out to be almost 200. Not sure what they charge then to properly package the tank but I'm guessing around 50 bucks. :lol:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015
That price makes my teeth hurt.

I know there are aluminum boat manufacturers here in the inland northwest. Northwest in Pasco and some in the Lewiston/Clarkston area as well as Hewes in the Colville area. I suppose they're also in the similar cost area however.

Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.

Good luck in your choice.


Chief Petty Officer
May 26, 2016
For the shipping, checkout 1 or more of the shipping brokers for bids, there will be a large spread between bids from the different shippers.
And UPS wasn't the cheapest.
Another option is Fastenal, yes the nut and bolt company, they run a shipping service on their trucks, I assume to spread the cost out. Guys on the old machine site use them often.
Also, don't have it shipped to your house, there is a big adder for that, either ship it to a business or pick in up at the shippers depot. (they want a loading dock)



Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
That price makes my teeth hurt.

I know there are aluminum boat manufacturers here in the inland northwest. Northwest in Pasco and some in the Lewiston/Clarkston area as well as Hewes in the Colville area. I suppose they're also in the similar cost area however.

Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.

Good luck in your choice.

Yeah I tried Ted but the problem I've had is getting companies to respond to litle ole me. I even had trouble at first with Moeller using their own web based message system and uploading tank diagrams. Once I got their attention though Moeller has been nothing short of fantastic to work with. I believe most of the boat manufactures sub out their tanks to dedicated tank builders, like SC using Florida Marine Tanks who by the way would not even give me the time of day.

For the shipping, checkout 1 or more of the shipping brokers for bids, there will be a large spread between bids from the different shippers.
And UPS wasn't the cheapest.
Another option is Fastenal, yes the nut and bolt company, they run a shipping service on their trucks, I assume to spread the cost out. Guys on the old machine site use them often.
Also, don't have it shipped to your house, there is a big adder for that, either ship it to a business or pick in up at the shippers depot. (they want a loading dock)


Moeller was very sympathetic about what shippers charge and I'm sure it affects their bottom line as well when people see the costs associated with such a large package full of dead air space. Since they're the shipper I'm stuck with who they use, UPS.

So my next issue but not a big one is the Starcraft Tach in the gauge set I got from Glen, it won't work with an OB motor as I got a second and third opinion from the Inline 6 Mercury crowd. If in your travels about the internet if any of you guys see a SC OB motor tach or a similar one with the same coloring let me know.
SC Tach.jpg

crankbait cowboy

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 25, 2013
Yo h20 I got a 60x 21 or so X 6 30 gl tank aluminum that may work for you I don't think it would be 9 inches high counting fittings. Picture of it on my page in the middle of project somewhere check it out and feel free to pm me if interested

crankbait cowboy

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 25, 2013
Page 8 and again on page 20 , I leak tested( and it is in my thread) and may be what y need. I am actually gonna look into that ocean links 18 gl one talked about on your sight here my fill is on port side but looking for starboard for myself
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